Conseil Canadien pour les Refugies/Canadian Council for Refugees
Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 2023
6839 rue Drolet, #302 Montreal, QC H2S 2T1
E-Mail: info@ccrweb.ca Website: http://www.ccrweb.ca
Contact: Elizabeth McWeeny, Presidente
Purpose: To promote refugee rights and settlement services and to provide networking and educational opportunities for non-profit organizations.
Activities/Services: Community Action, Research, Speakers
Budget: $100,000 to $500,000
Founded: 1978
Geographic Scope: National
Languages: French
Other: Conferences
Personnel: 5 staff,
Resources: Directory, Newsletter
Structure: Directors, Non-Profit
Frequency: 2/yr
Subject Headings:Experts on similar topics in the Sources Directory:
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