Wages For Housework Campaign Bulletin.
Periodical profile published 1981

Publisher:  Wages for Housework Campaign, Box 38, Station E, Toronto, Ontario M6H 4E1
Year Published:  1981
Pages:  8pp   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number:  CX2353

The Spring, 1981 issue of the Wages for Housework Campaign Bulletin highlights two areas in which women are struggling for the recognition of housework.

The Spring, 1981 issue of the Wages for Housework Campaign Bulletin highlights two areas in which women are struggling for the recognition of housework.

First, it looks at how the low status of housework affects women who do it for pay in other people's homes. One article outlines the social and legal situation for domestics in nine countries, while others focus on labour laws and organizations of domestic workers in Ontario. Second, this issue examines family law in Canada. Recent provincial law reforms and subsequent court decisions are analysed, indicating the increasing legal acceptance of the value of women's work in the home. Despite the occurrence of injustices in the application of new laws, the author concludes that "women's work in the home, for centuries, invisible and unrewarded, is surfacing as the acknowledged foundation of all the wealth in our society."

Also included in this issue is an interview with Italian feminist, Mariosa Della Costa, a review of the book "The Politics of Housework" (ed. by Ellen Malso) and an article on Ontario's Work Incentive Program by one of its participants.

Subject Headings

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