 Canadian Voice of Women for Peace/La Voix Canadiennes des Femmes Pour la Paix
Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 2023
25 Cecil Street, #310 Toronto, ON M5T 1N1
E-Mail: info@vowpeace.org Website: http://vowpeace.org
Purpose: Established in 1960, Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW) is a non-partisan Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) comprised of a network of diverse women with consultative status at the United Nations ECOSOC. For over 50 years, VOW has provided a means for women to exercise responsibility for the promotion of world peace and justice, through education of themselves and others to take an equal part in the democratic process of decision making; and to cooperate with women throughout the world to create the mutual respect and understanding necessary for the peaceful resolution of international conflict. Current projects include leadership programs for young women, and work on UN SC Resolution 1325. VOW is a member of the Climate Action Network and sponsors work on this concern as well as on nuclear weapons abolition. VOW is a member of the Canadian Peace Initiative, and the International Peace Bureau. VOW works closely with Toronto Climate Campaign, a coalition of representatives from unions, environmental and social justice organizations, students, and individuals whose key initiative is to educate, motivate and mobilize a collective mass-movement to demand equitable and just solutions to global warming.
Activities/Services: Community Action, Demonstations, Education, Library, Lobby, Speakers, Workshops
Budget: $25,000 to $100,000
Founded: 1960
Geographic Scope: National
Languages: English
Personnel: 1 staff,
Resources: Books, Handbooks, Newsletter, Reports, Videos
Structure: Directors, Non-Profit
Frequency: 4/yr
We welcome media calls. See our media profile in Sources.
Subject Headings:Experts on similar topics in the Sources Directory:
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