Quebec Public Interest Research Group - McGill
Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 2023

3647 University, 3rd floor
Montreal, QC
H3Z 2P8


Purpose: The Quebec Public Interest Research Group at McGill is a non-profit, student-run organization that conducts research, education, and action on environmental and social justice issues at McGill University and in the Montreal community. With such a broad mandate, QPIRG brings together a wide range of activists interested in many different issues. QPIRG-McGill is opposed to all forms of discrimination on the basis of: class, gender, race, sexual orientation, and dis/ability.

Activities/Services: Community Action, Demonstations, Education, Library, Research, Speakers, Workshops

Budget: $25,000 to $100,000

Founded: 1981

Geographic Scope: Local

Languages: French, English

Personnel: 2 staff,

Resources: Books, Reports

Structure: Directors, Non-Profit



Frequency: 4/yr

Subscription Price: $5

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