Medical Reform - Volume 11 Issue 2
April 1991
Date Written: 1991-04-01
Publisher: Medical Reform Group of Ontario
Year Published: 1991
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number: CX22973
Democratizing the health care system: A proposal for discussion from the Resource Allocation Working Group
Summary of Presentation to the Standing Committee on Health and Welfare, Social Affairs, Seniors and the Status of Women
Health Care Reform: Issues for the 1990s
Steering Committee Activities
Payment of Physicians
About Chain letters, memberships, and surveys
Gulf statement called undemocratic
Meet aggression with force
Letter motivated by desire to avert war
Journal review: Medicine and technology assessment
The view from Queen's Park
Foreign medical graduates seek recognition
Request for Assistance on Psychiatric Drugs/Withdrawal
The MRG and the State of Maine
Groups joint to fight for medicare
Health-care crisis forecast in Mass.
Universal health care advocates look to Canada
Court overturns OHIP billing decision
Editorial Board: Haresh Kirpalani, Don Woodside, Cathy Crowe, Bob Frankford, Ulli Diemer