A to Z Index
Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 2016
- A Canadian Lefty in Occupied Land
- A Different Point of View
- A Socialist in Canada
- A Web of Crones
- A Woman's Place Bookstore
- A-Infos
- AANN Bulletin
- ABLE York
- ACT for Disarmament Coalition
- ACT for the Earth
- ADDAMEER Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association
- AFI Agence Femmes Information
- AIDS Action Now!
- AIDS Committee of London
- AIDS Committee of Ottawa
- AIDS Foundation of Canada Inc.
- AIDS Vancouver Island
- AIRSPACE Non-Smokers' Rights Society
- AK Press
- APGHL AIDS Educational Committee
- AQLPA - Bois Franc
- AQLPA - Estrie
- AQLPA - Lanaudire
- AQLPA - Laurentides
- AQLPA-Association québécoise de lutte aux pluies Acides
- ARKive
- ASKI-Y, Education et Promotion de la Solidarite Internationale
- Aamjiwnaang Solidarity
- Abahlali baseMjondolo
- Abbotsford Community Legal Services
- Abbotsford Peace Group
- Abbotsford Peace Movement
- Ability Network
- Aboriginal Rights Coalition (ARC)
- Aboriginal Urban Alliance of Ontario
- Aboriginal Women of British Columbia
- Aboriginal Women's Network
- Aboriginal Women's Unity Coalition
- Abortion by Choice
- Abuse
- Academics for Disarmament
- Academics for Nuclear Disarmament
- Access
- Access Alberta
- Accion Zapatista
- Accueil Bonneau
- Across Frontiers
- Act for Disarmament.
- Action Against Militarism
- Action Awareness for Disabled Persons
- Action Bell Canada
- Action Bulletin
- Action Canada Network
- Action Canada Network (British Columbia)
- Action Canada Network (Prince Edward Island)
- Action Child Care
- Action Day Care Newsletter
- Action Environment
- Action Group Against Harassment & Discrimination in the Workplace
- Action International
- Action League of Physically Handicapped Adults
- Action Linkage
- Action Réfugiés Montréal
- Action Training Collective
- Action Training Network of Ontario
- Action Travail des Femmes
- Action Volunteers for Animals
- Action Without Borders
- Action des chretiens pour l'abolition de la torture
- Action for Social Change
- Action on Legal Aid
- Action-Adaptation
- Action-Information-Femmes
- Action: Auto-Defense pour les Femmes et Enfants
- Activist Men's Journal
- Activist Network
- Activist Performance
- Ad Astra Comix
- Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel
- Adbusters
- Adventure Education Concept
- Adventures in Learning
- Advocate
- Advokid
- Affairs of the Moment
- Affiliation of Multicultural Societies & Service Agencies of B.C.
- Affirm Saskatchewan
- Affirm: Gays & Lesbians in the United Church
- Affirmative Action Committee
- Affordable Housing Action Group
- Africa Files
- Africa Project for Participatory Society
- African Grass Roots Women's Networking
- African Integration & Development Centre
- African National Congress
- Afro-Caribbean Association of Manitoba
- Aftermath - Self-Help for Families of Sexually Abused Children
- Against the Current
- Agassiz Peace Group
- Agence Pastorale Desport
- Agenor
- Agora Foundation
- Agricultural Alternatives
- Agricultural Groups Concerned About Resources and the Environment
- Agricultural Power Line Working Committee
- Aid Fourth World
- Aid for New Mothers
- Aide Du Transsexuels du Québec
- Aime-Toi
- Akwekon/Taking It Back
- Akwesasne Notes
- Akwesasne Youth Organization
- Al-Haq
- Alarm
- Alberni Environment Coalition
- Alberni Valley Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament
- Albert Einstein Institution
- Alberta Action Canada Network
- Alberta Citizens Anti-Cruise Committee
- Alberta Civil Liberties Association
- Alberta Coalition for Forest Spray Alternatives
- Alberta Committee of Citizens with Disabilities
- Alberta Conservation Tillage Society
- Alberta Council of Womens Shelters
- Alberta Federation of Labour Occupational Health Centre
- Alberta Global Education Project
- Alberta Human Rights and Civil Liberties Association
- Alberta Learning Opportunities for Women
- Alberta Lesbian Mothers Defence Fund
- Alberta Lesbian and Gay Rights Association
- Alberta Native News
- Alberta Native Women's Association
- Alberta Pesticide Action Network
- Alberta Provincial Council of Women
- Alberta Public Interest Research Group
- Alberta Social Resources Inventory
- Alberta Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Alberta Society of Women Against Violence
- Alberta Status of Women Action Committee
- Alberta Status of Women Action Committee - Lethbridge
- Alberta Wilderness Association
- Alert
- Alert Bay Peace Group
- Algoma Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility
- Algoma Manitoulin Nuclear Awareness
- Algonquin Womens Culture Group
- Alida Wildlife Federation
- Allan and District Wildlife Federation
- Allergy and Environmental Illness Group
- Alliance Against Sexual Harassment
- Alliance Québec
- Alliance for Cultural Democracy
- Alliance for Global Justice
- Alliance for Green Socialism
- Alliance for Non-Violent Action - Montréal
- Alliance for Non-Violent Action - Ottawa
- Alliance for Non-Violent Action - Toronto
- Alliance for Non-Violent Action - Vancouver
- Alliance for Public Wildlife
- Alliance for Responsible Forest Management
- Alliance for la Paix
- Alliance of Seniors to Protect Canada's Social Programs
- Alliance of the Libertarian Left
- Allied Indian & Metis Society
- Alpine Club of Canada - Vancouver Island Section
- AlterLinks
- AlterNET Communication Association
- AlterNet
- Alternate Community Group
- Alternate Energy Association, Riverview
- Alternate Press
- Alternative Connexions
- Alternative Directions in Energy & Economics
- Alternative Information Center
- Alternative Libraries - Montreal
- Alternative Lifestyles
- Alternative Lifestyles Directory
- Alternative Media
- Alternative Press Center
- Alternative Radio
- Alternative Security Budget Project
- Alternatives
- Alternatives - Action & Communication Network for International Development
- Alternatives - Mothers Chapter 62
- Alternatives: A Group for Abusive Men Who Want To End Violence
- Amalgamated Conservation Society
- Amelia Productions
- American Atheist
- American Civil Liberties Union
- American Friends Service Committee
- American Hit
- American Job
- American Leftist
- American Native Press Archives
- Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights
- Amherst Affirmative Action
- Amies de la Terre de l'Estrie, Les
- Amis de Livre de la Paix Section Québec
- Amnestie Internationale
- Amnesty International, Canadian Section
- Amnistie internationale, Section canadienne (Francophone)
- Anarchismo
- Anarchist Archive
- Anarchist Association of America
- Anarchist Black Cross
- Anarchist Library
- Anarchist U - Anarchist Free University
- Anarchist news dot org
- Anarchists Against the Wall
- Anarcho-Syndicalist Review
- Anarchoblogs
- Anarchos Institute
- Anarchy
- Anarchy Archives
- Anarkismo.net
- Ancaster Citizens for Nuclear Disarmament
- Anduhyaun
- Angles Magazine/Lavender Publishing
- Anglican Diocese Toronto/Training and Education Dept.
- Anglican Social Concern Committee
- Animal Liberation Front Support Group
- Animals' Voice
- Annals of Earth
- Annapolis District Planning Committee
- Anonymous Analytics
- Another Women's Network
- Anselma House
- Antagonism
- Anti-Apartheid Network
- Anti-Authoritarian News Network
- Anti-Racism Work Group
- Anti-Racist Action
- Anti-Slavery International
- Anti-imperialist Camp
- Anticapitalist Initiative
- Antigonish Women's Resource Centre
- Antimedia
- Antipode
- Antiwar.com
- Anvil Foundation
- Apala
- Apostates of Islam
- Appeal to Reason
- Arab Media Watch
- Arbeiter Ring Publishing
- Archives Collective
- Archives for the Protection of Gay History & Literature
- Arctic Circle
- Arguing for socialism
- Ark II - The Animal Rights Kollective
- Arm River Wildlife Federation,
- Arm the Spirit
- Arms Sales Monitoring Project
- Armstrong-Spallumcheen Community Services
- Arrowsmith Ecology Association
- Art Police
- Artest: Youth Arts Activism Paper
- Article 19
- Article 19 Canada
- Artisans Indiens du Québec, Les
- Artistes pour la Paix
- Artists Environment Forum
- Artists for Survival Student Society, Emily Carr
- Arts and Media Committee Labour Council
- Artspace The Market Hall
- Arusha Cross-Cultural Centre
- Asian Women's Research & Action Network
- Asian-Pacific Environment
- Assiniboia Wildlife Federation
- Association Communtaire Homosexuelle
- Association Cooperative Feminine du Québec, L'
- Association Feminine d'Education et Action Sociale
- Association Homophile de Montréal
- Association Jeunesse Fransaskoise
- Association Multi-Ethnique pour l'Integration des Personnes Handicapees
- Association Nationale de la Femme et du Droit
- Association Nationale de la Femme et du Droit
- Association d'amenagement et d'ensem. riv. Watepeka
- Association de la maitrise en environnement
- Association de protection du lac, Taureau
- Association des Familles Monoparentales de La Baie
- Association des Femmes Autochtones
- Association des Femmes Autochtones
- Association des Femmes Autochtones de Québec
- Association des Femmes Chefs de Famille
- Association des Fermieres de l'Ontario
- Association des Gais and Lesbiennes de Universite de Sherbrooke
- Association des Juristes Québec la Ligue des Droits
- Association des Nations Indiennes du Québec
- Association des Resources Montréalaises sur la SIDA
- Association des Sages-Femmes du Québec
- Association des consommateurs du Québec
- Association des proprietaires du lac d'Argent
- Association des recuperateurs du Québec
- Association for Progressive Communications
- Association for Safe Alternatives in Childbrth
- Association for Women's Equity in the Canadian Forces
- Association for Women's Rights in Development
- Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals
- Association forestire Charlevoix - Montmorency
- Association forestire des Cantons Clubs 4-H
- Association forestire du Québec
- Association franco-Yukonnaise
- Association jeunesse fransaskoise
- Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
- Association of Humanistic Psychology
- Association of Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals of Ottawa
- Association of National Non-Profit Artists' Centres
- Association of Ontario Midwives
- Association of Women in Trades
- Association on Human Rights Regina
- Association pour l' Epanouissement de la Communaute Gaie
- Association pour l'amenagement riviere des Prairies
- Association pour l'assainisse la riviere Yamaska
- Association pour la Defense des Droits des Retraites
- Association pour la conservation du boise Papineau
- Association pour la protection du lac Kenogami
- Association pour la protection du lac Megantic
- Association pour la protection l'environn.lac St-Charles
- Association pour les Droits des Gaies du Québec
- Association québécoise des Organismes de Coopération Internationale
- Ateed Centre for Environmental Communities
- Atelier Sud-Nord Service De Pastoral
- Athabasca Chipewyan Indian Band
- Athabascans for Nuclear Disarmament
- Athletes Against the Bomb
- Atikokan Citizens for Nuclear Responsibility
- Atikokan Womens Resource Centre
- Atlantic Council of Co-operatives
- Atlantic Environment Network
- Atlantic Issues
- Atlantic Region Labour Educational Centre
- Atlantic Region of the Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres
- Atlin Conservation Officer Services
- Attac
- Au bas de l'échelle
- Auberge Transition Inc.
- Audio Anarchy
- Audubon Action
- Aufheben
- Auto-Free Ottawa
- Automation Action and Study Group
- Autonomo.us
- Autonomy & Solidarity
- Autre Parole, Dept des Sciences Religieuses U de Q
- Avaaz
- Avataq Cultural Institute
- Aware
- Ayer's Cliff Centre for Self Sufficiences
- B'Tselem
- B.C. Civil Liberties Association
- BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights
- BASIC Poverty Action Group
- BC Blackout
- BDS Movement
- Back to the Farm Research Foundation
- Bad Subjects Collective
- Badger, The
- Baffin Region Inuit Association
- Baha'i Peace Council of Winnipeg
- Balderson & Area Community Association
- Banned Books Online
- Banyen Books
- Baptist Refugee Services Longhouse Village
- Barbara Ward Centre
- Barricada Canada/NICA News
- Barrier Free Group
- Barrier Valley Wildlfe Federation
- Basics News
- Bat Conservation International
- Bat Shalom
- Bathurst & District Labour Council
- Bathurst Banner
- Battered Women's Support Group
- Battered Women's Support Services
- Battleford Association for Nuclear Disarmament
- Battleford Association for Nuclear Disarmament
- Battleford Eco-Alliance
- Battleford Indian & Metis Friendship Centre
- Battleford Wildlife Association
- Bay St. George Status of Women Council
- Bayou La Rose
- Beaches Women's Group
- Bear Hills Native Voice
- Beaufort Hills Homeowners'
- Beauty without Cruelty Inc
- Beaver Hills Wildlife Federation
- Beaver River Wildlife Federation
- Beehive Design Collective
- Bees for Development
- Behind the Mask
- Beit Zatoun
- Bella Coola Peace And Disarmament Group
- Belle River Environmental Protection Association
- Belmont Opposing Nuclear Devastation
- Belwoods Peace Group
- Bench Marks Foundation
- Benedict Labre House of Hospitality
- Bennett Environmental Education Centre
- Bertha Tenasco Director
- Better Transportation Coalition
- Better Understanding Committee
- Between the Issues
- Between the Lines
- Beware
- Beyond Borders -- Ensuring Global Justice for Children
- Beyond Capital
- Beyond War
- Beyond War: Victoria
- Beyond the Fringe
- Bhopal.net: International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal
- Bi-Women's Support Group
- Bi.org
- BiNet USA
- Big Cove Cultural Centre
- Bigots Ban Books Campaign
- Bikes Not Cars
- Bikes Without Borders
- Bikes not Bombs
- Bil'in Village
- Binbrook Anti-Dump Committee
- Birth Control Centre
- Bisexual Resource Center
- Bisexual Women's Support Group
- Bisexual.org
- Bitter Lemons
- Bjorkdale Wildlife Federation
- Black Community Council of Québec
- Black Creek Conservation Project
- Black Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia
- Black Flag
- Black Music Association of Canada
- Black Parents Association
- Black Peoples Movement Bethune College, York U
- Black Perspectives The Women's Group
- Black Rose
- Black Rose Books
- Black Voices
- Black Women's Collective
- Black Workers' Alliance
- Black and Red
- BlackBoxVoting.org
- BlackRhinoceros
- Blind River & Area Environment
- Blind River & Area Environment Monitoring Committee
- Blind River and District Concerned Citizens
- Blomidon Naturalists Society
- Bloor Street Peace Makers
- Bloor Street United Peace Group
- Blueprint for Social Justice
- Bodyfreedom
- Bog.protikapitalu.org
- Boiling Frog
- Bolt
- Bolton Ratepayers Association
- Bonnyville Canadian Native Friendship Centre
- Borderland Wildlife Federation
- Born Again Recycling Co-op
- Bossin's Bottled Remedies
- Botany Conservation Group University of Toronto
- Boundary Environmental & Outdoor Club
- Boundary Naturalists Association
- Bow River Water Users Association
- Bow Valley Women's Centre
- Bowen Anti-Nuke Group
- Boycott Census, The
- Boyne - Britannia Citizens Group,
- Brace Research Institute - McGill University
- Bracero History Archive
- Branching Out
- Branching Out, British Columbia
- Branching Out: Lesbian Cultural Resource Centre
- Brandon & District Labour Council
- Brandon Indian Friendship Centre
- Brandon Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Brandon University Native Womens Organization
- Brandon University Society of Environmentalists
- Brandon University Status of Women Committee
- Brandon Women's Institute
- Brant Social Development Council
- Brant Women's Network
- Brantford and District Labour Council
- Brave New Theaters
- Brazen Hussy Concert Productions
- Bread and Puppets Theatre
- Bread and Roses Credit Union
- Break Their Haughty Power
- Breaking the Silence
- Brecher, Jeremy
- Brecht Forum
- Breslube Citizens Committee
- Brethren & Mennonite Council For Lesbian & Gay Concerns
- Briarpatch
- Bridgehead
- Bridgehead
- Bridgehead Distributing-High Level Foods Co-op
- Bridgeport Basin Environment Ctte,
- Bridlewood Residents Hydro Line Committee
- British Columbia AIDS Resource Centre
- British Columbia Bar Association Special Committee On Nuclear Arms Issues
- British Columbia Bar Association Special Committee On Nuclear Arms Issues
- British Columbia Coalition Against Free Trade
- British Columbia Coalition Against Free Trade
- British Columbia Coalition for Abortion Clinics
- British Columbia Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides
- British Columbia Coalition of People with Disabilities
- British Columbia Conservation Foundation
- British Columbia Construction Industry, Health and Safety Council
- British Columbia Council of Women
- British Columbia Daycare Action Coalition
- British Columbia Energy Coalition
- British Columbia Energy Coalition
- British Columbia Environmental Educators Provincial Specialists Association
- British Columbia Environmental Network
- British Columbia Environmental Organization
- British Columbia Environmental Report
- British Columbia Federation of Women
- British Columbia Fisheries Survival Coalition
- British Columbia Hanford Action Group
- British Columbia Health Care Advocates
- British Columbia Human Rights Coalition -- Vancouver Region
- British Columbia Human Rights Commission
- British Columbia Institute on Family Violence
- British Columbia Medical Association - Environmental Committee
- British Columbia New Democratic Party Women's Rights Committee
- British Columbia Old Age Pensioners Organization
- British Columbia Parents In Crisis Society
- British Columbia Peace Council
- British Columbia Psychologists for Social Responsibility
- British Columbia Public Interest Advocacy Centre
- British Columbia Public Interest Research Group - Victoria
- British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- British Columbia Teachers for Peace and Global Education
- British Columbia Teachers' Federation Program Against Racism
- British Columbia Teachers' Federation Status of Women Committee
- British Columbia Voice of Women
- British Columbia Watershed Protection Alliance
- British Columbia Wilderness-Tourism Committee
- British Columbia Wildlife Federation
- British Columbia Women's Access Association Fraser Valley College
- British Ecological Society
- Briutwater Blackstrap Wildlife
- Broadcasting for International Understanding
- Broadside
- Broadview Wildlife Federation
- Brockville & District Labour Council
- Brotherhood of Indian Nations
- Bruno Wildlife Federation
- Brunswick Books
- Bubble, The
- Buckthorn Wildlife Federation
- Buddhist Movement for Justice and Peace
- Buddies in Bad Times Theatre
- Buffalo Lake Wildlife Federation
- Building Economic Alternatives
- Bullet, The
- Bulletin
- Bulletin du Sommet Populaire
- Bulletin of Anarchist Research
- Bureau of Public Secrets
- Burlington Association for Nuclear Disarmament
- Burnaby Peace Committee
- Burns Lake Bridge the Gap
- Burns Lake Conservation Officer Service
- Business Council for Fair Trade
- Bustan
- BuzzFlash
- By Ourselves
- CEIU Local 543
- CFUV Radio SUB, Univ of Victoria
- CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency
- CJN - Boucherville
- CJN - Est du Québec
- CJN - Lanaudire
- CJN - Québec
- CJN - Richilieu-Yamaska et les Explorateurs nature
- CKMS FM Radio Waterloo
- CLS - Est du Québec Conseil des Loisirs Scientifiques
- CLS - Estrie Conseil des loisirs scientifiques
- CLS - Mauricie
- CLS - Montréal Conseil des Loisirs Scientifiques
- CLS - Nord-Cotier Conseil des Loisirs Scientifiques
- CLS - Outaouais Conseil des Loisirs Scientifiques
- CLS - Québec Conseil des Loisirs Scientifiques
- CLS - Saguenay Lac St-Jean, Conseil des Loisirs Scientifiques
- COCo - Centre for Community Organizations
- COSTI Immigrant Services
- CPAWS, Cagary/Banff Chpt
- CRS Workers Co-op
- CUSO Alberta
- CUSO Atlantic
- CUSO British Columbia
- CUSO Forum/CUSO Journal
- CUSO Manitoba
- CUSO Ontario
- CUSO Québec
- CUSO Saskatchewan
- Calder Wroxton Wildlife
- Caledon Institute of Social Policy
- Caledonia Concerned Citizens
- Calgary Aboriginal Awareness Society
- Calgary Catholic Immigration Society
- Calgary Civil Liberties
- Calgary Coalition to Save Medicare
- Calgary Disarmament Coalition
- Calgary Disarmament Union
- Calgary Eyeopener
- Calgary Interchurch Committee on Human Rights in Latin America
- Calgary Native Friendship Society
- Calgary Peace Education Group
- Calgary Presbytery Resource Store
- Calgary Urban Indian Youth
- Calgary Working Women's Organization
- California Newsreel
- Calument Peace Committee
- Cambrian Native Students Association and Activity
- Caminando
- Camp Ecole Chicobi-Guyenne
- Campaign for Freedom of Information
- Campaign for Labor Rights
- Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
- Campaign for Nuclear Phaseout
- Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
- Campbell River Administration Office
- Campbell River Peace Group
- Campbell River, Courtenay & District Labour Council
- Campbellton-Dalhouse & District Labour Council
- Campus Action for International Development
- CampusActivism.org
- Camrose International Institute
- Can-Am Indian Friendship Centre
- Canada Asia Working Group
- Canada Council on Human Rights & Race Relations
- Canada Disarmament Information
- Canada EarthSave Society
- Canada Employment and Immigration Union
- Canada Future Forest Project
- Canada Haiti Action
- Canada Palestine Association
- Canada Voice for Independence
- Canada-Palestine Support Network
- Canadian Abortion Rights Action League
- Canadian Action for Indonesia and East Timor
- Canadian Action for Nicaragua
- Canadian Activism Archives
- Canadian Aid for Vietnam Civilians
- Canadian Alliance in Solidarity with the Native Peoples
- Canadian Alliance of Home Schoolers
- Canadian Anti-Racism Education & Research Society
- Canadian Anti-Racism Education and Research Society
- Canadian Artists' Representation
- Canadian Association for Adult Education
- Canadian Association for Humane Trapping
- Canadian Association for Prevention of Discrimination & Harassment in High
- Canadian Association for Young Children
- Canadian Association for the Study of International Development
- Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples
- Canadian Association of Industrial Mechanical Allied Workers
- Canadian Association of Labour Media
- Canadian Association of Retired Persons
- Canadian Association of Smelter and Allied Workers
- Canadian Auto Workers Local #19,
- Canadian Auto Workers Local #199
- Canadian Auto Workers Local #444
- Canadian Baptist Refugee Services
- Canadian Botanical Conservation Network
- Canadian Bureau for International Education
- Canadian Buy Recycled Alliance
- Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace
- Canadian Catholics for the Ordination of Women
- Canadian Centre International PEN
- Canadian Centre for Arms Control and Disarmament
- Canadian Centre for Community Renewal
- Canadian Centre for Genocide Education
- Canadian Centre for International Justice
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Canadian Centre for Social Justice
- Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture
- Canadian Centre on Racism and Prejudice
- Canadian Charger, The
- Canadian Civil Liberties Association
- Canadian Co-operative Association
- Canadian Coalition for Lead-Free
- Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility
- Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility
- Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children
- Canadian Coalition of Womens Groups
- Canadian Coalition on Acid Rain
- Canadian Coalition on New Reproductive Technologies
- Canadian Coalition to Stop Food Irradiation
- Canadian Cohousing Network
- Canadian Committee for Soviet Jewry
- Canadian Committee on Labour History
- Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women - Edmonton
- Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women - Regina
- Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women - Regina
- Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women - Regina
- Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women - Toronto
- Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women - Toronto
- Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women - Vancouver
- Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women - Winnipeg
- Canadian Council for Racial Harmony
- Canadian Council for Refugees
- Canadian Council for Refugees
- Canadian Council on Multicultural Health
- Canadian Council on Social Development - Montréal
- Canadian Crossroads Atlantic Regional Office
- Canadian Crossroads International
- Canadian Day Care Advocacy Association
- Canadian Dimension
- Canadian Disability Rights Council
- Canadian Disarmament Information Service
- Canadian Disarmament Information Service
- Canadian Doctors for Medicare
- Canadian EarthCare Society
- Canadian Ecumenical Action
- Canadian Environmental Network
- Canadian Ethnocultural Council
- Canadian Farmworkers Union
- Canadian Federation of Labour
- Canadian Federation of Labour - New Brunswick
- Canadian Federation of Labour - Newfoundland and Labrador
- Canadian Federation of Labour - Nova Scotia
- Canadian Federation of Labour - Prince Edward Island
- Canadian Feminist Alliance For International Action
- Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre
- Canadian Foreign Aid Dialogue
- Canadian Forum
- Canadian Foundation for Children, Youth and the Law
- Canadian Foundation for the Prevention of Family Violence
- Canadian Foundation of Refugees
- Canadian Friends Service Committee
- Canadian Friends of Neve Shalom
- Canadian Friends of Peace Now
- Canadian Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Resource Directory
- Canadian Health Coalition
- Canadian Human Rights Reporter
- Canadian Humanist Publications
- Canadian Independent Film Caucus
- Canadian Information Network on Development Issues
- Canadian Injured Workers Alliance
- Canadian Inquiry into Human Rights Abuses in Chile
- Canadian Institute of Cultural Affairs
- Canadian Institute of Senior Citizen Centres
- Canadian Jesuit Missions
- Canadian Journal of Development Studies
- Canadian Journal of Feminist Ethics
- Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory
- Canadian Journalists for Free Expression
- Canadian Lawyers Association for International Human Rights
- Canadian Lesbian & Gay Archives
- Canadian Lutheran World Relief
- Canadian Marine Environment Protection Society
- Canadian Natural Health Association
- Canadian Network for El Salvador Solidarity
- Canadian Network for Inclusive Cultural Exchange
- Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
- Canadian News Synthesis Project
- Canadian Nuclear Free Pacific Support Network
- Canadian Nuclear Free and Independent Support Network
- Canadian Office of Renewal
- Canadian Organic Products Marketing Co-op
- Canadian Organization for Development Through Education
- Canadian Organization for Rights of Prostitutes
- Canadian Paperworker's Union CUPE Local 1190
- Canadian Parks and Recreation
- Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - B.C. Chapter
- Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society- Saskatchewan
- Canadian Peace Alliance
- Canadian Peace Congress
- Canadian Peace Educators Network
- Canadian Peace Research & Education Association
- Canadian Peace Research Institute
- Canadian Pensioners Concerned
- Canadian Pensioners Concerned (Ontario Division)
- Canadian Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
- Canadian Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
- Canadian Plant Conservation Programme
- Canadian Popular Theatre Alliance
- Canadian Progressive
- Canadian Psychologists for Social Responsibility
- Canadian Rainforest Network
- Canadian Rehabilitation Council for the Disabled
- Canadian Religious Conference - Ontario
- Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women
- Canadian Rights and Liberties Federation
- Canadian Seniors for Social Responsibilities
- Canadian Society for Endangered Birds
- Canadian Society for International Health
- Canadian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
- Canadian Society for the Protection of Heritage Forests
- Canadian Society for the Protection of Heritage Forests
- Canadian Society of Environmental Biologists, Alberta Chapter
- Canadian Student Pugwash
- Canadian Student Pugwash
- Canadian Study Group on Arms Control and Disarmament
- Canadian Support Committee
- Canadian Theological Reflection Project
- Canadian Union of Public Employees National Day Care Committee
- Canadian Vegans for Animal Rights
- Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
- Canadian Water Watch
- Canadian Wind Energy Association
- Canadian Wolf Defenders
- Canadian Woman Studies
- Canadian Woman Studies Journal
- Canadian Women's Mailing List Women's Information Exchange
- Canadian Women's Movement Archives
- Canadian Women's Movement Archives
- Canadian Women's Music and Cultural Festival
- Canadian Youth for Peace
- Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association
- Canadian-Palestinian Educational Exchange
- Canadians Against Pesticides
- Canadians Against the Cruise
- Canadians Concerned About Southern Africa
- Canadians Concerned About Southern Africa
- Canadians Concerned About Southern Africa (Toronto)
- Canadians Concerned About Violence in Entertainment
- Canadians for Accessible Government & Equal Employment Inc.
- Canadians for Conservation of
- Canadians for Democracy in Chile
- Canadians for Ethical Treatment of Food Animals
- Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East
- Canadians for Responsible Northern Development
- Canadians for Self-Determination NICA
- Canadians for a Clean Environment
- Canadians for the Protection of Religious Liberty
- Canards Illimites
- Canary Watch
- Candle, The
- Canora Wildlife Federation
- Canpalent Ottawa
- Cantdu
- Cape Breton & District Labour Council
- Cape Breton Alternate Energy Society
- Cape Breton Coalition for Economic Justice
- Capitalism, Nature, Socialism: A Journal of Socialist Ecology
- Care Canada
- Care Productions
- Caribbean and Africa Canadian Association
- Cariboo Friendship Society
- Cariboo Tribal Council
- Carleton University Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Centre
- Carlton Trail Wildlife Federation
- Carman Nuclear Disarmament Committee
- Carnegie Community Centre
- Carnival of Anarchy
- Carrefour International
- Carrefour Internationale de Moncton C/o W Parisme
- Carrefour Tiers-Monde
- Carrefour d'Ottawa
- Carrefour de solidarite internationale
- Carrefour des Associations Mono-parentales du Québec
- Carrefour des Cedres
- Carrefour pour femmes
- Carrier-Sekni Tribal Council
- Carrot River Wildlife Federation
- Carstairs Clean Air Association
- Carswell Lake Dene Support Committee
- Castlegar Community Services Centre
- Castlegar Conservation Service
- Castlegar Peace Initiative
- Castlegar Uranium
- Catalyst
- Catalyst Centre
- Catalyst Fed-up Co-op
- Catalyst: Magazine of the Independent Left
- Catholic New Times
- Catholic Worker Movement
- Cause
- Cayuga Concerned Citizens
- Ceasefire.ca
- Celebrasian
- Censored News
- Censorship Alert!
- Censorship Bulletin
- Censorship News
- Censorstop - Halifax
- Censorstop - London
- Censorstop - Peterborough
- Censorstop - Toronto
- Censorstop - Vancouver
- Censorstop - Windsor
- Censorwatch (McGill)
- Center for Constitutional Rights
- Center for Democracy and Technology
- Center for Digital Democracy
- Center for Global Development
- Center for Media and Democracy
- Center for Public Integrity
- Center for Science in the Public Interest
- Center for Socialist History
- Center for Third World Organizing
- Center for Voting and Democracy
- Center for Women's Development/Medgar Evers
- Center for the Study of Political Graphics
- Central America Information Group
- Central America Support Committee
- Central America Update
- Central America Working Group
- Central American Solidarity Network
- Central Butte Wildlife Federation
- Central Council for the Status of Women
- Central Courier
- Central Okanagan Indian Friendship Society
- Centre Chilien "Pablo Neruda" Commission Femmes
- Centre Communautaire Feminine
- Centre International Match
- Centre Justice et Foi
- Centre Populaire de Documentation
- Centre Régional pour l'Education au Develop. Int-Lanaud
- Centre d'Access pour Femmes
- Centre d'Accueil Prefontaine
- Centre d'Action Benevole de Québec, Le
- Centre d'Aide et de Lutte Contre les Agressions a Car
- Centre d'Aide et de Lutte Contre les Agressions a Carac
- Centre d'Aide et de Lutte Contre les Agressions a Carac
- Centre d'Aide et de Prevention d'Assauts Sexules
- Centre d'Amitie Autochtone de Québec
- Centre d'Animation des Femmes de Hull
- Centre d'acces pour femmes de l'est Ontarien, Le
- Centre d'écologie et de recyclage sur le campus
- Centre d'énergie Low-Tech
- Centre de Documentation Populaire de Montréal
- Centre de Documentation d'Am#rique Latine
- Centre de Duffusion Libertaire
- Centre de Lutte Contre les Agressions a Caractre Sexuel
- Centre de Prévention et d'Intervention pour les Victimes
- Centre de Renseignements et d'Intervention
- Centre de Ressources Program Intern, YMCA
- Centre de Récherche-Action sur les Relations Raciales
- Centre de Santé Mentale Communautaire
- Centre de Santé pour les Femmes
- Centre de Solidarite Internationale
- Centre de conservation de la faune ailee
- Centre de conservation de la nature du Mont St-Hilai
- Centre de la Montagne
- Centre de recyclage Verre-Dure
- Centre de récupération Corvee de Lanaudire
- Centre de récupération de Beauce Inc.
- Centre des Femmes du Plateau Mont-Royal
- Centre des Travaillerus et Travailleuses Immigrants
- Centre du Livre pour Outre-Mer
- Centre for Alternative Technology
- Centre for Art Tapes
- Centre for Community Owned Business Ottawa Carleton
- Centre for Developing-Area Studies
- Centre for Ecology and Spirituality at Holy Cross
- Centre for Equality Rights in Accomodation
- Centre for Feminist Culture
- Centre for Immigrant Women
- Centre for International Studies
- Centre for Justice and Peace
- Centre for Non-Violence
- Centre for Refugee Studies, York University
- Centre for Research on Globalization
- Centre for Research on Work & Society
- Centre for Research-Action on Race Relations
- Centre for Science in the Public Interest (Canada)
- Centre for Social Justice
- Centre for Urban and Community Studies
- Centre for Women's Interests and Concerns
- Centre for Women's Studies in Education
- Centre for World Development Education
- Centre for the Progress of Peoples
- Centre forestier du lac Johannes
- Centre local de l'environnement
- Centre écologique de la communauté culturelle
- Centrelles
- Centretown Community Health Centre
- Centro Informaçao Mulher
- Cercle de Fermières du Québec d'Origine Indeinne
- Ceta Research Inc.
- Chaleur Environmental Protection Association
- Chaleur Environmental Protection Association
- Challenge
- Change Reaction
- Changing Men
- Changing Work
- Charter of Rights Coalition
- Charter of Rights Coalition (British Columbia)
- Charter of Rights Coalition (Manitoba)
- Chartist
- Chatham & District Labour Council
- Chatham Outreach for Hunger
- Chatham Women's Centre
- Chautauqua Learning Community
- Che fare
- Check Your Head: The Youth Global Education Initiative
- Chesterfield House Society
- Chetwynd Conservation Officer Service
- Chief Dan George Foundation
- Chilcotin Ulkatcho -Kluskus Nation,
- Child Abuse Congress Secretariat
- Child Abuse Prevention Program, Red Cross
- Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada
- Childbirth Association Peterborough District
- Childbirth by Choice Trust
- Children Youth Action Council
- Children for Peace
- Children's Creative Response to Conflict
- Children's Crusade for Peace
- Children's International Summer Villages
- Children's International Summer Villages
- Chile Information Centre
- Chile Informative
- Chile To-Day!
- Chilean Women's Support Group
- Chilliwack Administration
- Chilliwack Area Indian Council
- China Labour Net
- ChinaWorker.info
- Choices: A Coalition for Social Justice
- Chomsky.info
- Christian Development Council
- Christian Farmers Federation of Alberta
- Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario
- Christian Initiative for Peace
- Christian Rural Research and Resources Service
- Church Consultation Committee
- Church Council on Justice and Corrections
- Church In Society Committee
- Church of the Holy Trinity
- Cineaste
- Cinefile
- Cinema Politica
- Circle
- Circle of Friends
- Circuit Writer (CCIC)
- Cite de Cote Saint-Luc
- Citizen Action to Protect Environment
- Citizen Works
- Citizen's Network on Waste Management
- Citizens Against a Radioactive Environment
- Citizens Association to Save the Environment
- Citizens Coalition for Clean Water
- Citizens Coalition of Essex County
- Citizens Coalition to Maintain the Environment
- Citizens Committee for Pollution Control
- Citizens Enviromental Advisory Committee
- Citizens Network on Waste Management
- Citizens Opposing Dumps
- Citizens Opposing Political Extortion
- Citizens Organization to Repeal Prostitution Related Laws
- Citizens Reacting Against Pollution Organization
- Citizens Resource Centre
- Citizens Responsible Against Awful Policies
- Citizens Strike Support Committee
- Citizens Under Test
- Citizens for Conservation
- Citizens for Environmental Information
- Citizens for Local Democracy
- Citizens for Nuclear Disarmament
- Citizens for Peace
- Citizens for Public Justice
- Citizens for Quality Environment
- Citizens for Reproductive Choice
- Citizens for Reproductive Choice
- Citizens for Responsible Nuclear Waste Disposal
- Citizens for Social Responsibility
- Citizens for Tax Justice
- Citizens for a Better Surrey
- Citizens for a Quiet Beach
- Citizens for a Safe Environment
- Citizens for a Safe Environment of Toronto
- Citizens' Ads for Peace
- Citizens' Clearinghouse on Waste Management
- Citizens' Environment Watch
- Citizens' Network on Waste Management
- Citoyens pour la protection des rapides de Lachine
- City Farmer
- City Magazine
- Civil Liberties Action Security Project
- Civil Liberties Association - National Capital Region
- Civil Liberties Association - National Capitol Region
- Claresholm Clean Air Association
- Clash City Workers
- Clayoquot Biosphere Project
- Clean Air Stratigic Alliance
- Clean Calgary Committee
- Clean Clothes Campaign
- Clean North
- Cleaners Action
- Clear Hamilton of Pollution
- Clergy and Laity Concerned Report
- Clerical Workers' Heath and Safety Project
- Climate Action Network Canada
- Climate Justice Action
- Climate Justice Now!
- Climate and Capitalism
- Clinique des Femmes de l'Outaouais
- Clinton Conservation Officer Service
- Club de plongee les Marsoins de Sept-Iles
- Co-Pro
- Co-op Atlantic
- Co-op Book Shop
- Co-op Housing Assocation of Ontario
- Co-op Lesbienne
- Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada
- Co-operative Work Ltd.
- Co-operative d'aménagement des sources Trans-Continental
- Co-operative d'information recherche ecologiste du PQ
- Co-ordination nationale pour l'avortment et
- Coady International Institute
- Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
- Coalition Against Technological Unemployment
- Coalition Against the Cruise
- Coalition Outaouaise pour Desarmement
- Coalition Québeciouse pour le Droit a Lavortement Libr
- Coalition Québecoise Etudiante pour le Desarm
- Coalition Québecoise d'opposition libre-echange
- Coalition Québecoise pour le Desarmement
- Coalition Québecoise pour le Droit a l'Avortement Libre E
- Coalition Québecoise pour le desarmement et la paix
- Coalition for Aid to Nicaragua
- Coalition for Equality
- Coalition for Fair Wages and Working Conditions for Homeworkers
- Coalition for Gun Control
- Coalition for Immigrant Women in Nova Scotia
- Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights Ontario
- Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights in Ontario
- Coalition for Positive Sexuality
- Coalition for Reproductive Choice
- Coalition for a Just Peace in Palestine and Israel
- Coalition of Neighbourhood Centres
- Coalition of Provincial Organizations of the Handicapped
- Coalition of Resistance
- Coalition on Reproductive Rights
- Coalition on Sensible Transit
- Coalition on the Niagara Escarpment
- Coalition pour la maintien de la gratuite dans la sante
- Coalition pour le Libre-Choix Saguenay Lac Saint -J, C. P.
- Coalition pur un Debat sur l'Energie
- Coalition quebecoise d'opposition au libre-echange
- Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade
- Cobequi'd Women Together Enid Cooper, Secretary
- Cobourg Area Environmental Association
- Coderr
- Colchester Women's Resource Centre
- Cold Lake Community Advisory Committee
- Cole Bay Womens Peace Group
- Collaboration Sante Internationale
- Collectif Femme et Handicap
- Collectif d'Information et d'Animation Juridique
- Collectif ecologique basque
- Collective Action Notes
- Collective Reinventions
- Collective Resistance
- Collective Resource & Services Workers' Co-operative
- Collegamenti Wobbly
- College Montrose Children's Place
- Collingwood Single Parenting Project
- Columbia Journal
- Combatants for Peace
- Coming-Out Cable 13
- Comite Anti-Pollution
- Comite Montréal Salvador
- Comite Regional d'Appui au Peuple de Salvador
- Comite anti-pollution du lac Gauvreau
- Comite contre la pollution Hurons/Bassin de Chambly
- Comite d'Appui aux Nation Autochtones
- Comite d'Etude sur la Femme etle Service Social
- Comite d'action antinucleaire, de Pontiac
- Comite d'action et amenag a Saumons des Escoumins
- Comite d'action et de protection de l'envir
- Comite d'amenagement naturel, de Boucherville
- Comite d'amenagement riv. Magog et St-Francois
- Comite d'assainissem rivire St-Francois
- Comite d'embellissement
- Comite d'environnement d'Alma,
- Comite d'environnement de Baldwin
- Comite d'environnement de Chicoutimi
- Comite d'environnement de Cocaigne
- Comite d'environnement de Dolbeau, Mistassini
- Comite d'environnement de Jonquire
- Comite d'environnement de Lac-a-la-Croix
- Comite d'environnement de Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire
- Comite d'environnement de Petit-Saguenay
- Comite d'environnement de l'Anse-St-Jean
- Comite d'environnement de la Baie
- Comite de citoyens de Sacre-Coeur
- Comite de citoyens de St-Honore
- Comite de citoyens de Val David
- Comite de conservation du site Terra-Cotta
- Comite de coord. l'envir du Mont-Tremblant
- Comite de l'Air Pur de St-Redempteur
- Comite de la Condition Feminine de la FTQ
- Comite de la Sante Mental du Québec
- Comite de protection de Mascouche,
- Comite de protection de l'environnement de Delson
- Comite de protection de la, rivire de l'Achigan
- Comite de solidarite tiers-monde
- Comite des Droits de l'Homme du N-E du NB
- Comite des Femmes de Bathurst
- Comite des Femmes de l'Assoc pour Defense des Droits Soc
- Comite des Gaies et Lesbiennes de Montmorecy
- Comite des Organisateur du 8 Mars
- Comite du Manifeste, Le
- Comite pour la protection du Mont, St-Bruno
- Comite pour la surveillance du nucleaire
- Comite provisoire d'assainissement
- Comite regional d'education pour le developpement int'l de Lanaudiere
- Commando les planteux
- Commercial Pressures on Land
- Commission des Droits de la Personne du Québec
- Committee for Detained- Disappeared of Guatemala
- Committee for Fair Training Opportunities
- Committee for Original Peoples Entitlement-COPE
- Committee for Racial Equality
- Committee for Racial Justice
- Committee for Responsible Forest Legislatioin
- Committee for Self-Sufficiency
- Committee for Women Artists, Winnipeg
- Committee for Women in Crisis
- Committee for Womens Studies
- Committee for a General Strike
- Committee for the Advancement of the Rights of Domestic Work
- Committee for the Preparation of a BC Conservation Strategy
- Committee of Canadian Labour History
- Committee of Solidarity with Guatemala
- Committee of Solidarity with the People of El Salvador
- Committee on Equal Pay
- Committee on Free Acess to Information and Freedom of Expression
- Committee on Labour Education in the Schools
- Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform
- Committee on Ravine Preservation Policies
- Committee on the Bishops' Economic Statements
- Committee on the Church and International Affairs
- Committee on the Status of Women
- Committee to Advance the Movement for Democracy
- Committee to Protect Journalists
- Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism
- Common Cause
- Common Cause
- Common Courage Press
- Common Dreams
- Common Frontiers
- Common Ground
- Common Ground Learner Centre
- Common Ground Magazine
- Common Struggle - Libertarian Communist Federation
- Common Thread Community Chorus of Toronto
- CommonAct Press
- Communaute
- Communaute de Base des Chemins
- Communaute de l'Arche de Lanza Del Vasto
- Commune, The
- Communiqu'elles
- Communitarian Network
- Communitas
- Communities
- Community Advocate
- Community Economics
- Community Education Centre
- Community Education and Development Association
- Community Forum
- Community Forum of Airport Development
- Community Information Services
- Community Justice Ministries
- Community Learning Services
- Community Legal Education Ontario
- Community Memory News
- Community Opportunities Development Association
- Community Options
- Community Planning Association, Saskatchewan Division
- Community Prison Liason
- Community Resources and Initiatives
- Community Resources for Women
- Community Resources for Women
- Community Survival Centre
- Community Unemployed Help Centre
- Community Worker Program, George Brown College
- Community-Wealth.org
- Comox Strathcona Naturalists
- Comox Valley Island Gay Society
- Comox Valley Nuclear Responsibility Society
- Comox-Strathcona Natural History Society
- Compagnie Jeunes Recuperateurs
- Company of Sirens
- Compass: A Jesuit Journal
- Compendium Newsletter
- Computer and Engineering Professionals for Social Responsibility
- Conayt Friendship Society
- Concerned Alma Citizens
- Concerned Canadian
- Concerned Citizens
- Concerned Citizens Against Pollution
- Concerned Citizens Committee of Fox Creek
- Concerned Citizens for Choice on Abortion
- Concerned Citizens for Choice on Abortion
- Concerned Citizens for Nuclear
- Concerned Citizens for Removal Nuclear Waste
- Concerned Citizens of BC
- Concerned Citizens of Baltimore
- Concerned Citizens of Bearberry
- Concerned Citizens of Deadman's Creek
- Concerned Citizens of Georgina
- Concerned Citizens of Georgina
- Concerned Citizens of Lawrencetown
- Concerned Citizens of Manitoba Inc.
- Concerned Citizens of Whitchurch
- Concerned Citizens of Whitchurch-Stouffville
- Concerned Farm Women
- Concerned Friends of Ontario Citizens in Care Facilities
- Concerned Parents Group
- Concerned Women
- Concerned Women
- Concordia Animal Rights Association
- Concordia Community Solidarity Co-op Bookstore
- Concordia Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG Concordia)
- Concordia Women's Centre
- Confederation Court Womens Group
- Confederation des Indiens du Québec, La
- Confederation of Canadian Unions
- Conference Internationale de Solidarite Ouviere
- Conference of Socialist Economists
- Conflict
- Conflict Resolution Network Canada
- Congress of Aboriginal People
- Congress of Canadian Women
- Congress of Canadian Women
- Congress of Canadian Women
- Congress of Canadian Women
- Congress of Canadian Women
- Congress of Canadian Women
- Congress of Canadian Women
- Congress of Canadian Women
- Congress of Canadian Women
- Congress of Canadian Women
- Congress of Canadian Women
- Congress of Canadian Women
- Congress of Canadian Women
- Congress of Canadian Women (B.C. Chapter)
- Congress of Canadian Women (Nanaimo)
- Connection, The
- Connexions Archive & Library
- Connexions Facebook page
- Connexions Information Sharing Services
- Connexions Library
- Connexions Twitter
- Connor Development Services Ltd.
- Conscience
- Conscience Canada
- Conscience Canada - Ottawa
- Conscious Childbirth Association
- Conseil Attikamek - Montagnais
- Conseil Canadien de la Cooperation
- Conseil Canadien pour les Refugies
- Conseil de recherche de la, Haute-Yamaska
- Conseil des Femmes de Montréal
- Conseil des Montagnais du Lac St-Jean
- Conseil du Trav. de la Peninsule Acadienne
- Conseil du statute de la femme, Gvt du Québec
- Conseil regl de l'environ du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean
- Conservation Council of Chatham
- Conservation Council of New Brunswick
- Conservation International - Canada
- Conservation Strategy Association of Manitoba
- Conservation Strategy Association of Manitoba (CSAM)
- Conserve Kingston Sunnyside Road
- Conserver Society of Hamilton & District
- Constructive Citizens Participation
- Consultative Committee on Development and Relief
- Consumer Association of Penang
- Consumer Health Organization of Canada
- Consumer's Health Organization of Manitoba
- Consumers Fight Back Association
- Contact Conservation
- Contario
- Continuing Education Division
- Contract Communications
- Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes
- Convivial Money
- Cooking Lake Moraine Landowners
- Cooper Institute
- Coopération International Ecole Nationalle l'Admin Publique
- Coqualeetza Education Training Centre
- Corner Brook Status of Women Council
- Cornwall Rape Crisis Centre/Women's Crisis Centre
- Cornwall Street Tutoring Project
- Cornwall and District Labour Council
- Corp Récupère-Action des Portages
- Corp de protection de l'environt de Sept-Iles
- CorpWatch
- Corporate Europe Observatory
- Corporate Watch
- Corporation d'expl. de ressource faun. de Matapedia
- Corporation de l'Etincelle
- Corporation de l'amenagement de la rivire Assomption
- Corporation pour la mise en valeur du lac St-Pierre
- Corrective Collective
- Corridor Area Ratepayers
- Corridor Opposition Group
- Corvee de Lanaudire
- Cosame
- Council for Public Services
- Council for a Smoke-Free PEI
- Council for a Tobacco-Free Ontario/Conseil anti-tabagisme del'Ontario
- Council of Canadians
- Council of Elizabeth Fry Societies of Ontario
- Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
- Council of Indian Society of Edmonton
- Council of Outdoor Educators
- Council of Tsimshian Nations
- Council of Women
- Council on Homosexuality and Religion
- Council on Household Employment
- CounterCurrents.org
- CounterPunch
- Counterfire
- Counterpoise
- Courage to Resist
- Covert Action Quarterly
- Cowichan Connection for Peace
- Cowichan Valley Psychiatry League
- Cowichan Valley Status of Women
- Cranbrook Administration
- Cranbrook Citizens for Nuclear Disarmament
- CreateHope.org
- Credit Valley Preservationists
- Creighton Wildlife Federation
- Creston Conservation Service
- Creston Peace Group
- Creston Survival Group
- Critical Health
- Critical Public Health
- Critical Resistance
- Critique
- Crivert
- Cross Cultural Communication Centre
- Cross Cultural Learner Centre
- Crosscultural Centre Extension Division
- Crosscurrents
- Crossroads Resource Group
- Crowsnest Society for the Prevention of Curelty to Animals
- Cryptome
- Cudworth Wildlife Federation
- Cuir Underground
- Cultural Awareness Youth Group of Nova Scotia
- Cultural Correspondence
- Cultural Democracy
- Cultural Environment Movement
- Cultural Survival
- Cultural Survival Canada
- Cultural Survival Inc.
- Cultural Survival Quarterly
- Culture Sculpture
- CulturesofResistance.org
- Currents
- Cut Knife Wildlife Federation,
- Cyborg Democracy
- Cycling Ontario Association
- GENEaction
- GSR Associates
- Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research
- Gabriola Island Peace Association
- Gaia Group, The
- Gaia Rising
- Gaies-riez-roses CION MF Radio
- Gainsborough Wildlife Federation,
- Galiano Conservancy Association
- Galiano Island Disarmament Coalition
- Galiano Peace Group
- Gander Women's Centre
- Gander and Area Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Garamond Press
- Garrison Focus Office
- Gateway Women's Centre
- Gay & Lesbian Social Services
- Gay Alliance Toward Equality
- Gay Alliance at York
- Gay Alliance for Equality
- Gay Association in Newfoundland
- Gay Athletic Guild
- Gay Community Calendar
- Gay Community of Regina
- Gay Connection/Northern Lesbians
- Gay Courtwatch
- Gay Fathers Winnipeg
- Gay Fathers of Toronto
- Gay Fathers of Vancouver
- Gay Friends of Thompson
- Gay Health Association
- Gay History Group
- Gay Information
- Gay Information & Counselling Services
- Gay Interest Group, Canadian Library Association
- Gay Liberation Against the Right Everywhere
- Gay Montréal Association
- Gay News and Views CKMS-FM
- Gay Parents
- Gay People at Carleton c/o CUSA
- Gay People of Prince Rupert
- Gay Religious Group
- Gay Rights Union
- Gay Students Association c/o U of C Students Clubs
- Gay Youth London
- Gay Youth Ottawa
- Gay and Lesbian Awareness Civil Rights Committee
- Gay and Lesbian Centre
- Gay and Lesbian Educators
- Gay and Lesbian Health Services
- Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo
- Gay and Lesbian Organization of UVIC
- Gay and Lesbian Periodicals Directory
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Library/Archives
- Gay/Lesbian Action for Disarmament
- Gay/Lesbian Community Centre
- Gay/Lesbian Outreach Niagara
- Gayblevision
- Gaycare Toronto
- Gays Out of Doors
- Gays and Lesbians Aging
- Gays and Lesbians Association for Disarmament
- Gays and Lesbians at the University of Saskatchewan
- Gays and Lesbians in Health Care
- Gays and Lesbians of McGill
- Gays and Lesbians of Moncton
- Gays and Lesbians of UBC
- Gays at Brock University c/o GO Niagara
- Gays for Equality
- Gays of Owen Sound and Area
- Gays of Thunder Bay
- Gays of Wilfred Laurier University
- Gaywire
- Gaza Community Mental Health Programme
- Gazebo Connection
- Gem: Gay Community Outreach
- Gems of Hope
- Gender Identity Clinic
- Generals for Peace
- Genetic Resources for World
- Georgia Strait Alliance
- Georgian Peace Project
- Georgian Shores Waste Reduction,
- Gesellschaft fur Bedrohte Voelker
- Gimli Committee on Wife Abuse
- Ginger
- Gisha: Legal Center for Freedom of Movement
- Gitksan Wet'Suwet'En Tribal Council Association
- Glad Day Bookshop
- Glen Falls Neighbourhood Association
- Glenburnie Residents Association
- Glendon Publications
- Global Action Network
- Global Awareness Project of Northern Ontario
- Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women
- Global Citizens Association
- Global Community Centre of Waterloo Region
- Global Corporation for a Better World
- Global Exchange
- Global Grandparents for Peace
- Global Health Project News
- Global Justice Ecology Project
- Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
- Global Unions
- Global Village Nanaimo
- Global Village Voice
- Global Vision
- Global Voices
- Global Voices Advocacy
- Global Witness
- GlobalMix
- Gloucester County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Gloucester Peace Group
- Go Info
- Golden Spike Environmental Protection Society
- Golden Women's Resource Centre Society
- Good As You
- Good Medicine Cultural Foundation and Historical Society
- Good Money
- Good Work Canada
- Goodwin's Foundation
- Goose Lake Wildlife Federation,
- Government Accountability Project
- Grameen Bank
- Gramma's Environmental Fund,
- Grand Forks Watershed Coalition
- Grand Manan Island Peace Group
- Grande Prairie Friendship Centre
- Grande Prairie Women's Residence Association
- Graphic History Collective
- Grassroots
- Grassroots.org
- Graswurzel Revolution
- Gray Panthers
- Great Canadian Theatre Company
- Great Lakes Reporter
- Great Lakes Tomorrow
- Great Lakes United
- GreatFire.org
- Greater Toronto Workers' Assembly
- Greater Vancouver Recycling Program
- Greater Victoria Disarmament Group
- Greater Victoria Environmental Centre
- Greeks for Peace
- Green Brick Road, The
- Green Future
- Green Left Weekly
- Green Multilogue
- Green Planet Monitor
- Green Revolution
- Green Synthesis
- Green Teacher
- Green Teacher
- Green Web
- Green Work Alliance
- Greenery Press
- Greenpeace Canada
- Greenpeace Experimental Farm
- Greenseen
- Grenada Education and Medicine Campaign
- Grenfell Wildlife Federation
- Grim and Dim: The website of Ian Birchall
- Grindstone Island School for Peace Research and Education
- Grist
- Ground Zero Productions
- Ground Zero Quathiaski Cove
- Groundswell Community Justice Trust Fund
- Group Against Road Development
- Group Against Smoking Pollution
- Group for Research and Initiative for the Liberation of Africa
- Group of 78, The
- Groupe Anti-Nucléaire Pour Le Désarmement et le Développement
- Groupe Anti-Nucléaire Pour Le Désarmement et le Développement
- Groupe Auto-Psy
- Groupe Ecologiste de Charlevoix,
- Groupe Gai de l'Université Laval
- Groupe Nature et Patrimoine
- Groupe de Recherche et d'interpretation Sociale
- Groupe de Recherche sur la Paix, Fac. Theologie
- Groupe des Lesbiennes Féministes Juives
- Groupe pour le Désarmament de Saint-Laurent
- Groupement Action Paix
- Groupement forestier Haut-Yamaska
- Grupo Unidas
- Guardian, The
- Guatemala Isquic
- Guelph Citizens for Peace
- Guelph Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Equality
- Guelph International Resource Centre
- Guelph Latin America Solidarity Committee
- Guelph Multicultural Association
- Guelph and District Labour Council
- Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis/ Rape Crisis Centre
- Guerilla Media
- GuerrillaGardening.org
- Guided Challenges
- Guideposts for a Sustainable Future
- Gush Shalom
- Gynergy books
- L.E.A. Wife Abuse Committee
- LAMP Occupational Health Program
- LETS - Local Employment and Trading Systems
- LETS - Local Exchange Trading System
- La Ronge Christian Streetworker Project
- La Ronge Wildlife Federation
- La Tuque Native Friendship Centre
- La Via Campesina
- Labor Film Database
- Labor Heritage Foundation
- Labor Network for Sustainability
- Labor Notes
- Labor Tribune
- Labor and Working-Class History Association
- Labor for Palestine (U.S.)
- Labor/Community Strategy Center, The
- LaborNet
- Laboratory of Economic Alternatives
- Labour Advocacy & Research Association
- Labour Capital & Society
- Labour Community Services
- Labour Council of Metropolitan Toronto and York Region
- Labour Education Centre
- Labour Focus on Eastern Europe
- Labour News
- Labour Rights for Domestic Workers
- Labour for Safe Energy and Jobs
- Labour's View International Affairs
- Labour/Le Travail
- LabourStart
- Labrador Friendship Centre
- Labrador Institute of Northern Studies, M.U.N.
- Labrador Inuit Association
- Labrador Inuit Association Torngasuk
- Labrador West Status of Women Council and Women's Centre
- Ladner Environment Office
- Lake Cowichan Peace Group
- Lake Lenore Wildlife Federation
- Lake Wilcox Residents' Associatio,
- Lambda Youth
- Lambton Anti-Pollution Association
- Lambton Wildlife Inc.
- Lanark Hills Foundation Inc
- Langley Association for Nuclear Disarmament
- Lasqueti Community Association
- Lasqueti Island Peace Group c/o Laurel Barrett
- Lasqueti Steering Comittee
- Latin America Connexions
- Latin America Information Group
- Latin American Community Centre
- Latin American Ecumencial Pastoral Centre
- Latin American Research Unit (LARU)
- Latin American Working Group
- Law Centre
- Law Union of British Columbia
- Law Union of Ontario
- Lawyers for Nuclear Disarmament
- Lawyers for Social Responsibility
- Lawyers for Social Responsibility
- Lawyers for Social Responsibility
- Lazarus Community Action Coalition of London
- Leader, The
- Leadership in Learning Options for Older People
- League for the Fifth International
- League for the Revolutionary Party
- Leaping Lesbians CKMS FM
- Learner Centre Association of Ontario
- Learning Connection, The
- Leask Marcelin Fish & Game League
- Leather Archives and Museum
- Leeds County Conserver Society
- Leeds and Greville Interval House Association
- Left Business Observer
- Left Caucus Newsletter
- Left Curve
- Left Flank
- Left Green Network
- Left Green Notes
- Left Green Notes
- Left History
- Left Index, The
- Left News
- Left On Line
- Left Turn
- Left Worker-communist Party of Iraq
- Left in Hebrew
- Leftnews
- Legal Resource Centre
- Legal Services Society
- Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
- Leroy Wildlife Federation
- Lesbian & Gay Community Appeal
- Lesbian Feminist Political Action Group
- Lesbian Feminist Power and Trust Association
- Lesbian Fury
- Lesbian Information Lines
- Lesbian Mothers Defense Fund
- Lesbian Outreach and Support Team
- Lesbian Support Group Yukon Status of Women
- Lesbian and Gay Archivist
- Lesbian and Gay Community Appeal
- Lesbian and Gay Friends of Concordia University
- Lesbian and Gay Health Sciences
- Lesbian and Gay History Group of Toronto
- Lesbian and Gay Organization of Saint John
- Lesbian and Gay Youth of Toronto
- Lesbians Gays and Bisexuals of the University of Toronto
- Lesbians and Gays on Campus
- Lesbiennes a l'Ecoute
- Lesser Slave Environmentalists
- Lester B. Pearson Peace Park
- Lethbridge Human Rights Council
- Lethbridge Nuclear Disarmament Coalition
- Lethbridge Public Interest Research Group - LPIRG
- Lethbridge Women's Network
- Lethbridge and District Labour Council
- Letsystem
- Libcom.org
- Liberation News
- Libertarian Labor Review
- Libertarian Labyrinth
- Libertarian Socialist Collective
- Libertarian Worker's Bulletin
- Libido
- Librairie Alternative Book Shop
- Librairie l'Androgyne
- Librarians and Archivists with Palestine
- Librarians for Social Change
- Library - School for Resource & Environmental Studies
- Library and Information Workers for Peace
- Lickerish
- Life Community Project
- Life/Work Planning for Gay Men and Lesbians
- Lifeforce Foundation
- Light Spectrum
- Ligue Internationale des Femmes pour la Paix
- Ligue Lambda
- Ligue des Droits et Libertés
- Lillooet District Indian Council
- Lillooet Friendship Centre Society
- Lillooet Tribal Council
- Linchpin
- LindaMcQuaig.com
- Lindsay and District Labour Council
- Links
- Links Magazine
- Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal
- LinksNet
- Linkspartei (Die Linke)
- Literacy Council of Durham Region
- Literacy Council of PEI, Royalty Centre
- Literacy Working Group Adult Services
- Little Mountain Neighbourhood House
- Little Mountain Tenants Association
- Little Red River Band
- Live and Let Live
- Live and Let Live All Saints Church Parish
- Liverpool and District Labour Council
- Living Free
- Lobbying/Letterwriting Group
- London Battered Womens Advocacy Clinic
- London Central America Group
- London Committee for Human Rights in Latin America
- London Occupational Safety and Health Information Service
- London Urban Resources Centre
- London Women's Resource Centre
- London and District Labour Council
- Long Lake Wildlife Federation,
- Loon Creek Wildlife Federation
- Loretta School Convent Peace Movement
- Losing Faith
- Lothlorien
- Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist
- Louis Riel Teachers' Brigade
- Love Carefully
- Love and Rage
- Loving More
- Low-Cost Housing Institute McGill University
- Loyola Jesuit Institute for Studies in International Peace
- Lubicon Legal Defence Fund
- Lucha Indigena
- Lucien Lake Fish & Game League
- Lumby Uranium Moratorium Action Group
- Lunenburg County Women's Group
- Lust for Life
- Lutherans Concerned
- Lutte Ouvrière
- Lynn Canyon Ecology Ctr, L.C., Park
- Lynn Lake Friendship Centre
- M2/W2 Edmonton
- MAB - Laurentides
- MAB - Metro (Montréal)
- MAB - Outaouais
- MATCH International
- MATCH International (Québec)
- METRAC (The Metro Action Committee on Public Violence )
- Ma-Mow-We-Tak Friendship Centre
- Mac-Pap Memorial Fund
- Machsom Watch
- Macklin Wildlife Federation
- Macrocosm USA
- Magazine Co-op de Travail
- Maggie's Resource Centre of North Hastings
- Maidstone Against Dumping
- Maidstone Wildlife Federation,
- Main dans la Main pour la Paix
- Maison des femmes de Québec
- Makkovik Women's group
- Malaspina College Disarmament Group
- Malaspina College Women's Resource Centre
- Mallard Wildlife Federation
- Malvern Radioactive Account
- Man to Man, Woman to Woman
- Man!
- Mandate
- Mandela Park Backyarders
- Manitoba Action Committee on the Status of Women
- Manitoba Advisory Council on the Status of Women
- Manitoba Anti-Poverty Organization
- Manitoba Artists for Women's Art
- Manitoba Association for Promotion of Ancestral Languages
- Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties
- Manitoba Association of Friendship Centres
- Manitoba Association of Natural Resouce Managers
- Manitoba Co-operative Council
- Manitoba Coalition Against Racism and Apartheid
- Manitoba Coalition of Organizations Against Apartheid
- Manitoba Council for International Co-operation
- Manitoba Eco Network
- Manitoba Educators for Social Responsibility
- Manitoba Envirists Inc.
- Manitoba Environmental Council
- Manitoba Federation of Labour
- Manitoba Federation of Labour Occupational Health Centre
- Manitoba Indian Agricultural Program
- Manitoba Institute for Community Ecology
- Manitoba Keewatinowi Okemakanac Inc
- Manitoba Labour Education Centre
- Manitoba Medicare Alert Coalition
- Manitoba Multicultural Resources Centre
- Manitoba Multicultural Resources Centre
- Manitoba Outdoor Education Association
- Manitoba Parks and Recreation Association
- Manitoba Public Interest Research Group (MPIRG)
- Manitoba Soft Drink Recycling Inc.
- Manitoba Waste Exchange
- Manitoba Wildlife Federation
- Manitoba Wildlife Federation
- Manitoba Women's Institutes
- Manitoba Youth Action Centre
- Manitou Community Action
- Manitoulin Environmental Awareness
- Manniwanis Native Friendship Centre
- Maple Creek Wildlife Federation,
- Maple Ridge Community Services
- Mapuche Support Group
- Mapuexpress
- Maquila Solidarity Network/Ethical Trading Action Group
- March 8th Coalition
- Margaree Environmental Protection Association
- Marginal Distribution
- Margo Wildlife Federation
- Marian Centre
- Maritime Environment Network
- Maritime Fishermen's Union
- Maritime Fishermen's Union
- Maritime Permaculture Institute
- Mark Rudd
- Markham Citizens for Nuclear Disarmament
- Markham Citizens for Nuclear Disarmament
- Marlin Motion Pictures
- Marquis Project
- Marx Memorial Library
- Marx Myths & Legends
- Marx and Engels' Writings
- Marxism.ca
- Marxismo Libertario
- Marxists Internet Archive
- Marxsite
- Maryam Namazie
- Masculine Collective Against Sexism
- Maskapi Montagnais Innu Association
- Maskwachees Cultural College
- Massey Nuclear Awareness
- Match (Wolfville)
- Match, The
- Mathaba
- Matriart
- Mawaican Friendship Centre
- MayDay Rooms
- Mayerthorpe Clean Air Association
- Mayne Island Nuclear Disarmament
- Mayworks
- McGill Employees for Nuclear Disarmament
- McGill Ploughshares
- McGill Women's Union
- McMaster Medical Student International Health Committee
- McMaster Medical Students for Social Responsibility
- Meadow Lake Eco-Alliance
- Meadow Lake Wildlife Federation
- Media Alliance
- Media Alliance for New Activism
- Media Co-op
- Media Education Foundation
- Media File
- Media History Project
- Media Matters
- Media Names and Numbers
- Media Roots
- Media Watch
- Media and Democracy Congress
- Media, De
- Media-ocracy
- MediaWatch, National Watch on Images of Women in the Media
- Mediachannel.org
- Medialens
- Mediasource.ca
- Medical Reform Group of Ontario
- Medicare Monitor
- Medicine Hat Nuclear Disarmament Group
- Medicine Hat Womens Shelter Society
- Medicine Hat and District Labour Council
- Meewasin Valley Authority
- Melfort Natural History Society
- Melfort and District Wildlife Federation
- Melville Wildlife Federation
- Men Challenging Men
- Men Walking Against Male Violence (Ontario)
- Men Walking Against Male Violence (Québec)
- Men for Women's Choice
- Men's Anti-Sexist Action Collective
- Men's Child Care Collective
- Men's Journal, The
- Men's Network for Change
- Men's Network for Change -- Ottawa/Hull
- Mennonite Economic Development Association
- Mercy Volunteers
- Merritt Native Community Law
- Merry Creek, Robson Ridge Water Users
- Merville Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides
- Metis Women of Manitoba
- Metis Womens Association The Pas Region
- Metro By Cycle
- Metro Coalition Against Free Trade
- Metro Days of Action
- Metro Labour Education Centre
- Metro Men Against Violence
- Metro Network for Social Justice
- Metro Network for Social Justice
- Metro Tenants Legal Services
- Metro Toronto Coalition for Better Child Care
- Metro Toronto Committee Against Wife Assault
- Metro Unit OECTA (Affirmative Action)
- Metropolitan Toronto Movement for Literacy
- Michael Parenti
- Micmac Association of Culture
- Micmac Native Friendship Centre
- Mid-Island Dioxin Coalition
- Mid-Island Disarmament Association
- Mid-Island Disarmament Association
- Mid-Island Disarmament Coalition
- Middle East Report
- Middle East Research and Information Project
- Midnight Notes
- Midwest Academy
- Midwifery Alternative
- Midwifery Coalition of Nova Scotia
- Midwifery Group
- Midwives Association of British Columbia
- Migrant Justice
- Mikemarqusee.com
- Miko Peled website
- Militant Labour Forum
- Militant, The
- Mill Hill Fathers
- Millet Sweet Air Association
- Milton Enviromental Advisory Group
- Minegoo Indian Arts & Crafts Society of PEI
- Mines Action Canada
- MiningWatch Canada
- Ministik Hills Field Study Centre
- Minority Advocacy and Rights Council Foundation
- Minority Rights Group
- Minority Rights Group International
- Miramichi Trades and Labour Union
- Mission
- Mission Indian Friendship Centre
- Mississauga Citizens Environmental Protection Association
- Mississauga Citizens Environmental Protection Association
- Mississauga East Community Churches Action
- Mixed Company: Maple Leaf Theatre for Social Responsibility
- Mobilization
- Mobilization for Climate Justice
- Mobilization for Freedom
- Mokami Status of Women Council
- Molly's Blog
- Monbiot.com
- Moncton Council of Women
- Moncton Tools for Peace
- Moncton and District Labour Council
- Monde Diplomatique
- Monde Syndical, Le
- Mondoweiss
- Mondragon Corporation
- Monetary Reform Magazine
- Monitor, The
- Monthly MeAnder
- Monthly Review
- Monthly Review Press
- Montreal AIDS Committee
- Montreal Assault Prevention Centre
- Montreal Health Press
- Montreal Men Against Sexism
- Montreal Women's Network
- Moose Jaw Native Friendship Centre
- Moose Jaw Natural History Society
- Moose Jaw Wildlife Federation
- Moose Jaw and District Labour Council
- Moose Mountain Friendship Centre
- Moosonee Indian Friendship Centre
- Morell River Management Inc.
- Morell and Area Land Use Steering Committee
- Morinville Sweet Air Association
- Morrell Nature Sanctuary
- Mosaic
- Mother Earth News
- Mother Earth Society
- Mother Jones
- Mother Making Change
- Mother's Action Group
- Mothers & Grandmothers Plea for Survival
- Motkraft.net
- Mount Arrowsmith Disarmament Coalition
- Mount Waddington, North Vancouver Island and District Labour Council
- Mountain Shepherds
- Mouvement Québécois pour Combattre le Racisme
- Mouvement Régional pour le Paix et le Désarmement
- Mouvement contre le violence et l'inceste
- Mouvement d'Appui aux Initiatives de Développement
- Mouvement écologique collégial de Sherbrooke
- Move Over AIPAC!
- Movement for Canadian Literacy
- Movement for Direct Democracy
- Movement for the Abolition of War
- Multi-Ethnic Association for Integration of Handicapped People of Québec
- Multicultural Association of Northwest Ontario
- Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan
- Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan
- Multicultural Educational Resource Centre
- Multicultural Health Coalition
- Multicultural Womens Network
- Multinational Monitor
- Murray Dobbin's Blog
- Mus-Gamagw Tribal Council
- Muse, The
- Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen
- Musgrave Harbour Fisherman's Museum
- Music for Social Change Network
- Muskoka Peace Group
- Mustard Seed, The
- Mutual Friendship Society
- Muzzlewatch
- My Brothers' Place
- My Catbird Seat
- Métis Association of Alberta
- Métis Association of the Northwest Territories
- Métis Women Western Region
- P. Sainath
- PAND Ottawa
- PANNA Outlook
- PEN Canada - The Canadian Centre of International PEN
- PLAN International Canada
- PM Press
- POOR Magazine
- PSC Natural Foods
- Pacific Campaign to Disarm the Seas
- Pacific Cinematheque Pacifique
- Pacific Immigrant Resources Society
- Pacific Information Exchange
- Pacific Media Watch
- Pacific Northwest Labour History Association
- Pacific Reforestation Workers, Association
- Pacific Women's Resource Bureau
- Pagans for Peace
- Palestine Chronicle
- Palestine Freedom Project
- Palestine Media Watch
- Palestine Remembered
- Palestine Right of Return Group
- Palestine Solidarity Campaign
- Palestinian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel
- Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
- Palestinian International Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza
- Pambazuka News
- Panos London
- Paper Crane
- Para El Mundo
- Paradigm Health
- Parallèles Lesbiennes et Gais
- Parents des Gais
- Parents for Peace
- Parents of Gays
- Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
- Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
- Parkdale Project Read
- Parkland Rural Residents' Association
- Parkland Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Parkland Wildlife Federation
- Parks Foundation
- Parks and People
- Parkview Wildlife Federation
- Parliamentary Names & Numbers
- Parson Watershed Alliance
- Partisan Defense Committee
- Partnership Africa Canada
- Party of the European Left
- Passa Palavra
- Patchwork Community Women's Recourse Centre
- Pathfinder Book Store
- Patients' Rights Assocation
- Patients' Rights Association
- Pause for Peace
- Pax Regis
- Peace & Conflict Resolution Group
- Peace Action League
- Peace Association for Nuclear Awareness
- Peace Brigades International
- Peace Brigades International - Central American Project
- Peace Caravan
- Peace Centre, The
- Peace Council
- Peace Council
- Peace Council
- Peace Council
- Peace Council
- Peace Council
- Peace Council
- Peace Council
- Peace Courier
- Peace Education Centre
- Peace Education Centre
- Peace Education Network
- Peace Education Resource Centre
- Peace Events
- Peace Gay Association
- Peace Information Centre
- Peace Magazine
- Peace Network in New Brunswick
- Peace Network in New Brunswick
- Peace Networker
- Peace News
- Peace Not War
- Peace Race, The
- Peace Research
- Peace Research Institute -- Dundas
- Peace Resource Centre
- Peace Responsibilities & Organized Development
- Peace River Stockgrowers
- Peace Tax Committee
- Peace Tax Fund Committee
- Peace Valley Enviromental Association (P.V.E.A.)
- Peace and Environment Resource Centre
- Peace and Social Action Committee
- Peace and Social Action Committee
- Peace and Social Action Committee
- Peace by Peace
- Peace in the Americas
- PeaceButtons.info
- PeaceMedia
- PeaceNet
- Peacefund Canada
- Peacemaker Publishing Project
- Peacemongers of Eglinton United Church
- Peacewire
- Peaceworks
- Peel Peacemakers
- Peigan Band Administration,
- Pelican Players
- Pembina Institute
- Pembina Institute for Approprate Development
- Penticton Peace Group
- People Against Chemical Sprays
- People Against Nuclear Development Anywhere
- People First of Ontario (Windsor)
- People Not Profit
- People Organized to Protect Metro's Last Green Door
- People and Planet Friendly
- People for Democratic Revolution - Boston
- People for Education
- People for Peace
- People for Peace
- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
- People or Planes
- People's Action Coalition
- People's Archive of Rural India
- People's Assembly on Canadian Foreign Policy
- People's Co-op Bookstore
- People's Commission Network
- People's Library, Manitoba Indian Cultural Education Centre
- People's Medical Society Newsletter
- People's Voice
- People's Voice Ontario Bureau
- Peoples' Global Action
- Performance Artists for Nuclear Disarmament
- Permanent d'Amos pour la protec. de l'environnement
- Permanent de l'environne de Rouyn-Noranda
- Perry Ridge Water Users Association
- Persons United for Self-Help in Ontario
- Perspectives
- Peru Support Group
- Peter Tatchell
- Peter-Weiss-Bibliothek
- Peterborough Central America Solidarity Committee
- Peterborough Environment People
- Peterborough Rape Crisis Centre
- Peterborough Women's Committee
- Philippine Human Rights Reporting Project
- Phoenix Publications Ltd
- Physicians for Global Survival (Canada)
- Physicians for Human Rights - Israel
- Physicians for Social Responsibility
- Physicians for Social Responsibility
- Physicians for Social Responsibility
- Physicians for Social Responsibility
- Physicians for Social Responsibility
- Physicians for Social Responsibility
- Physicians for Social Responsibility
- Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada
- Pickering/Ajax Citizens
- Picton County Women's Centre
- Pictou County Help Line
- Pigeon Hill Bruideen Peacemaking Centre
- Pincher Creek Area Environmental Association
- Pink Triangle Services
- Pipeleaks
- Pitch-In Canada
- Piwei Wildlife Federation
- Plan Nagua
- Planet Anarchy
- Planet Drum Foundation
- Planeta.com
- Planetary Association for Clean Energy
- Planetary Initiative
- Planners Network
- Platypus Affiliated Society
- Playgrounds for Peace
- Plenty Canada
- Ploughshares Monitor
- Ploughshares Sudbury
- Plowshare Press
- Plug-In Gallery
- Plura
- Plura
- Pluri-elles
- Plus Loin
- Pluto Press
- Pocket Wilderness Coalition
- Podur, Justin
- Point of Departure
- Policy Note
- Political Graphics Final Notice Productions
- Political Research Associates
- Pollution Probe Foundation
- Pollution Probe Foundation
- Polyamorous Percolations
- Polyamory
- Polyamory Society
- Polyamour
- Pontiac Environment Protection
- Popular Committee Against the Siege
- Popular Education Research Group
- Popular Resistance
- Popular Theatre Alliance of Manitoba
- Port Alberni Friendship Centre
- Port Alberni and District Labour Council
- Port Colborne and District Labour Council
- Port Coquitlam Area Women's Centre
- Port Granby Monitoring Committee
- Port Hope Environmental Group
- Portage Friendship Centre
- Portside
- Positive Directions Ontario
- Positive Images: Women by Women
- Post Partum Counselling Service
- Post-Capitalist Project
- Postmodernism Generator
- Postville Women's Group
- Pour la responsabilité de l'environnement
- Powell River Anti-Pollution, Association
- Powell River Peace Coalition
- Powell River and District Labour Council
- Powerotic
- Pragmatist, The
- Prairie Acid Rain Coalition
- Prairie Christian Training Centre
- Prairie Messenger
- Prairie Treaty Nations Alliance
- Prairitopian Enterprises
- Prayers
- Preeceville Wildlife Federation,
- Premenstrual Syndrome Support
- Preservation Institute
- Preservation of Agricultural Lands Society
- Preserve Our Rural Tecumseth
- Preserve Our Water Resources
- Presqu'ile-Brighton Naturalists
- Press Gang Publishers Feminist Co-operative
- PressProgress
- Presse-toi à gauche !
- Prevent Cancer Now
- Pride Festival Association
- Primate's World Relief and Development Fund of the Anglican Church
- Prince Albert Indian & Metis Friendship Centre
- Prince Albert Natural History
- Prince Albert Wildlife Federation
- Prince Albert Women's Work Co-operative
- Prince Albert and District Labour Council
- Prince Edward Island Advisory Council on the Status of Women
- Prince Edward Island Association of Rights and Freedoms
- Prince Edward Island Civil Liberties Association
- Prince Edward Island Environmental Network
- Prince Edward Island Environmental Network
- Prince Edward Island Federation of Agriculture
- Prince Edward Island Federation of Labour
- Prince Edward Island Friends of Salvadorean Women for Liberation
- Prince Edward Island Health Coalition
- Prince Edward Island Home and School Federation
- Prince Edward Island Tools for Peace Committee
- Prince Edward Island Transition House Association
- Prince Edward Island Wildlife Federation
- Prince Edward Island Wildlife Federation Central Queen's Branch
- Prince Edward Island Women's Network
- Prince George Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
- Prince George Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament
- Prince George Native Friendship Centre
- Prince George Public Interest Research Group - PGPIRG
- Prince George Vets and Friends Freedom Society
- Prince George and District Labour Council
- Prince Rupert Labour Council
- Prince Rupert Organization for Disarmament
- Priorities
- Priorities
- Priorities of Women
- Prison News Service
- Prison Radio
- Prisoner Solidarity Collective
- Prisoners' Rights Committee
- Prisoners' Rights Group
- Prisoners' Rights Group
- Prisoners' Support Group of Peterborough
- Privacy Defense Committee
- Privacy International
- Pro Feminae
- Pro Terra Kootenay Nature Allies
- Pro-Choice Action Group
- Probe International
- Processed World
- Profane Existence
- Program Resources Department Diocese of Toronto
- Programmes Internationaux YMCA
- Progressive Bloggers
- Progressive Economics Forum
- Progressive Librarian
- Progressive Librarians Guild
- Progressive Networks
- Progressive Possibilities
- Progressive, The
- Project Balam
- Project Censored
- Project Hope
- Project Lambda
- Project North
- Project North Newsletter
- Project Peacemakers
- Project Ploughshares
- Project Ploughshares - Calgary
- Project Ploughshares - Fort Qu'Appelle
- Project Ploughshares - Montréal
- Project Ploughshares - Smithers,
- Project Ploughshares - Westman
- Project Ploughshares Halifax-Dartmouth
- Project Ploughshares Saint John
- Project Ploughshares Sudbury
- Project Praxis
- Project Survival
- Project Wolf
- Projects for Change
- Projet d'Information sur le Disarmement
- Prol-Position
- Prole.info
- Prometheus Research Library
- Promocion de la Mujer
- Prostitutes and Other Women for Equal Rights
- Prostitutes and Other Women for Equal Rights
- Prostitutes' Safe-Sex Project
- Protect Agricultural Land
- Protect Our Water and Environmental Resources
- Protection de l'environnement de Lotbinire
- Protection de l'environnement des Grondines
- Protection de la sante l'environnement de Gaspe
- Protest.net
- Provincial Advisory Council on the Status of Women
- Provincial Committee of Metis & Non-Status Indian Youth
- Provincial Council of Women of Manitoba
- Provincial Council of Women of Ontario
- Provincial Council of Women of Ontario
- Provincial Council of Women of Ontario
- Provinciliate, The
- Psychiatric Abuse Committee
- Psychiatric Alternatives Network
- Psychiatrists Against Psychiatric Abuse
- Psychologists For Peace
- Psychologists for Social Responsibility
- Psychologists for Social Responsibility
- Public Affairs
- Public Concern at Work
- Public Education for Peace Society
- Public Eye
- Public Interest Advocacy Centre
- Public Interest Media
- Public Library of Science (PLOS)
- Public Service Employees for Environmental Ethics
- PublicitySources.com
- Pueblito Canada
- Pugwash Etudiant du Canada
- Purcell Research Group
- Putting People First
- S&M News
- S.O.S. Racisme-Canada
- S.R.A.F. Bulletin
- S.R.A.F. Bulletin
- S.a.v.e.
- SACTU Solidarity Committee
- SEEDS Canada Foundation
- SOA Watch
- SODA Health And Environment
- SOS Lac Saint-Jean
- SRRT Newsletter
- STOP 103 Inc.
- Saanich Cultural Education Centre
- Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center
- Saddle Lake Cultural Education
- Saddle Lake Tribal Justice Centre
- Safe Mosquito Abatement Committee
- Safrican News
- Sagitawa Friendship Centre
- Sagkeeng Cultural Centre
- Saint Clair River Int.
- Saint John Charter Rights and Civil Liberties Association
- Saint John Citizens Against Nuclear Energy
- Saint John Development & Peace Committee Diocesan Social Action
- Saint John District Labour Council
- Saint John Women for Action Group
- Sal Press
- Salt Spring Island Water Preservation Society
- Saltspring Nuclear Disarmament Committee
- SalvAide Committee of Winnipeg
- Salvaide Newsletter
- Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
- Sans Censure
- Sappujjijit Friendship Centre
- Sarnia Coalition for Disarmament
- Sarnia and District Labour Council
- Sask-Action Status of Women, SE Area
- Saskatchewan Alliance Against Sexual Harrassment
- Saskatchewan Association for Multicultural Education
- Saskatchewan Association for Safe Alternatives in Childbirth
- Saskatchewan Association on Human Rights
- Saskatchewan Association on Human Rights
- Saskatchewan Coalition for Social Justice
- Saskatchewan Council for International Co-operation
- Saskatchewan Eco-Network
- Saskatchewan Forest Conservation Network
- Saskatchewan Good Water Group
- Saskatchewan Government Employees Union
- Saskatchewan Health Coalition
- Saskatchewan Indian Arts & Crafts Corporation
- Saskatchewan International Labour Program
- Saskatchewan Labour Information Project
- Saskatchewan Native Communications Corp
- Saskatchewan Outdoor & Environmental Education Association
- Saskatchewan Rural Womens Project
- Saskatchewan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Saskatchewan Solidarity Committee
- Saskatchewan Voice of People with Disabilities Inc.
- Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation
- Saskatchewan Wildlife Fund
- Saskatchewan Women's Institute Environment Convenor
- Saskatchewan Women's Institutes
- Saskatchewan Working Women
- Saskatoon Abortion Rights Association
- Saskatoon Environmental Society
- Saskatoon Indian and Métis Friendship Centre
- Saskatoon Native Women
- Saskatoon Natural History Society
- Saskatoon Peace Council
- Saskatoon Presbytery - Inner City Ministry
- Saskatoon Regional Zoological Society
- Saskatoon SPCA
- Saskatoon Wildlife Federation
- Saskatoon Women's Calendar Collective
- Saskatoon Women's Health Collective
- Saskatoon Women's Health Network
- Saskatoon Women's Network
- Saskatoon Women's Reproductive Rights Movement
- Saskatoon and District Labour Council
- Satellite Video Exchange Society
- Saugeen Anti-Nuclear Effort
- Sault Ste Marie & District Women's Council
- Sault Ste Marie & District Women's Council
- Sault Ste. Marie Peace Association
- Sault Ste. Marie and District Labour Council
- SavageDemocracy
- Savanne
- Save America's Forests
- Save Our Streams Inc.
- Save a Family Plan
- Save the Environment from Atomic Pollution
- Save the Georgia Strait Alliance
- Save the Kootenay Committee
- Save the Rouge Valley System
- Saveagoose Wildlife Federation
- Sawt el-Amel/The Laborer's Voice
- Scarboro Foreign Mission Justice and Peace Office
- Scarboro Missions Formation-Education Dept.
- Scarborough Bitumen Free Future
- Scarborough Enviromental Advisory Committee
- Scarborough Women's Centre
- Scare
- Scarlet Letter Archives
- Sceptre Wildlife Federation
- School of Living
- School of New Economics
- Science & Society
- Science Teachers Association
- Science et Paix - Québec
- Science for Peace
- Science for Peace - University of New Brunswick
- Science for Peace - University of New Brunswick
- Science for Peace - University of Ottawa
- Science for the People
- Science for the People
- Scugog Committee for Disarmament
- Sea Society for Energy Action
- Search
- Search Community Services
- Searching for Education / Employment Knowledge
- Searchlight
- Sechelt Training and Information on Rights
- Second Look Community Arts Resource
- Second Marsh Defence Association
- Second Story Press
- Second Story Women's Centre
- Secular Web
- Secwepemc Cultural Education Centre
- See Sharp Press
- Seed's Lib
- Seeds of Diversity
- Self-Care Network
- Self-Help Groups in London
- Selkirk Friendship Centre
- Selkirk and District Labour Council
- Senneterre Native Friendship Centre
- Serena Canada
- Seriously Free Speech Committee
- Service d'Information sur le Désarmement
- Service de Documentation CSN
- Seven Days
- Seven News
- Seven Oaks
- Seven Sisters Wilderness Society
- Seven Stories Press
- Sex Workers Alliance of Vancouver
- Sex Workers' Alliance of Toronto
- Sexual Freedom
- Sexwork.com
- Shack/Slum Dwellers International
- Shair International Resource Centre
- Shalon Institute
- Shannon Terrace Environmental Education Centre
- Shar'ar Haram
- Share the Warmth
- Share the World's Resources
- Sharing
- Shaunavon Wildlife Federation
- Sheen, David
- Sheridan Peace Group
- Sheshatshui Native Women's Group
- ShopUnion.ca
- Shore and Beach
- Shubenacadie Lakes Advisosry Board
- Shunpiking - Nova Scotia's Discovery Magazine
- Shuswap Columbia Labour Council
- Shuswap Nation Tribal Council
- Shuswap Nuclear Study/Action Group
- Shuswap Outreach
- Shuswap Recycling Society
- Sicamous Forum for Social Responsibility
- Side by Side: Canadian Feminist Resources
- Sierra
- Sierra Club of Canada
- Sierra Club of Canada
- Sik-ooh-kotok Centre
- Simcoe Energy Study Group
- Simcoe and District Labour Council
- Simon Nkodi Anti-Apartheid Committee
- Simone de Beauvoir Institute
- Simply Living
- Single Displaced Persons Project
- Single Mothers Action Committee
- Sinistra.net - The Online Archives of the Communist Left
- Sinsemilla Tips
- Sister Vision: Black Women and Third World Women
- Sisters of Providence
- Skookum Jim Friendship Centre
- Sky Works Charitable Foundation
- Slave Lake Native Friendship Centre
- Slave River Coal Committee
- Slave River Coalition c/o Pelican Portage Group
- Slocan Citizens for Peace
- Slocan Valley Residents Association
- Slocan Valley Watershed Alliance
- Small Planet Institute
- Smithers Committee for Global Nuclear Disarmamnt
- Smithers Indian Friendship Centre
- Smithers Peace Committee
- Snipe Lake Wildlife Federation
- Social Action Newsletter
- Social Anarchism
- Social Concerns Committee Unitarian Church of Montréal
- Social Defence Project
- Social Investment Organization
- Social Justice Commission
- Social Justice Commission
- Social Justice Committee
- Social Justice Department - Archdiocese of Regina
- Social Justice Office of R.C. Diocese of Calgary
- Social Planning Council of Ottawa-Carleton
- Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia
- Social Responsibilities Roundtable of the American Library Organization
- Social Services Network for Lesbians Gays and Transexuals
- Social Workers for Peace & Nuclear Disarmament
- Sociale, La
- Socialism and Democracy
- Socialism and Health
- Socialism from Below
- Socialism.ca
- Socialismo Libertario
- Socialist Action
- Socialist Alternative
- Socialist Alternatives
- Socialist Environmental Protection & Occupation Group
- Socialist History Project
- Socialist Labor Party of America
- Socialist Labour Party
- Socialist Net
- Socialist Party of Canada
- Socialist Project
- Socialist Register
- Socialist Review
- Socialist Unity
- Socialist Voice
- Socialist Worker
- SocialistWorld.net
- Society Promoting Environmental Conservation
- Society To Overcome Pollution
- Society Together Against Nuclear Destruction
- Society against Family Abuse
- Society against Family Abuse
- Society for Demolishing Barriers
- Society for Human Sexuality
- Society for Socialist Studies
- Society for the Improvement of West-East Relations
- Society for the Preservation of Wild Culture
- Society for the Preservation of Wild Culture
- Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Society for the Retired and Semi-Retired
- Society of Sharing Inner-City Volunteers
- Society of the Friends of Strathcona Park
- Socioeconomics Study Group
- Société Elizabeth Fry de Montréal Metropolitain
- Société Terrestre pour l'Obtention de la Paix
- Société VIA
- Société canadienne de protection des animaux
- Société d'écologie de Franklin Centre
- Société d'écologie de Rosemere
- Société d'écologie de l'Université de Trois-Rivières
- Société d'éditions AGPP Inc
- Société d'éducation et de conservation de Laval
- Société de Développement International Desjardins
- Société de conservation Baie de l'Isle Verte
- Société de conservation de Sault-au-Récollet
- Société de conservation de la Gaspésie
- Société de développement de la gorge rivière Coaticook
- Société de promotion d'alternatives des Cantons
- Société linéenne du Québec
- Société pour la conservation de la nature
- Société québécoise de défense des animaux
- Société écologique agro-culturelle des Laurentides
- Soft Path Video
- Soil & Water Conservation Society, Ontario Chapter
- Soil Conservation Canada
- Soil Conservation Society of America
- Solar Energy Society
- Solidarity
- Solidarity Across Borders
- Solidarity Center
- Solidarity Journal
- Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights
- Solidarité Québec Amerique Latine
- Solidarité populaire Québec
- Solidarité-Psychiatrie
- Solidarités
- Solitary Confinement Abolition Project
- Solitary Watch
- Sorte Rose
- Sound Women
- Sources
- Sources Calendar, The
- Sources Facebook
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- Sources News Releases
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- Sourcières, Les
- Souris and Area Branch of the PEI Wildlife Federation
- Sourth Cariboo and District Labour Council
- South Africa Congress Trade Unions
- South Central Committee on Family Violence
- South Coast and District Labour Council
- South Country Community Association
- South End Press
- South Okanagan Boundary Labour Council
- South Okanagan Civil Liberties Society
- South Okanagan Legal Services
- South Pacific Penguin
- South Pacific Peoples Foundation of Canada
- South Peace Clean Air Society
- South Peace Regional Council of Women
- South Riverdale Community Health Centre
- South Saskatchewan Committee for World Development
- South Shore Environmental Protection Association
- South Slocan Commission of Management
- South Surrey/White Rock Women's Place
- South Waterloo SPCA
- Southall Black Sisters
- Southeast Manitoba Labour Council
- Southern Africa Action Coalition
- Southern Africa Information Group
- Southern African Report
- Southern Alberta Environment Group
- Southern California Library - The People's Library
- Southern Kings Wildlife Federation
- Southern Poverty Law Center
- Southside Nuclear Disarmament Group
- Southwest Crisis Services
- Southwest Nova Scotia Transition House Association
- Sozialismus
- Spaces of Hope
- Spadina Peace Group
- Spare Rib
- Spartacist
- Spartacist Canada
- Spartacus Books
- Speaking Out
- Specialized Youth Unit
- Spinsters Ink
- Spinwatch
- Spouses of Gays
- Springvale Citizens Group
- Sproule Creek/Falls Creek Watershed Management Committee
- Spunk Library
- Squamish Citizens for Peace
- Squamish Estuary Conservation Society
- St Francis Valley
- St. Brieux Wildlife Federation
- St. Catharines Council of Women
- St. Catharines and District Labour Council
- St. John's Native Friendship Centre
- St. John's Oxfam Committee
- St. John's Women's Centre
- St. Matthews-Maryland Community Ministry
- St. Peter's Wildlife Federation
- St. Stephen's Community House
- St. Thomas and District Labour Council
- St. Walburg & District Wildlife Federation
- Status of Women Action Group
- Status of Women Action Group
- Status of Women Council, Women's Centre
- Status of Women Study Committee
- Steelabour
- Steelhead Society of B.C.
- Stein Action Committee
- Stein Alliance
- Stella
- Sticks and Stones Women's Theatre Collective
- Stikine Watershed Potection, Society (SWPS)
- Stimmen der proletarischen Revolution - MLwerke
- Stitch
- Sto-Lo Nation Society
- Sto-Lo Tribal Council
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
- Stop 86
- Stop Line 9 - Toronto
- Stop Pollution in Nassagaweya
- Stop Racism and Hate Collective
- Stop Using Nuclear
- Stop Wife Assault Now Collective
- Stop the JNF
- Stop the Wall
- StopEsso
- Storm, The
- Stoughton Wildlife Federation
- Straight Goods
- Stratford and District Labour Council
- Strathcona Natural History Group,
- Strathfort C.H.E.C.
- Struthers Lake Wildlife
- Stuart Nuclear Awareness Group,
- Student Advocate
- Student Centre on Public Issues
- Student Christian Movement
- Student Christian Movement - University of Manitoba
- Students Against Global Extermination
- Students Against Nuclear Extinction
- Students Organized for Animal Liberation
- Students Taking Action Now: Darfur
- Students Towards An Enduring Peace
- Students United for Nuclear Sanity, London
- Students United for Nuclear Sanity, Toronto
- Students for Disarmament
- Students for Peace
- Students for Peace and Disarmament
- Students for Peace and Mutual Disarmament
- Studies in Political Economy: A Socialist Review
- Studs Terkel Radio Archive
- Sturgis Wildlife Federation
- Subject to Change
- Sudbury All Gay Alliance
- Sudbury Citizens' Movement for Economic Development
- Sudbury Community Legal Clinic
- Sudbury Women's Action Group
- Sudbury and District Labour Council
- Sunday Night Action Group
- Sunshine Coast Environmental Protection Project
- Sunshine Coast Labour Council
- Sunshine Coast Peace Committee
- Support Group for Gay and Lesbian Adolescents
- Surdel Welfare Rights
- Surge Narrows Citizens Sensible Logging Practice
- Surge Narrows Peace Workers
- Survival International News
- Sussex Society for Public Interest
- Sustain
- Sustainability Network
- Sustainable Agricultural Association
- Sustainable Communities Network of Nova Scotia
- Sustainable Development Working Group
- Sutton Acid Rain Committee
- Swan River Indian & Metis Friendship Centre
- Swan Valley Animal Protection League
- Swans Commentary
- Swift Current Wildlife Federation
- Sydney Affirmative Action
- Synthesis/Regeneration: A Magazine of Green Social Thought
- System Change Not Climate Change
- Systems Tomorrow Inc.