Centre for Developing-Area Studies/Centre d'#tudes sur les r#gions en d#veloppement
Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 2022

3715 Peel Street
Montreal, QC
H3A 1X1

Purpose: To encourage and co-ordinate McGill University student and faculty research in developing areas and development issues.

Activities/Services: Community Action, Community Centre, Courses, Education, Library, Lobby, Research, Speakers, Workshops

Budget: $25,000 to $100,000

Founded: 1963

Languages: English

Personnel: 4 staff, 10 volunteers

Resources: Catalogue, Journal, Newsletter, Reports

Structure: Directors


Labour, Capital and Society

Frequency: 2/yr

ISSN: 0706-1706

Subscription Price: $15

Subject Headings:

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