Moving Ahead
A Guide to Selected Themes from the Nairobi Forwardlooking Strategies for the Advancement of Women - Periodical profile published 1987
Double Issue of the Tribune
Publisher: International Women's Tribune Centre
Year Published: 1987
Pages: 64pp Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number: CX3276
Strategies for change focus on the following areas: decision-making, energy and environmental, exploitation of women, food, water, and argriculture, housing and transport, media and communications, young and old women. This newsletter is actually an abridged version of un upcoming IWTC publication. A community Action Guide to the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women. The FLS document is intended to provide a blue-print for action to adance the status of women in national and international economic cultural, social and legal development to the year 2000.