Prostitutes' Safe-Sex Project/Maggie's
Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 2022
298 Gerrard St . E. 2nd Fl. Toronto, ON M5A 2G7
Purpose: To assist sex workers to love and work with safety and dignity. Maggie's is run by and for prostitutes, strippers and phone sex workers.
Activities/Services: Community Action, Counseling, Demonstations, Education, Library, Speakers, Workshops
Budget: $100,000 to $500,000
Founded: 0
Geographic Scope: Local
Languages: English
Membership: 150
Personnel: 6 staff, 30 volunteers
Resources: Audiotapes, Catalogue, Handbooks, Newsletter, Reports, Videos
Structure: Collective, Directors, Non-Profit, Worker Controlled
Frequency: 4/yr
Subscription Price: $20
Subject Headings:Experts on similar topics in the Sources Directory:
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