Resources Reading List 1990
Annotated Bibliography of Resources By and About Native People - Periodical profile published 1990

Verrall, Catherine, McDowell, Patricia, with Keeshig-Tobias, Lenore
Publisher:  Canadian Alliance in Solidarity with Native People, Canada
Year Published:  1990
Pages:  158pp   Price:  $15   ISBN:  0-921425-03-1
Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number:  CX3951

As the title promises, this is an annotated bibliography, but that meagre description hardly does justice to the wealth of information to be found in this excellent resource. Not only is this a quite comprehensive listing, but the annotations are first-rate: the user gets a good sense of what the material described is like, and whether it would be useful for his/her purposes.
The booklet is divided into several main sections: Books for Children and Elementary Schools, Teaching Resources, and Books for Youth and Adults. There are separate listings of Native periodicals, Native publishers, audio-visual sources, and indices of authors, titles, and audio-visual materials.

Subject Headings

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