Directory of Housing Co-operatives and Resource Groups
Periodical profile published 1982
Publisher: Co-operative Housing Foundation of Canada, Canada
Year Published: 1982
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number: CX2673
If you are considering starting a housing co-operative as a solution to the housing crunch, you have the advantage of being able to draw on the expertise of resource groups across the country who specialize in providing assistance to aspiring co-operatives. Most of these local and reginal resources groups are affiliated with the Co-operative Housing Foundation of Canada. If you are unfamiliar with the resource groups in your area, contact the Foundation, which will be able to provide you with the information.
Some of the resource groups lised concentrate only on starting new co-operatives; others are federations or associatoins of existing co-operatives, (such as Nova Scotia's Access Housing Servcies, and co-operative Housing Foundaiton of Saskatchewan, B.C., Ottawa, and Toronto) some both services existing co-operatives and help start new ones.
The resource groups operate as consultants to people seeking to start housing co-opeatives, and also have available a wide variety of printed and other resource materials relating to all aspects of co-operatives.
The Co-operative Housing Foundation of Toronto a typical example has the following manuals available: "How to Run a Housing Co-op: A Board of Directors Manual"; "Financial Management for Co-operative Housing"; Maintaining Our Homes: A Guide to Maintenance for Housing Co-ops"; " Getting It All Together A Sample Member Handbook";; and "How To Do Leaflets, Newsletters and Newspapers." The Foundaiton also publishes a pamphlet promoting Co-op Housing, entitled "Co-Operative Housing, An Alternative." In addition, one-and two-day courses are offered on topics such as accounting, leadership skills member orientation, technical maintenance, and directing and evaluating mangement personnel. Current co-op news is published in regular newsletter, The Circuit.
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