Progressive Librarians Guild
Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 2023
E-Mail: plg@progressivelibrariansguild.org Website: http://www.progresivelibrariansguild.org
Purpose: Providing a forum for the open exchange of radical views on library issues. Progressive Librarians Guild was formed by a group of librarians concerned with our profession's rapid drift into dubious alliances with business and the information industry, and into complacent acceptance of service to an unquestioned political, economic and cultural status quo. PLG reaffirmed, significantly, that the development of public libraries was initially spurred by popular sentiment which for one reason or another held that real democracy requires an enlightened citizenry, and that society should provide all people with the means for free intellectual development. Current trends in librarianship, however, assert that the library is merely a neutral institutional mediator in the information marketplace and a facilitator of a value-neutral information society of atomized information consumers. A progressive librarianship demands the recognition of the idea that libraries for the people has been one of the principal anchors of an extended free public sphere which makes an independent democratic civil society possible, something which must be defended and extended. This is partisanship, not neutrality. Members of PLG do not accept the sterile notion of the neutrality of librarianship, and we strongly oppose the commodification of information which turns the 'information commons' into privatized, commercialized zones. We will help to dissect the implications of these powerful trends, and fight their anti-democratic tendencies.
Founded: 1990
Geographic Scope: National
Structure: Non-Profit We welcome media calls. See our media profile in Sources.
Subject Headings:Experts on similar topics in the Sources Directory:
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