Sources HotLink - June 30, 2016
http://www.sources.com/SSR/HotLink/HotLink-2016-06-30.htmDate Written: 2016-06-30 Publisher: Sources Year Published: 2016 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) Cx Number: CX19593 Articles about the FBI and the information it gathers, Donald Trump and the media, and the role of pharmaceutical companies in suppressing information. Abstract: - Contents: How the FBI’s Pursue-Every-Lead policy allowed the Orlando Shooting FBI Can Access Hundreds of Millions of Face Recognition Photos Press institute blasts Donald Trump's ongoing attacks on media Journalist Survives Assassination Pharmaceutical Companies Have Pressured Doctors, Suppressed Evidence EFF to FCC: Prevent ISPs From Following Your Every Internet Move Connexions Other Voices - June 18, 2016 - Homophobia, Cultural Appropriation, Liberation Theology Hong Kong media forced to leave Mainland after covering protest The Panama Papers boost trust in journalism Build great relationships now, before you need them Topic of the Issue: United States of America Book of the Issue: Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Destiny Film of the Issue: The Inside Job Subject Headings