Periodical profile published 1980

Publisher:  The Alternative Growth Institute, Ottawa, Canada
Year Published:  1980
Pages:  8pp   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number:  CX2124

This first issue of Metamorphoses begins with an article introducing the publication in this way: "Metamorphoses is conceived as a vehicle for exploring the practical and human dimensions of the transition to the conserve society. It will provide a context for reflecting upon the processes of transformation and renewal at work in ourselves and in our society as well as we seek to move towards more autonomous, ecologically sustainable, and personally fulfilling communities and modes of life."

An article on "The Nature of the Change" discusses the change now occurring in human consciousness and concludes by saying, "The consciousness of the species as a while is struggling to make an evolutionary leap - to self-awareness, to planetary awareness, to being at home on this planet and at peace with itself. This is what the change is all about."

A description of The Alternative Growth, the publisher of Metamorphoses, is also included: "Through an exploration of the links between, on the one hand, physical health and psychic well-being and, on the other, the creation and sustenance of social realities and political and economic structures, the Institute seeks to arrive at a better understanding of the potential sources of personal growth and social renewal. Psychology, myth, artistic expression, aesthetic experience and the various approaches to "personal transformation" of different historical epochs and cultures are thus of primary concern."
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