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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box on the left.
Particularly recommended items are flagged with a red logo:


  1. Abolish Wage Labor
    Capital allows us only one kind of productive activity: wage-earning people have to be broken in for years before they are willing to accept the loss of 1/3 of their time to working.
  2. The Absorption of Surplus
    First Published: 1969
    This pamphlet is a chapter from Monopoly Capital, by Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy.
  3. Advanced Capitalism and the Revolutionary Left
    Towards a New Practice

    First Published: 1973
    The programme of the Winnipeg Labour Collective, its understanding of socialism's past forms and its conception of socialism's future.
  4. Against Sectarianism
    The Challenge of the Labor Party

    First Published: 1974
    Members of the Socialist League argue that Trotskyist-socialists should continue to work within the NDP with the goal of winning the ranks of the NDP to a socialist program.
  5. The Age of Ingenuity
    First Published: 2002
    September 11, 2001 gave us the best chance yet to reinvent the future -- one idea at a time.
  6. The American Worker
    First Published: 1947   Published: 1972
    A description and analysis of the lives of American factory workrers after the Second World War, written by a young autoworker.
  7. The American Working Class in Historical Persepctive 
    First Published: 1973
    A review of Jeremy Brecher's Strike! (See CX6590)
  8. An analysis of the G20 protest and the black bloc
    First Published: 2010
    It should be clear that the actions of the black bloc reflect their politics. The actions in Toronto mirror those tactics used elsewhere. The tactics and politics regardless of their intent are inherently elitist and counter-productive. In fact they mirror the critique of reformism many on the left have. The NDP says vote for us and we’ll do it for you, the black bloc says in essence the same thing – we will make the revolution for you. At best the tactics of the black bloc are based on a mistaken idea that the attacks on property and the police will create a spark to encourage others to resist capitalism, at worst they are based on a rampant individualistic sense of rage and entitlement to express that rage regardless of the consequences to others. The anti-authoritarian politic they follow is imposed on others. Very rarely will you see a black bloc call its own rally, instead the tactic is to play hide and seek with the police under the cover of larger mobilisations.
  9. Anarchism: How Not to Make a Revolution
    First Published: 1997
    Some see anarchims as the most radical of doctrines. Lenin called it "the politics of despair." Who is rights? Paul D'Amato looks at anarchism -- its theory and practice -- and finds that it falls far short of its professed ideals.
  10. An Annotated Bibliography of Nonsense
    First Published: 1998
    Academic critics today not only question the impact of science upon society, but they also question the very idea of scientific rationality.
  11. Anthropology and Imperialism
    This essay looks at the resistance of Third World nations to the re-imposition of Western power.
  12. Anti-Intervention Handbook
    Canadians and the Crisis in Central America

    First Published: 1985
  13. The Arab Revolts Against Neoliberalism
    First Published: 2011
  14. Arms and the Woman
    First Published: 1975   Published: 1980
    The modern revolutionary movement must destroy this opposition of pleasure-activity, sensitivity-lucidity, conception-execution, habit-innovation.
  15. Art and Community
    First Published: 1987
  16. Art, Politics, and the Imagination
    First Published: 1996
    The work of our best artists throws into sharp relief what is painfully missing from most activists' work: a fusion of living experience with political insight.
  17. The Artistic Woodwork Strike 1973
    A Lesson for the Canadian Labour Movement

    First Published: 1974
  18. As We Don't See It 
    A clarification of Solidarity London's 1968 pamphlet, "As We See It." Distinction is placed between real socialism and the "exploitative privileged minorities" who controll(ed) the USSR and China, as well as the importance of controlling the means of production.
  19. Austerity Against Democracy
    An Authoritarian Phase of Neoliberalism?

    First Published: 2014
  20. Automation and the Abolition of the Market
    First Published: 1967
    This article deals with the relationship between power and technological development in society. Specifically, Nell looks at the intersection of markets, government, technology, and the social relations of production.
  21. Away With the Murder of the Body
    An illustrated pamphlet whose text is "an unauthorised transformation of a section from 'Trois Milliards de Pervers: Grande Encyclopedia des Homosexualites' by Recherches".
  22. The Bakuninists at Work
    An account of the Spanish revolt in the summer of 1873

    First Published: 1873
    This series of articles was written in the wake of the events in Spain during the summer of 1873, which were the culmination of the Spanish bourgeois revolution of 1868-74. Engels focused his attention on the involvement of the Spanish Bakuninists in the abortive cantonal revolts organised in the south and south-east of the country by the Intransigents, an extremist republican grouping that advocated the partition of Spain into independent cantons.
  23. Banking on the Grass Roots
    Cooperatives in global development

    First Published: 1990
  24. Basics and Tools
    First Published: 1987
  25. Basta!
    Enough! The Tale of Our Struggle

    First Published: 1966
  26. Beating Back the Corporate Attack 
    Socialism and the struggle for global justice

    First Published: 2000
    Our movement is calling for a new direction -- for democratic control of our political life, and for democratic control over the most important aspects of the economy. Why should handful of the super-rich run the planet, and, moreover, run it into the ground?
  27. Bernstein and the Marxism of the Second International
    First Published: 1969   Published: 1972
    An essay from the collection entitled From Rouseau to Lenin: Studies in Ideology and Society, First published as Ideologia e Societá by Editori Laterza, Rome, Italy.
  28. The Best of Communities
    Number 56

    First Published: 1983
  29. A Bibliography on Material Pertinent to the Informal Economy
    First Published: 1982
  30. A Biological Walk Down Wall Street
    Economics, Symbiosis and Parasitoids

    First Published: 2008
    Wall Street today, with the collapse of Freddie Mac, Fanny Mae, AIG, Lehmann Brothers, Washington Mutual and the rest as to come, is highly reminiscent of that scene in "Alien" (Ridley Scott, 1979) where the parasite begins to burst out. The host is the free market. Feeding the parasitoid more, in sense of allowing it to nourish on public funds as new host, will have the same denouement, only this time the host will not just be a particular market, but the whole market, and the society reliant upon it.
  31. Birth Control Handbook
    First Published: 1968   Published: 1971
  32. Black History and the Class Struggle

    First Published: 1996
    Articles published in Workers Vanguard in 1995.
  33. Black History and the Class Struggle

    First Published: 2012
  34. Black History and the Class Struggle

    First Published: 2013
  35. Black History and the Class Struggle

    First Published: 2018
  36. Black History and the Class Struggle

    First Published: 2005
    Articles include: "A Life in the Black Panther Party — We Want Freedom — A Review of a Book by Mumia Abu-Jamal," "How the Liberals and Reformists Derailed the Struggle for Integration — For Black Liberation Through Socialist Revolution!", "The 'N' Word in Racist America."
  37. Black History and the Class Struggle

    First Published: 2006
    Articles include: New Orleans: Racist Atrocity; Black Women's Narratives of Slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction; The Lyncihing of Emmett Till and the Fight for Black Liberation.
  38. Black History and the Class Struggle

    First Published: 2011
  39. Black History and the Class Struggle

    First Published: 2016
  40. Black History and the Class Struggle

    First Published: 2014
  41. Blackout in Gotham City
    First Published: 2003
    Privatisation and deregulation are at the roots of both last Thursday's power meltdown and the 2001 California crisis, and both events have been lessons in the dangers of taking an exclusively private route into far from perfect markets.
  42. Blocking Progress 
    Consensus Decision Making In The Anti-Nuclear Movement

    First Published: 1983
    Howard Ryan maintains that consensus is wrong in principle and in practice: "The problem is not so much that individuals are being irresponsible or somehow abusing the consensus process. The problem lies in giving individuals that kind of power in the first place. Consensus turns majority rule into minority rule. That's not democracy."
  43. Book Review: "Anarchism & Socialism: Reformism or Revolution?" by Wayne Price
    First Published: 2010
  44. Book Review: Kevin Anderson, Marx at the Margins (2010)
    First Published: 2010
    Anderson’s argument is based on a careful and comprehensive reading of the writings of Marx (and, to the extent necessary, Engels) on: (1) the history, economics and politics of societies and nations outside Western Europe (but including Ireland); (2) movements of national liberation, as in Ireland, Poland and India; and (3) the relationship between ‘race’ and class in countries such as England and the United States.
  45. Bridging The Gap:
    Resources For Linking Canada and the USSR

    First Published: 1986
  46. A Brief History of the Medical Reform Group
    First Published: 1995
    Covers the year 1979 - 1994.
  47. Broken Barricades: The Oaxaca Rebellion in Victory, Defeat, and Beyond
    First Published: 2008
    An analysis of the 2006 Oaxaca rebellion and its contradictions. Its diversity encompassed workers, indigenous groups, Stalinists, anarchists and others. Its weapons and tactics included general assemblies, strikes, barricades, mirrors and fireworks.
  48. The Budget in Grief/Un budget de misere
    First Published: 1990
  49. Building a Solidarity City
    First Published: 2013
    A Solidarity City is the creation of a community that rejects a system that engenders poverty and anguish, not solely for immigrants and refugees, but also for other Montrealers confronting these same realities.
  50. Building Working-Cass Opposition to Stalin's Dictatorship?
    The Trotskyist Opposition, 1927-1940

    First Published: 1996
    A review of Tony Cliff's book Trotsky, 1927-1940. In Cliff's view, the Trotskyist movement in the USSR was not so much destroyed by Stalin as much as it collapsed under the weight of its own fundamentally faulty assumptions regarding the nature of the enemy--indeed, just who the enemy was.
  51. Bureaucratic Collectivism
    The Stalinist Social System

    First Published: 1974
    An analysis of the nature of the Stalinist states.
  52. Burning Issues of the Mideast Crisis
    First Published: 1969
  53. Can the Ruling Class Shape History?
    First Published: 1969
    Originally entitled "Vietnam: Endless War".
  54. Canada is Not a Free Lunch!
    A Community Educators' Guide to Free Trade

    First Published: 1988
    A resource intended to be used as a catalyst for education around free trade.
  55. Canada and Mozambique
    First Published: 1974
  56. Canada's Radiation Scandal
    First Published: 1990
  57. Capitalism, The Family, and Personal Life
    First Published: 1973
  58. The Caracas Commitment
    Declaration from World Meeting of Left Parties, November 19-21, 2009, Caracas, Venezuela

    First Published: 2009
    We have gathered with the aim of unifying criteria and giving concrete answers that allow us to defend our sovereignty, our social victories, and the freedom of our peoples in the face of the generalized crisis of the world capitalist system and the new threats spreading over our region and the whole world.
  59. The Case For Revolutionary Socialism
    First Published: 2003
    In my view, the movement for another world is committed to four main values - justice, efficiency, democracy, and sustainability.
  60. Censorship By Algorithm Does Far More Damage Than Conventional Censorship 
    First Published: 2022
    By mid-2017 independent media outlets were already reporting across ideological lines that algorithm changes from important sources of viewership like Google had suddenly begun hiding their content from people who were searching for the subjects they reported on.
  61. Challenging Unions
    Feminist Process and Democracy in the Labour Movement

    First Published: 1987
  62. Changing Course
    A study guide for Canadian social analysis

    First Published: 1987
    A study guide for individuals and groups who are trying to make sense of our society, and want to learn how to improve it.
  63. The changing meaning of race
    First Published: 2011
    If the proverbial anthropologist from Mars were to land in Britain today, he would probably regard us as schizophrenics when it comes to the question of race. He would find a population within which there is a general consensus that racism is morally abhorrent and yet is keen to define itself in terms of its ethnic or racial background.
  64. Changing The Cogs
    Activists and the Politics of Technology

    First Published: 1979
    What are the best ways to achieve beneficial change in society? Will widespread use of solar energy and other renewable energy sources bring about a good society? What technologies will be promoted by vested interests in government and big business?
  65. Children and Peacemaking
    First Published: 1992
    A guide for parents and teachers interested in cultivating a peacemaking approach in children. Provides references to resources for children, parents and teachers to help develop a constructive attitude to societal problems.
  66. Chile Versus the Corporations
    A Call for Canadian Support

    First Published: 1973
    This booklet sketches corporate (including Canadian) involvement in Chile, the attempts of the Allende government to reverse this domination and the massive repression against Chile instituted by the capitalist countries. Useful both as a brief guide to the Chilean situation, and for the philosophy it adheres to: "The position of Christ was in no way ambiguous: his was an option for the poor and against anyone or any system that stood in the way of man's liberation. The present international economic system is a situation of sin, and as such it must be rejected."
  67. Chomsky on Post-Modernism 
    First Published: 1995
    What I find in the writings of the post-modernists is extremely pretentious, but on examination, a lot of it is simply illiterate, based on extraordinary misreading of texts that I know well (sometimes, that I have written), argument that is appalling in its casual lack of elementary self-criticism, lots of statements that are trivial (though dressed up in complicated verbiage) or false; and a good deal of plain gibberish.
  68. Civil Liberties in the Fight Against Fascism
    First Published: 1945
    Fighting against an evil, like anti-Semitism or racial hatred, does not mean calling on the state to suppress the evil.
  69. Class Composition and the Theory of the Party at the Origin of the Workers-Councils Movement
    First Published: 1972
    Re-examines a crucial segment of labour history, the German workers' council experience, which bridges the classical socialist phase of the Second and Third Internationals, and the post-Keynesian period.
  70. The Class Nature of Israel
    First Published: 1971
    Israeli society is not merely a society of immigrants; it is one of settlers. The society, including its working class, was shaped through a process of colonization. The permanent conflict between the settlers' society and the indigenous, displaced Palestiniann has never stopped and has shaped the very strcuture of Israeli sociology, politics, and economics.
  71. Class Warfare
    Interviews with David Barsamian

    First Published: 1996
  72. Collective Bargaining Course Book
    First Published: 1979
  73. Collectives in Spain
    First Published: 1938   Published: 1945
    A contemporary account of the Spanish Anarchist movements during the 1930's by Gaston Leval, a prominent anarcho-syndicalist. Attention focuses on the roles of "agrarian socialism" and education in the revolution.
  74. The Communist Manifesto 
    First Published: 1848
    Written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels as the theoretical and practical platform of the Communist League, a workers' association.
  75. The Communist Threat to Canada
    First Published: 1947   Published: 1973
    A 1973 reprint of a sensationalist pamphlet published by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in 1947.
  76. The Community Advocate
    First Published: 1989
  77. Community Economic Workshops
    An Evolutionary Preparation for Social Revolution to Economic Democracy Within an Ecological Society

    First Published: 1979
    A short discussion of the use of "community economic workshops" in constructing a democratic, anarchistic society.
  78. Community Self-Reliance
    A Canadian Vision of Economic Justice

    First Published: 1987
    GATT-fly believes that "the root cause of poverty and unemployment is the undemocratic nature of our economies", which, in Canada as in the Third World, means control over the economy by transnational corporations and a powerful few at home. There is a copy of this publication in the Connexions Archive.
  79. Community Workshops for the Environment
    An Organizer's Manual

    First Published: 1989
    A guide to organizing ecology workshops.
  80. Compass
    A Jesuit Journal - March/April 1993 - The Dirty Thirties

    First Published: 1993
  81. The Competition Myth - The Real Meaning of the Last Twenty-five Years
    First Published: 1997
    The problems which working people have suffered in the last twenty-five years are not problems which the ruling elite are trying to solve but weapons they have devised to attack working people in a class war.
  82. Complaints and Disorders
    The Sexual Politics of Sickness

    First Published: 1973
  83. Confronting the Climate Change Crisis
    An Ecosocialist Perspective

    First Published: 2008
  84. Connexions
    Volume 8, Number 2 - Summer 1983 - Toward a New Economy

    First Published: 1983
  85. Conspiracies or Institutions: 9-11 and Beyond
    First Published: 2002
    Why and how does much (but not all) conspiracy theorizing create a tendency for people to depart from rational analysis?
  86. Consumption: Domestic Imperialism
    This article deals with the social organization of production under modern American capitalism. The author considers the impact of technological development on labour and its potential for liberation from work under capitalism.
  87. Contemporary anarchism
    First Published: 2010
    Contemporary anarchism has some important differences, but also a great deal of continuity, with historical anarchism. Where it focuses on building an alternative in the “interstices” of capitalism, it accommodates to, rather than challenges, capitalism; and where it fetishizes street tactics, it generates more press than tangible success in either building the struggle or in challenging the state.
  88. The Co-operative Movement on the Prairies, 1900-1955
    First Published: 1979
  89. Counter-Planning on the Shop Floor
    First Published: 1971
  90. Counter-Rhetoric 
    Challenging "conventional wisdom" & reframing the conflict

    First Published: 2006
    This useful little book does two things. It challenges the rhetoric, the perceptions and assumptions regarding the conflict in Israel/Palestine, and it exposes the underlying imbalance of power around which this rhetoric swirls. It is both useful as a historical guide and as a tool for countering the prevailing divisive rhetoric. Whether challenging the concepts embedded in Zionism, the wars of the mid 20th century and the later occupation, or the Wall as security argument, this book gives a systematic alternative to the prevailing mantras and begins the process of changing the viewing of the conflict.
  91. Course Union Organisers' Handbook
    First Published: 1973
    A manual on organzing course unions for university students.
  92. Crisis in the US
    Social and Economic Effects, Restructuring and Methods of Adapting

    First Published: 2010
    The cause of the crisis in the US must be found in the context of the world capitalist economy and not credited to internal causes. These internal causes of course exist but in fact only shape the way this crisis is expressed.
  93. A Critique of Marxism
    A critique of a straw-man version of Marxism.
  94. Critique of Nonviolent Politics 
    From Mahatma Gandhi to the Anti-Nuclear Movement

    First Published: 1984   Published: 2002
    Ryan accepts that sometimes nonviolence can be effective, but says that sometimes it is not: "a principled insistence on nonviolence can in some circumstances be dangerous to progressive social movements." He says that nonviolence theory "is troubled by moral dogma and mechanical logic."
  95. Critique of Syndicalist Methods
    Trade-Unionism to Anarcho-Syndicalism

    First Published: 1975   Published: 1998
    Bonanno's 1975 meditation on the means to be used in pursuit of the anarchist project. Emphasizes the utility of unions in propagating capitalist control of industry and agriculture.
  96. Critique of the Gotha Programme 
    First Published: 1875
    Karl Marx's criticisms of the programme adopted by congress to unite the two German socialist parties in 1875.
  97. Cuba for Beginners
    First Published: 1970   Published: 1971
    A comic book history of Cuba and the Cuban Revolution.
  98. Cuban Women Now: Afterward 1974
    First Published: 1974
    I am writing this afterword because I feel that in the past three years fundamental changes have taken place in Cuban society,changes concerning women's role and men's, and women's attitudes towards those roles.
  99. "Culture", Science and State-Capitalism
    First Published: 1971
    Neither culture nor science can lead lives separate from the economic realities of the societies which nurture them. Science and culture, even as they are procliamed to be the harbingers of revolutionary change, are being used today by the existing social order to preserve itself.
  100. Darkness at the End of the Tunnel
    A Radical Analysis of Canadian-American Relations

    First Published: 1975
  101. Debate with the International Socialist Organization Continued
    First Published: 2010
    From a libertarian socialist point of view, the "self-emancipation of the working class" can't happen unless the working class builds organized mass movements that they control, such as labor organizations. This is the fundamental basis of syndicalism as a revolutionary strategy.
  102. Debt Bondage Or Self-Reliance
    A Popular Perspective on the Global Debt Crisis

    First Published: 1985
    Describes the effects of international debt on workers, the unemployed, and peasants who neither asked for or benefit from such debt. It describes the growing number of people's movements in Canada and developing nations who are struggling against austerity measures.
  103. Debunking Barrick
    2015 Update

    First Published: 2015
    A updated annual report of the 2013 publication titled Debunking Barrick. The report outlines the abuses by the mining company Barrick Gold and the many communities around the globe that are affected by its operations.
  104. DEC Book Distribution 1988-89 Catalogue
    Periodical profile published 1988

    First Published: 1988
  105. DEC Films Catalogue 1986
    First Published: 1986
    Listing over 300 films from more than 50 countries -- features and shorts.
  106. The Decline and Fall of a Good Idea
    CCF-NDP Manifestoes 1932 to 1969

    First Published: 1974
    The party's manifestos over the decades. With an introduction by Michael W. Cross.
  107. Democratic Struggle: What Role for Marxism?
    First Published: 2003
    Exploring what Marxist approaches to democracy have offered to contemporary discussions.
  108. Destroying Libya's Welfare State
    NATO's Great Victory

    First Published: 2011
    For NATO, its corporate allies, and its media mouthpieces, such prosperity for workers simply will not do. We live in a world where austerity for the workers is the order of the day – for those in Libya, Greece, Italy, Spain, Great Britain and the U.S. as well. And those who stand in the way of such austerity measures, whether they be a nationalist government in Libya, Communists in Greece or Occupiers in the U.S., must be dealt with accordingly – by violent reaction.
  109. Development Education
    How To Do It

    First Published: 1980   Published: 1983
  110. Devolutionary Notes
    First Published: 1982
  111. Dialectical Adventures Into the Unknown
    First Published: 1973
    A Nihilist/Anarchist repudiation of 1970's-era British society.
  112. Dialectical Marxism: The Writings of Bertell Ollman
    Contains selections from Ollman's work on Marxist Theory - Dialectics - Alienation - Class Consciousness - Ideology - Class Struggle - Communism - Political Science (sic) - Socialist Pedagogy - Radical Humour.
  113. Dialectical Materialism & Psychoanalysis
    First Published: 1929
  114. Diggers and Dreamers: The Guide to Communal Living
    First Published: 1995
  115. Disabled Activists Seek Freedom
    First Published: 1996
    "I'd rather go to jail than to die in a nursing home".
  116. Documents From the Bain Ave. Rent Freeze
    First Published: 1978
  117. Doing Public Journalism
    First Published: 1995
    The author argues that journalists should be responsible citizens who with "the power of the press empower others besides the press.
  118. Domestic reality does not match bold words on Internet freedom of expression
    First Published: 2011
    The U.S. government gives lip service to online free speech but simultaneously acts in ways to drastically limit freedom of expression.
  119. Don't Let Blackwashing Save the Investor Class 
    First Published: 2020
    I could care less about these memorials to slavery and empire. Good riddance. The demonstrators have reinvigorated a process of recognition and historical consciousness that is long overdue, but their chosen targets also reflect a relative powerlessness in the face of contemporary forces. The gestural politics of the moment, reflected in terms like "white skin privilege" and "post-traumatic slavery disorder" have been heartily embraced by the investor class precisely because they deflect from the actual corporate decisions that justify exploitation, rationalize obsolescence and waste, and reproduce inequality all in pursuit of profit.
  120. Don't socialize the losses - take the whole thing! 
    Socialize all of finance under democratic control!

    First Published: 2008
    A demand that a few weeks ago would have seemed leftist utopianism is now entirely reasonable and indeed the only practical solution. If ALL the financial institutions- banks, insurance companies, saving and loans, pension funds - become state property, their worthless loans to each other can be wiped off the books as the mere paper that they are.
  121. Dossier on Palestine
    First Published: 2002
    An illustrated compilation of articles, press reports, analyses of key issues, an in-depth timeline, and 23 detailed maps.
  122. Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives, 2010-2011
    Capital devours lives, labor, land; masses seek paths to freedom

    First Published: 2010
    A revolutionary organization can no longer allow any separation between theory and practice, philosophy and revolution, workers and intellectuals, "inside" and "outside."
  123. Dubious Sentinel - Canada and the World Military Order
    First Published: 1981
  124. The Dynamics of Power in Canada
    The Vertical Mosaic Revisited
  125. The Eagle and the Jackal
    America's Rape of the Third World

    First Published: 1984
    A major section of this paper deals with United States domination and exploitation of Third World countries, and the relationship of this to U.S. militarism. The final section of the paper deals with the question of how the peace movement can work for a better society.
  126. The Earth Belongs to the People
    Ecology and Power

    First Published: 1973
    Ecology is about everything that makes life possible. It is about the fact that all these things depends on each other, and if one goes, all suffer -- just like a house of cards. Ecology is a mtter of balance: the balance of life. Something is messing up the balance of life, and all of use are suffering.
  127. The East York Workers' Association
    A Response to the Great Depression

    First Published: 1975
    An account of the activity of relief recipients in the township of East York, an eastern suburb of Toronto, in the 1930s.
  128. Eclipse and Re-emergence of the Communist Movement
    First Published: 1974
    Essasys on capitalism, class struggle, communism, Leninism, and ultra-leftism.
  129. Economics and the Family Farm
    A Study Guide

    First Published: 1987
    A study guide on farm finance exploring alternatives that are available to maintain the strength of family farm financing.
  130. The Emergence of the Canadian Working Class Movement 1845-1875
    First Published: 1975
  131. Employment Equity
    How We Can Use it to Fight Workplace Racism

    First Published: 1988
    Written to help people become more aware of and more involved in employment equity as a means to eliminate racism.
  132. The End of Dialectical Materialism: An anarchist reply to the libertarian Marxists
    First Published: 1978
    An anarchist reply to the libertarian Marxists.
  133. The End of Loser Liberalism: Making Markets Progressive
    First Published: 2011
    Progressives need a fundamentally new approach to politics. They have been losing not just because conservatives have so much more money and power, but also because they have accepted the conservatives’ framing of political debates.
  134. Endarkenment: Postmodernism, Identity Politics, and the Attack on Free Speech 
    First Published: 2017
    Many today find the idea of free speech appalling -- an awful fact to those who believe in freedom, quaint as it sounds. Left-liberals agitate to prevent disagreeable expression. Their masked street allies physically attack those who engage in it.
  135. Environmental Resource Book

    First Published: 1986
  136. Essay on Commodity Fetishism
    First Published: 1968
  137. Every Cook Can Govern 
    A Study of Democracy in Ancient Greece: Its Meaning for Today

    First Published: 1956
    Modern parliamentary democracy elects representatives and these representatives constitute the government. Before the democracy came into power, the Greeks had been governed by various forms of government, including government by representatives. The democracy knew representative government and rejected it. It refused to believe that the ordinary citizen was not able to perform practically all the business of government.
  138. The Exchange - Issue #3
    First Published: 2013
    The third issue of The Exchange focuses on ongoing struggles to build effective resistance to austerity, and the attempts to build unity across the left. The exchanges here try to look to the problems of the left and wider social movements – to ask how we might go forward, how we might contribute to the enrichment and revival of communist ideas, and how our work, in the here and now, can help to develop the left as a strong and serious force.
  139. The Facts About Food Irradiation
    First Published: 1988
    The Facts About Food Irradiation explains what irradiation is, how it affects food, how irradiation is regulated, where it fits into the nuclear system, and crucial economic and social concerns which all consumers should know about.
  140. The Facts on Free Trade
    First Published: 1988
  141. Fair Taxation in a Changing World: Highlights
    Report of the Ontario Fair Tax Commission

    First Published: 1993
  142. The Fallacy of "Community Control"
    First Published: 1971
    The idea of community control which proceeds from a geographic definition of community contains the serious fallacy of assuming that any neighbourhood is or can becomes a community (of equals). This fallacy leads to the consequent, easily documented failure to achieve any fundational -- or even minor, for that matter -- social changes. The community control advocates themselves recognize the failures, but they do not understand the cause: the lack of class analysis upon which an adequate theory can be built to guide one's practice.
  143. False Promises: A Review 
    First Published: 1974
    False Promises is a strange book. Despite a certain carelessness of presentation, I recommend it to all concerned with the working class for its extensive documentation of the working-class experience, at work, in the larger society, and in the unions. It is imbued with the conception that freedom is the fundamental quality of revolutionary change and it rejects the strangling doctrines and structures of the union movement and of the vanguard parties. Yet it cannot overcome a conception of working-class consciousness which reduces workers to victims and consciousness to verbalizations.
  144. Farmers Confront Industrialism
    Some Historical Perspectives on Ontario Agrarian Movement

    First Published: 1971   Published: 1975
  145. Fictitious Capital for Beginners 
    Imperialism, 'Anti-Imperialism', and the Continuing Relevance of Rosa Luxemburg

    First Published: 2007
    Rosa Luxemburg's framework enabled her to see how capitalism could ultimately destroy society - barbarism, in her words, or the 'mutual destruction of the contending classes' as the Communist Manifesto put it in 1847 - by being required to turn more and more to primitive accumulation and non-reproduction, a prophecy we see materializing before our eyes today.
  146. The Fight at UPS
    The Teamsters' Victory and the Future of the "New Labor Movement"

    First Published: 1997
  147. The First Freedom
    Freedom on Conscience and Religion in Canada (Second editon)

    First Published: 1989
    An updated edition of Conscience Canada's booklet on conscientious objection to taxation for military purposes. Much of the space is devoted to legal considerations (including a copy of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms), but the ethical argument forms the core of the booklet.
  148. The Flint Sitdown for Beginners
    First Published: 1996
    The Sitdown Strike at GM's Flint, Michigan Fisher Body and Chevrolet plants (December 1936-February 1937) was a turning point in the history of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO).
  149. Flying Without A Net
    The "Economic Freedom" of Working Canadians in 2000

    First Published: 2000
    Reports on a project to construct a quantitative index summarizing the multi-dimensional economic status of working people in Canada, based on variations in 14 different component indicators of economic and social well-being.
  150. For a Critical Marxism
    First Published: 1997
    Löwy emphasizes the open quality of the Marxist world view, in contrast with the conventional caricature of a closed, dogmatic system that has become ossified and irrelevant. Such a caricature of Marx and Marxism, of course, is useful for all this ideologies and social scientists whose "secular religion" (as Löwy describes it) would have us believe that capitalism and its free market are the natural and inevitable end product of human history.
  151. For a Socialist Ontario in an Independent Socialist Canada
    Resolutions prepared for the Ontario New Democratic Party Convention, October, 1970 by the Ontario Waffle Movement

    First Published: 1970
  152. For Communism: Propositions on a Strategy for Revolution in the Advanced Capitalist Countries
    First Published: 1970
    A series of 100 propositions addressing the strategic vacuum on the Italian and European left at the end of the 1960s.
  153. For Conscience Sake
    First Published: 1987
  154. France Spring 1968
    Masses in motion Ideas in free flow

    First Published: 1968
  155. France the struggle goes on
    First Published: 1968
  156. Fred Magdoff and John Bellamy Foster: A 'realistic' answer to the ecological crisis 
    First Published: 2011
    Resolving the ecological crisis is incompatible with capitalism. We must build a movement that works against capitalist logic with the aim to overcoming it in favour of a properly sustainable and egalitarian form of society.
  157. Free Association
    Revolutionary Committees as a Method of Organization

    The revolutionary committee "More to Come" elucidates its vision of collective uprising and revolution. While abhoring the use of violence, the group acknowledges the need for defense against reactionary government that would see to overturn the revolution.
  158. Free Trade: The Full Story
    First Published: 1988
    A history and analysis of the Free Trade Agreement of 1988.
  159. Free Trade or Self-Reliance
    Report of the Ecumenical Conference on Free Trade, Self-Reliance and Economic Justice

    First Published: 1987
    Report on a conference held February 26 - March 1, 1987.
  160. French New Working Class Theories
    From Radical America April 1969

    First Published: 1969
  161. Fresh Water
    The Human Imperative

    First Published: 1989
    Fresh Water: The Human Imperative examines global water use in terms of deficiency, development, pollution, delivery and storage, and testing.
  162. From Bolshevism to the Bureaucracy
    First Published: 1962
    Among the innumerable questions raised by the fate of the Russian Revolution, two form the poles around which we may organise all the others. The first question is: What kind of society was produced by the degeneration of the revolution? (What is the nature and the dynamic of this regime? What is the Russian bureaucracy? What is its relation to capitalism and to the proletariat? What is its place in history? What are its present problems?)
  163. From Dictatorship to Democracy 
    First Published: 2002   Published: 2010
    A short, serious introduction to nonviolent struggle, its applications, and strategic thinking. Based on pragmatic arguments, this piece presents nonviolent struggle as a realistic alternative to war and other violence in acute conflicts. It also contains a glossary of important terms and recommendations for further reading.
  164. From the Bourgeois to the Proletarian Revolution 
    First Published: 1924   Published: 1974
    Parliaments are becoming increasingly empty trappings: the parties are collapsing, destroying one another, and losing their political credibility: the trade unions are changing into ruins. The breakdown of this organisational and political system all along the line is inevitable.
  165. The FTAA and the WTO: the meta-program for global corporate rule 
    First Published: 2001
    The deepest and most systemic threat to civil and planetary life the world has ever faced is underway. Behind the disasters of regional economies and planetary ecosystems melting down, the threat is driven by an underlying meta-program, in terms of which every decision, every policy, every regulation and implementation is demanded and instituted by servant governments.
  166. Gainers and the Churches
    What Happened? What Have We Learned?

    First Published: 1988
    Looks at the 1986 Gainers strike in Edmonton from the point of view of an ecumenical group of Christians who supported the workers during that lengthy dispute.
  167. A Galbraith Reappraisal: the Ideologue as Gadfly
    First Published: 1968
    This article is a critical reappraisal of economist John Galbraith. The author challenges Galbraith and the Democratic Party for their complicity with corporate capitalism.
  168. German autonomen: morality police
    First Published: 2011
    On the origins of "black bloc" tactics.
  169. The Global Research Agenda
    A South-North Perspective

    First Published: 1990
  170. Global Thoughts, Local Actions
    First Published: 1984   Published: 1985
    A wealth of information for those seeking ways to link global problems to everyday life.
  171. Good Planets Are Hard to Find!
    First Published: 1990
    For children 8 and up. Gives information about the problems facing our fragile ecosystem, and offers a large range of activities geared to solving them.
  172. Grassroots media relations 
    A short introduction to media relations strategies for activist groups

    First Published: 2010   Published: 2017
    A media relations guide for organizers and activists.
  173. The Great Flint Sit-Down Strike Against G.M. 1936-37
    How Industrial Unionism was Won

    First Published: 1967
    A history of the Flint strike (1936-1937).
  174. The Great Lakes Primer
    First Published: 1986
    An introduction to the environmental problems faced by the Great Lakes.
  175. The GST in... The Big Tax Picture
    First Published: 1990
    When you start talking about the GST, you end up talking about the whole idea of taxation. And when you start talking about who pays more and who pays less, you're really talking about the kind of country you want to live in.
  176. Guatemala!
    The Horrow and the Hope

    First Published: 1982   Published: 1983
    288 pages in four sections on the situation in Guatemala.
  177. A Guide to Co-op Alternatives
    Diverting Profits from the Banks, Food Middlemen, the Landlords

    First Published: 1978
    This extensive guide to cooperative alternatives in the city of Toronto provides information about cooperative and collective ventures in areas such as education, housing, food, work and finance.
  178. A Guide to Working Class History
    Second Edition

    First Published: 1974
    A guide to resources about the history of working people in North America. The bulk of it is about the United States; the final section is on Canada.
  179. Handbook to Survive Bad Policing
    Guide to surviving police harassment and abuse. Helps anyone targeted by the police but especially Aboriginal youth, people of colour, and recent immigrants. Explains rights and strategies for dealing with the police.
  180. Hate speech in a plural society
    First Published: 2005
    One of the ironies of living in a more inclusive, more diverse society appears to be that the preservation of diversity requires us to leave increasingly to leave less room for a diversity of views. So, it is becoming increasingly common these days for liberals to proclaim that free speech is necessary in principle – but also to argue that in practice we should give up that right.
  181. Health Care as a Business
    The Legacy of Free Trade

    First Published: 1991
  182. Health Disparities By Race And Class: Why Both Matter 
    Health Affairs, 24, no. 2 (2005): 343-352

    First Published: 2005
    This essay examines three competing causal interpretations of racial disparities in health. The first approach views race as a biologically meaningful category and racial disparities in health as reflecting inherited susceptibility to disease. The second approach treats race as a proxy for class and views socioeconomic stratification as the real culprit behind racial disparities. The third approach treats race as neither a biological category nor a proxy for class, but as a distinct construct, akin to caste. The essay points to historical, political, and ideological obstacles that have hindered the analysis of race and class as codeterminants of disparities in health.
  183. Helping You Helps Me
    A Guide For Self-Help Groups

    First Published: 1988
  184. Here to Stay
    A Resource Kit on Environmentally Stable Development

    First Published: 1990
  185. Hip Culture: 6 Essays on its Revolutionary Potential
    Yippie, Third World, Feminist, Marxist, High School Student, Anarchist

    First Published: 1970
    Asks whether hip culture is making demands that cannot be accommodated by the system, or whether it promotes a 'do your own thing' ideology that can easily be co-opted?
  186. The Historical Failure of Anarchism 
    First Published: 1996
    Day examines anarchism's failure to genuinely critique itself, understand history or theory, and grasp the conditions in the world today. "Anti-capitalism doesn't do the victims of capitalism any good if you don't actually destroy capitalism," Day writes. 'Anti-statism' doesn't do the victims of the state any good if you don't actually smash the state. Anarchism has been very good at putting forth visions of a free society and that is for the good. But it is worthless if we don't develop an actual strategy for realizing those visions.
  187. A History of the Steelworkers Union
    First Published: 1973
  188. The History of Working People in the South
    A Draft Study Guide

    First Published: 1973
  189. History and Revolution
    A Revolutionary Critique of Historical Materialism

    First Published: 1965   Published: 1971
    Paul Cardan's critique of 'Marxism'.
  190. History and Revolution
    First Published: 1972
    Two critiques of Paul Cardan's critique of Marxism.
  191. Honest Womanhood
    Feminism, Feminity and Class Consciousness Among Toronto Working Women 1893-1914

    First Published: 1976
    Roberts' book is a look at paid employment for women at the turn of the century. He looks at the experience of the working women in the labour force, the realities of paid employment and the wages in a time of emerging capitalism. Also included is an analysis of women's role in the labour movement and the reasons for their relative lack of participation in trade unions and labour politics.
  192. The Householder's Guide to Community Defence Against Bureaucratic Aggression - Review
    A report on Britain's Government Machine

    First Published: 1972   Published: 1989
    Organizational tactics communities can use to fight projects or developments being foisted on them.
  193. How Canada's Christian right was built
    First Published: 2010
    The religous right is organizing hard, and effectively, to get their hands on the levers of power.
  194. How The Gods Were Made
    A Study in Historical Materialism

    First Published: 1929
  195. How to Change Everything 
    First Published: 2015
    Naomi Klein's This Changes Everything is a vital book whose limitations should spark discussion about where we go from here.
  196. How to Get What's Yours
    A Guide to Unemployment Insurance for Housewives and Other Workers

    First Published: 1978
    This pamphlet is produced to help candidates for unemployment insureance to understand their rights, procedures for filing claims and possible hassles to be encountered when trying to claim unemployment insurance.
  197. How to Start a Co-operative
    First Published: 1982
    An introduction to co-operatives and act as a guide to groups interested in organizing a co-operative.
  198. Hungary 1956: A workers' revolt crushed by the "workers' state"
    First Published: 1973
    The Hungarian revolution, brief though it was, did as much as a century of socialist theorizing to show what a united and determined people could do to transform their society.
  199. Hungary 56 
    First Published: 1964   Published: 1968
    The Hungarian Revolution was far more than a national uprising or than an attempt to change one set of rulers for another. It was a social revolution in the fullest sense of the term.
  200. Ideas for the Struggle 
    First Published: 2004   Published: 2016
    A revision of Harnecker's 2004 collection of essays, examining the movements of the left and the challenges faced in organizing and furthering movements, edited for the US historical context.
  201. If Pigs Could Fly
    The Hard Truth About the 'Economic Miracle' that Ruined New Zealand

    First Published: 1994
    It would be a miracle if pigs could fly. It would be a miracle if the New Zealand economic quick-fix worked. But pigs can't fly. And the New Zealand economic quick-fix doesn't work. Never has. Never will. The only miracle is why anyone believes it does.
  202. Ignorance and Courage in the Age of Lady Gaga
    First Published: 2010
    It can be safely said that cultural ignorance consists of the rational, sensible questions that never get asked. But it also includes the weird ones that are. For instance, one of the questions asked regarding tasering school kids is: What is the allowable weight range of a child to be tased? (Taser manufacturers say 60 pounds.) Somehow, by this geezer’s prehistoric reasoning, that sounds like the wrong question.
  203. The impoverishment of the Canadian left
    First Published: 1972
    Perhaps the most visible phenomenon 9and the most painful) on the scene of social change in Canada today, is the lack of any real left alternative to either bourgeois or liberal radical politics.
  204. In Praise of Marx 
    First Published: 2011
    Why might Marx be back on the agenda? The answer, ironically, is because of capitalism. Whenever you hear capitalists talking about capitalism, you know the system is in trouble.
  205. In the Corporate Interest
    The YNN Experience in Canadian Schools

    First Published: 2000
  206. Inflation and Democracy in Canada
    Thirty Years of Stop and Go

    First Published: 1976
    Pamphlet discusses wage and price Controls and how they affect Canadians.
  207. Insurrection & Organisation
    First Published: 2008
    An attempt to analyze the role of insurrection in the class struggle, in relation to the problem of revolutionary organization.
  208. The International Situation
    World United Front & Proletarian Revolution

    First Published: 1977
    These Canadian Marxist-Leninists distinguish themselves from those who they perceive as betrayers of the working class -- namely the Communist Party of Canada and other "phoney" communists. In this paper the authors engage with the international situation and analyze major trends on a global level. Accordingly, they seek to determine: 1) what effect the international situation will have on the revolutionary struggles in Canada and consequently on the tasks of Marxist-Leninists who must lead these struggles, and 2) the responsibilities and tasks of the Canadian working class and Marxist-Leninists in upholding proletarian internationalism. This is Pamphlet 2.
  209. International Trade Union Summit on Privatization Proceedings
    First Published: 1989
  210. An Introduction to Capitalism
    Four lectures on Marxian Economies

    First Published: 1971
  211. Introduction to Social Revolution
    First Published: 1976
    A Short Introduction to Social Revolutionary Politics, with short articles on ""Capitalism," "War," "State Capitalism," "National Liberation and Imperialism," "Racism," "Sex Roles," "Education," and "Reform and Revolution."
  212. The Invading Socialist Society
    First Published: 1947
    History has shown that in moments of great social crisis, its farthest flights fall short of the reality of the proletarian revolution. Never was the proletariat so ready for the revolutionary struggle, never was the need for it so great, never was it more certain that the proletarian upheaval, however long delayed, will only the more certainly take humanity forward in the greatest leap forward it has hitherto made. The periods of retreat, of quiescence, of inevitable defeats are mere episodes in the face of the absolute nature of the crisis.
  213. The Irrational in Politics 
    First Published: 1970   Published: 1975
    The Irrational in Politics examines the way in which we have been programmed by social and sexual patterns of the dominant ideology. The result is mass produced individuals incapable of automous thought and perpetually craving authority and leadership. In this light he looks as well at the sexual revolution and the failure of the Russian Revolution. His aim is to allow the ordinary individual to aquire insight into their own phychic structure and in doing so become harmonised with their own deep aspirations and desires.
  214. Is Israel an Apartheid State? 
    Rhetoric or Reality? Summary of a Legal Study by the Human Sciences Research council of South Africa

    First Published: 2010
    Do Israel's practices in occupied Palestinian territory, namely the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, amount to the crimes of colonialism and apartheid under international law?
  215. The Joy of Revolution 
    First Published: 1997   Published: 2007
    Knabb says "What is needed, I believe, is a worldwide participatory-democracy revolution that would abolish both capitalism and the state. This is admittedly a big order, but I'm afraid that nothing less can get to the root of our problems. It may seem absurd to talk about revolution; but all the alternatives assume the continuation of the present system, which is even more absurd."
  216. "Just Say No!" to the Robin Hood-in-Reverse Bailout
    And What to Do Instead

    First Published: 2008
    The reverse Robin Hood deal to bail out the rich cannot be allowed to stand. It's time to take to the streets.
  217. Karl Marx and the Iroquois 
    An essay on Marx's Ethnological Notebooks

    Franklin Rosemont delves into Marx's Ethnological Notebooks and examines their significance and relevance towards today's communist movement.
  218. Key Problems of the Transition from Capitalism to Socialism
    First Published: 1969   Published: 1970
  219. Kicking Out Corporations
    First Published: 2004
    Rural areas revoke corporate "personhood" in order to reclaim self-rule.
  220. Labor and Monopoly Capital
    The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century

    First Published: 1974
  221. The Labour Companion
    A bibliography of Canadian labour history. Second edition.

    First Published: 1980   Published: 2015
    he Canadian Labour Bibliography was an initiative of the Committee on Canadian Labour History in the 1970s. The initial efforts to create an annual reading list of publications dealing with Canadian labour topics led to the creation of The Labour Companion: a bibliography of Canadian labour history based on materials printed from 1950 to 1975. Beginning in 1985, references for the second edition were gathered from libraries and archives, from bibliographies and footnotes, and through a systematic indexing of major Canadian periodicals. The Labour Companion (1980) contained 92 pages of citations; the current manuscript has grown since that time to approximately 760 pages.
  222. Labour in an Affluent Society
    Put together by the Radical Education Project, this paper includes the following articles: "WILDCAT: anatomy of a work stoppage" by Steve Fox; "THE BRUNS STRIKE: a case study of student participation in labor" by C. Clark Kissinger; and "BLUE RIDGE: The History of the Levi Strike" by Brenda Mull.
  223. Lament For a Patriarchy Lost? Anti-Feminism, Anti-Abortion and R.E.A.L. Women in Canada
    First Published: 1987
    Author Karen Dubinsky, a graduate student of women's studies at Carleton University, focues on the beliefs and rise of the Anti-feminist, anti-abortion new right in Canada.
  224. Law and the wives of others
    First Published: 2008
    How does a modern, plural democratic society deal with the desire of some minority groups to observe cultural norms at odds with the law of the land?
  225. Leadership for Change
    Toward a Feminist Model

    First Published: 1989
  226. Lectures on Liberation
  227. Lenin, Trotsky and the Vanguard Party
    A Contemporary View

    First Published: 1963   Published: 1964
  228. Let Them Eat Diversity 
    First Published: 2011
    Alter Benn Michaels says that “'left neoliberals' are people who don’t understand themselves as neoliberals. They think that their commitments to anti-racism, to anti-sexism, to anti-homophobia constitute a critique of neoliberalism. But if you look at the history of the idea of neoliberalism you can see fairly quickly that neoliberalism arises as a kind of commitment precisely to those things."
  229. Life in the Factory
    This pamphlet concerns itself with the life of the working class in the process of production. and seeks to understand what the workers are thinking and doing while actually at work on the bench or on the line. Romano, himself a factory worker, has contributed greatly to such an understanding by his description, based upon years of study and observation, of the life of workers in modern mass production.
  230. Like a Dull Knife: The People's Climate "Farce"
    First Published: 2014
    Even in a top-down format, one hopes the upcoming march could draw much-needed attention to the climate movement.
  231. Listen Anarchist!
    First Published: 1988
    Bufe criticizes many of the failings of the anarchist movement in North America, in theory and in practice.
  232. Listen, Marxist!
    First Published: 1969   Published: 1971
    Murray Bookchin takes on the 'Marxist-Leninists' who are destroying the New Left.
  233. Little Boxes and other handmade songs
    First Published: 1964
    The best songs I write turn out to be something like folks songs because these traditional pieces say things the way I want to say them and am impelled to say them; they mean to speak surely and quietly, almost as an aside or half-heard observation, with a way of sticking in the memory as though they had something to say that you didn't catch the first time.
  234. Living in One's OwnTime: A Memoir from the Left
    Introduction by Kirk Niergarth

    First Published: 2005
  235. The Lordstown Struggle and the Real Crisis in Production
    Solidarity Pamphlet 45

    First Published: 1973
    An attempt to document some important tendencies developing in the motor car industry but which are relevant to modern production as a whole.
  236. Mahatma Gandhi and His Myths
    First Published: 1990
    Tackles some of the myths of about Gandhi, such as the idea that he was a "saint", or the idea that non-violence is the same as passivity, or that non-violence may have worked in India but wouldn't work anywhere else.
  237. The MAI and capitalist crisis - a Marxist analysis
    First Published: 1998
    The MAI is nothing more than a "bill of rights" for corporations.
  238. Major League Losers
    The Real Cost of Sports and Who's Paying For It

    First Published: 1999
  239. Major Universal Problems of Living
    A New Approach to Information

    First Published: 1936   Published: 1967
  240. Making a Killing
    The Canada-Israel Military-Industrial Partnership

    First Published: 2009
    Canadian companies supply many essential components to Israel's war machine. This pamphlet provides information on the arms trade that will help to strengthen the movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions.
  241. Making Common Cause
    A Statement and Action Plan By US-Based Development, Environment and Populations NGOS

    First Published: 1988
  242. Making Waves
    First Published: 1984
    Making Waves tells the history of Grindstone Island, first as an active summer home, then as a peace education centre run by the Quakers, and finally the present co-operative centre.
  243. Managing Crisis
    First Published: 1982
  244. A Manual for Group Facilitators
    First Published: 1977
  245. Mao as a Dialectician
    First Published: 1968   Published: 1971
  246. The Market vs Human Need
    A Marxist analysis of the WTO and the FTAA

    First Published: 2000
    Recent 'trade' deals include measures that severely threaten the lives and rights of the workers, small farmers and students who live in the countries covered by these deals.
  247. Marx, theoretician of anarchism 
    First Published: 1973
    Under the name communism, Marx developed a theory of anarchism; and further, in fact it was he who was the first to provide a rational basis for the anarchist utopia and to put forward a project for achieving it.
  248. The Marxism of C.L.R. James
    First Published: 1996
    James is generally acknowledged to have been one of the most original Marxist thinkers to emerge from the Western hemisphere, yet essential aspects of his identity came from the other side of the Atlantic, from Europe and Africa. He offered penetrating analyses on the interrelationships of class, race and gender, and his discussions of colonialism and anti-colonialism could be brilliant. C.L.R. James also embraced the heritage of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, and the working-class and socialist movements of Europe and North America.
  249. Le Marxisme, c'est pas Sorcier
    First Published: 1981
  250. May Day & SDS & SNCC Jubilee
    First Published: 2010
    Class consciousness is the knowledge that emancipation is ours. Class struggle is the fight for it, the fight to be a class, and then the fight to abolish the class system. It is not economistic; it is historical. It was concrete not abstract. It was expressed in real voices, voices of the past and voices of the present. The skill is in the listening.
  251. The Meaning of Economic Imperialism
  252. The Meaning of Socialism
    First Published: 1961   Published: 1969
    Paul Cardan's 1961 discussion of modern conceptions of socialism, and the future of socialist movements.
  253. Measuring Well-Being
    First Published: 1997
    A look at how we measure well-being; problems that arise from only counting economic expansion; ways to augment our measuring system to guide us more directly twoard well-being.
  254. Media For Social Change
    A Resource Book For Community Groups

    First Published: 1986
    An aid for community groups to help them obtain greater access to mainstream media or even to create their own media.
  255. Media for Social Change
    First Published: 1983
  256. Media Resource Guide
    First Published: 1987
  257. Meese Commission Exposed
    First Published: 1986
    The Meese Commission Exposed deals with censorship in the United States.
  258. Meeting Facilitation: the No Magic Method
    First Published: 1989
    A guide for planning and carrying out consistently productive meetings.
  259. Merry Christmas from an Atheist
    First Published: 2006
    I probably represent one of Archbishop John Sentanu's worst nightmares - I am not just an 'aggressive secularist' but a militant atheist to boot. But I have a Christmas tree in the house, I've sent out my Christmas cards, bought my Christmas presents and I will cook goose on Christmas Day. And I will probably listen to Bach's Christmas Oratorio or to Mahalia Jackson's wonderful gospel singing while I am doing so. Yet I don't have a religious bone in my body.
  260. Miners and Steelworkers
    Labour in Cape Breton

    First Published: 1976
  261. Mining: Extracting the Future
    First Published: 2015
    A publication on the negative impact of the mining industry on local communities and the environment. Articles include a look at the opening of Canada's North to industry, mining exploitation in Peru and targeted assassinations in Mesoamerica, Indigenous Water Defence, and the efforts of mining companies to excerpt influence and undermine accountability.
  262. Mistaken Identity
    First Published: 2008
    Historically, antiracists challenged both the practice of racism and the process of racialisation; that is, both the practice of discriminating against people by virtue of their race and the insistence that an individual can be defined by the group to which he or she belongs. Today's multiculturalists argue that to fight racism one must celebrate group identity. The consequence has been the resurrection of racial ideas and the imprisonment of people within their cultural identities. Racial theorists and multiculturalists, the French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut observes, have 'conflicting credos but the same vision of the world'. Both fetishise difference. Both seek to 'confine individuals to their group of origin'. Both undermine 'any possibility of natural or cultural community among peoples'. Challenging such a politics of difference has become as important today as challenging racism.
  263. A Model for Nonviolent Communication
    First Published: 1983
    A description of communication skills to empower us to exchange resources and resolve differences nonviolently.
  264. A Modest Proposal for How the Bad Old Days Will End
    First Published: 1975
    A brief explanation of capitalism and an optimistic manifesto for stateless communism.
  265. The Mozambican Woman in the Revolution
    First Published: 1974
    This selection of writings on Mozambican Women deals with a number of important aspects in the struggle for the emancipation of women - Mozambican women, African women and humanity's women.
  266. Multiculturalism fans the flames of islamic extremism
    First Published: 2005
    Multiculturalism as lived experience enriches our lives. But multiculturalism as a political ideology has helped create a tribal Britain with no political or moral centre.
  267. The Nakba
    Why Israel's birth was Palestine's catastrophe and what's the solution?

    First Published: 2008
  268. "Não Nos Representam!" A Left Beyond the Workers Party?
    First Published: 2013
    Larrabure identifies why the participatory budgeting strategy of Brazil's Worker's Party and the city's government failed to decentralize unequality in land ownership and the economy, resulting in mass protests and demonstrations by the public.
  269. Natives in a class society
    First Published: 1983
    Same as CX2835.
  270. The NDP: Can it make a difference?
    A marxist analysis

    First Published: 1997
    How is it possible that the NDP, the only party which is not funded by big business, has been unable to capitalize on the anger amongst ordinary people? This pamphlet examines the roots of the collapse of the NDP and why it has been so slow to recover.
  271. Neighborhood Action: Recipes For Change
    First Published: 1986
  272. The New Dawn Story
    First Published: 1981
    In the area of industrial Cape Breton Island, there exists a form of Community Development Corporation (CDC) known as New Dawn Enterprises Limited.
  273. New job for Reisman
    First Published: 1990
  274. New Left Caucus (Toronto Student Movement)
    A Draft Manifesto

    First Published: 1969
    Puts forward an alternative to Leninst factions which emerged in the Toronto Student Movement in 1968-1969. The authors state that "We consider ourselves, therefore, Marxists but not Leninists, though we are prepared to work with various shades of Leninists in struggling against the common enemy, capitalism and imperialism. At the same time, however, we will not be cowed over by those who seek to resurrect Comrade Stalin as a hero, or justify the suppression of the Kronstadt Revolut, or the invasion of Czechoslovakia, etc. Our conceprt of socialism is different, and though we have no worked out program as yet, we will not allow the vanguard formations to close our options for us.
  275. The new socialist revolution
    An introduction to its theory and strategy

    First Published: 1973
    Chapter 6 - Strategy and Tactics. The first task of the revolutionary movement, its most important task within the next few years, is to destroy bourgeois hegemony and develop a radical consciousness among each of the potential constituencies for revolutionary action.
  276. A New Weave
    Popular Education in Canada and Central America

    First Published: 1986   Published: 1987
    A resource for educators working for social change in community groups, trade unions, churches, the peace movement, women's groups, international development organizations, Central America and other solidarity networks.
  277. No Bosses Here: A Manual On Working Collectively
    First Published: 1976
    An overview of how to organize and operate a working collective. Includes discussions of decision making, meetings, common interpersonal problems as well as practical concerns such as finances and bookkeeping. Written in a personal, friendly style and draws on the experience of many collective members.
  278. Nonviolence for Elfin Spirits
    First Published: 1992
    Ross writes: "The title of this book is meant ot convey two things: all elves should learn to be nonviolent, and some nonviolent people should be elves.
  279. Not Worth The Risk
    A Community Report on the Line 9 International Energy Board Hearings

    First Published: 2014
    Enbridge's Line 9 pipeline – a 38 year old pipeline that is almost identical in build and age to the Line 6B pipeline that ruptured into the Kalamazoo river – seeks to gain approval to reverse its flow, increase its capacity, and carry a dangerous heavy crude known as dilbit, or diluted bitumen. Line 9 runs through sensitive ecosystems and important farmlands throughout Southern Ontario and Quebec, and passes within 50 km of over 9 million people, including 18 First Nations communities.
  280. Notes on Left Propaganda and How to Spread the Word
    First Published: 1950   Published: 1967
  281. Notes on the American Working Class and Capital in the 1960s
    First Published: 1974
  282. Nothing Is Ever Won Without Organizing 
    Remarks to the First Nonviolence Training Session of the Mexican Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity

    First Published: 2012
    All organizing begins with the telling of a story. When we listen carefully to somebody’s story, we learn what motivates him, what she is passionate about. Listening is the first skill and duty of a community organizer. Before we can get somebody to do something, we have to learn what he and she want, which is usually different than what we presumed they wanted.
  283. Now that we've burned our boats....
    The Report of the People's Commission on Unemployment

    First Published: 1978
  284. The Nuclear Power Booklet
    The Case for a Nuclear-Free Ontario

    First Published: 1990
    he Nuclear Power Booklet discusses the effects of low level radiation, and the hazards of uranium mining and reactors. It also talks about solutions and alternatives.
  285. Nuclear War Manual for Dogs
    First Published: 1983
  286. Nutrition and Underdevelopment
    First Published: 1977
    A booklet that attempts to show that hunger, on a world-wide scale, is not the
    result of food scarcity alone but rather a symptom of an unjust world economic
  287. Occupy Movement a valuable partner
    'Idea' to build a united Canadian progressive

    First Published: 2011
    The progressive community must learn it has to confront power with power – something we don’t do well in Canada. It seems enough to most Canadians to simply point out that something is wrong, and leave it to someone else to shoulder. This doesn’t cut it any more. We need to stop being nice, and start fighting harder!
  288. Occupy Wall Street vs. Kingian Methods
    Where are the Demands?

    First Published: 2011
    The students, the labour unions, the working poor, the immigrants, the activists all over the country should come up with the solutions and make the demands. There can be dangerous consequences in organizing efforts when there is no clarity. It’s often a matter of life and death.
  289. Off Their Backs ...and on our own two feet
    First Published: 1983
  290. Ojibway Warriors' Society in occupied Anicinabe Park
    Kenora August 1974

    First Published: 1974
  291. On Movement and Freedom
    Tales of Enduring Transience

    First Published: 2017
    Canada-based artist Gita Hashemi embarks on a ground journey from Germany to Greece along the so-called "Balkan route." In this written account Hashemi meets with others who are also on the move, as well as artists and activists who support freedom of movement and refugee rights. It is part of an art project called "On the Move" about freedom of movement.
  292. On Organization
    First Published: 1969   Published: 1972
    The authors argue that political groups, whether large or small, formal or informal, hierarchical or not, can only be a hindrance to revolutionary developments.
  293. On Organization 
    Discusses the democratic organizational forms appropriate to libertarian socialist organizations.
  294. On Roediger's Wages of Whiteness
    First Published: 2002
    An extended discussion and critique of David Roediger's book Wages of Whiteness. Allen writes: "David Roediger's Wages of Whiteness, because of its almost universal acceptance for use in colleges and universities, has served as the single most effective instrument in the socially necessary consciousness-raising function of objectifying 'whiteness,' and in popularizing the 'race-as-a-social-construct' thesis. As one who has been the beneficiary of kind supportive comments from him for my own efforts in this field of historical investigation, I undertake this critical essay with no other purpose than furthering the our common aim of the disestablishment of white identity, and the overthrow of white supremacism in general."
  295. On Spontaneity and Organisation
    First Published: 1971   Published: 1975
    On the relationship of spontaneity and revolution.
  296. On the Line!
    Songs for Social Change
  297. On Unions and the Class Struggle
    First Published: 1969   Published: 1973
    Written during the wave of workers' struggles known as the Italian hot autumn of 1969, when the autonomous struggles of the working class reached an unprecedented level, laying bare the character and function of the unions.
  298. The Ontogenesis of the Interest in Money
  299. Organizing for Workers' Power
    Beyond Trade Unionism & Vanguardism

    First Published: 1968   Published: 1969
    A discussion of the problem of "vanguardism," and the role of leadership in revolutionary organization, and its evolution through different stages of class struggle, by Adriano Sofri of the Italian socialist group Lotta Continua, with an introduction by militants in southern Ontario.
  300. Organizing "The Poor" - Against The Working Class
    First Published: 1971
    The newly found "poor" have become a focus for middle class activists. Having learned in the schools and universities that the working class either did not exist or that if it existed, it was co-opted and apathetic and could not possible act as the agent for social change, they found it "refreshing" to locate this new constituency.
  301. The Origins of Left Culture in the U.S.: 1880-1940
    Issue 6-7 of Cultural Correspondence and Issue #6 of Green Mountain Irregulars

    First Published: 1978
    A selection of materials from the early years of radical popular culture in the United States, showing how different peoples, over several generations, sought to create out of their own resources a better, more co-operative society.
  302. The origins of racism
    First Published: 2011
    Racism is so embedded in our society that many people assume it has always existed. But, says Yuri Prasad, it is really a modern phenomenon that developed with capitalism.
  303. Other Voices Introductions
    First Published: 2014   Published: 2021
    Introductions to the Other Voices newsletters from July 2014 through to the end of 2021.
  304. Our Common Future
    A Reader's Guide

    First Published: 1987
    Explains the concept of sustainable development, presses the necessity of a more equitable international economic system, and lays bare the links between trade, environment, and development.
  305. Our Great Lakes Commons
    A People's Plan to Protect the Great Lakes Forever

    First Published: 2012
    A booklet on the proposal to designate the Great Lakes and its tributary waters as a lived 'Commons' that will be protected by a robust legal and political framework.
  306. Our Land, Our Lives
    Time Out On The Global Land Rush

    First Published: 2012
    In the past decade an area of land eight times the size of the UK has been sold off globally as land sales rapidly accelerate. This land could feed a billion people equivalent to the number of people who go to bed hungry each night. In poor countries, foreign investors have been buying an area of land the size of London every six days. With food prices spiking for the third time in four years, interest in land could accelerate again as rich countries try to secure their food supplies and investors see land as a good long-term bet.
  307. 'Our Only Fear Was That He Might Pull His Punches' - BBC Caught Manipulating The News
    First Published: 2016
    The position of BBC political editor plays an important role in this propaganda system. His or her function is essentially to tell the public what leading politicians say or even 'think'. It is certainly not to question power or challenge government authority in any meaningful way.
  308. Out of the Driver's Seat
    Marxism in North America Today

    First Published: 1974
    Outlines the political perspective of the Windsor-based Labour Centre in the wake of divisions in the Centre in 1974. Issues explored include the nature of the working class, women in the working class, gay rights, and students rights.
  309. A Parable of Pigs
    First Published: 1972
    There once was a pig farm that was operated by an old farmer, his son, and a hired man. The farmyard was filled with hundreds of pigs of all sizes, and they all ate their swill from a huge trough.
  310. Parecon & Participatory Society
    An Interview with Michael Albert

    First Published: 2010
    Participatory Economics, or parecon for short, is a vision for how to conduct economics in a classless manner. It delivers to workers and consumers self managed say over their economic lives, a condition of solidarity with others, equitable incomes for their labors, diverse opportunities and options, and ecological balance.
  311. Patent Folly
    First Published: 1995
    The misuse of patents rights and associated dangers.
  312. The Path to Human Development
    Capitalism or Socialism?

    First Published: 2009
    If we believe in people, if we believe that the goal of a human society must be that of "ensuring overall human development," our choice is clear: socialism or barbarism.
  313. The People's History of Cape Breton
    First Published: 1971
    The story of the working people of Cape Breton: a history of hte common people, of their day-to-day fight to improve their working conditions and their struggle to build a better way of life.
  314. The People's Report
    A Social and Economic Alternative for B.C.

    First Published: 1985
    The report on a commission which invited people across British Columbia to offer their visions of a just and sustainable economic future.
  315. The People's Song Book
    First Published: 1948   Published: 1956
    Songs of protest and affirmation. Foreword by Alan Lomax; preface by B.A. Botkin.
  316. The Perils of Faith-Based Multiculturalism
    The Case of Shari'a in Canada

    First Published: 2006
    Conservative religious leaders have become more vocal and demanding, and governments are giving in to their demands without much regard for the serious consequences for democracy and citizens’ rights.
  317. Planning As Learning: The Education of Citizen Activists
    First Published: 1994
    Phd thesis focusing on the learning undertaken by members of citizens' groups involved in land use planning.
  318. Platformism & Bolshevism
    Pamphlet published by the International Bolshevik Tendency: A polemic against platformist anarchism

    First Published: 2002
  319. Playing Fair?
    First Published: 1990
    An ingenious mix of entertainment and information, Playing Fair explains world hunger to high-school students with games and an attention-grabbing format and layout. The kit consists of five lessons, each accompanied by a board game.
  320. Political Economy of Population Control in Latin America
    First Published: 1972
    An analysis of the use of birth control in Latin America.
  321. The Political Economy of Youth
    Youth as Class

    First Published: 1969   Published: 1971
    The tremdneous power of the youth movement today is that it is not a "generational conflict" but a social conflict. To the old generational consciousness there has been added a true class consciousness among young people.
  322. A Political History of Agrarian Organizations in Ontario 1914-1940
    with special reference to Grey and Bruce Counties

    First Published: 1974
    Examines the development and evolution of the United Farmers of Ontario.
  323. A Political Statement of the Libertarian Socialist Collective
    First Published: 1979
    The socialist perspective, as we see it, implies a total critique of human society as it is presently constituted. Socialism means a total transformation of life and social institutions - a project of collective self-transformation.
  324. A Popular Education Handbook
    An educational experience taken from Central America and adapted to the Canadian context

    First Published: 1983
  325. The Postmodern Left and the success of neoliberalism 
    First Published: 2016
    The international Left promotes its own image rather than engaging in the bitter reality of resistance against neoliberalism. It does not need to believe in postmodernism because it is postmodernism.
  326. Postmodernism: Paralysed by postmodernism
    First Published: 2008
    A great deal of "theory" in the humanities and social sciences -- and not just postmodern theory -- involves the creating of a kind of conceptual landscape filled with curious kinds of abstract objects -- "language", "power", "justice", "state", "culture", "government", "the polity", "the economy" and a host of others, which are viewed "theoretically" from somewhere way "outside" or "above" them. But it is just this way of looking at things -- from "on high" -- that makes it so difficult to see how people in the landscape are able to create and re-create the world in which they live, and are not simply trapped or formed by it. In fashionable postmodernist treatments of identity or subjectivity, language, as the ultimately hollow and imprisoning object, is put together with the notion that anybody who uses words must be committed to the standard definition of those words, to produce the conclusion that "language" determines the meaning of "identity" words such as man, woman, gay, straight, black, white, natural, normal -- and thus "constructs" (as it is said) human identity or subjectivity itself.
  327. Poverty in Wealth
    First Published: 1976
    A critique of existing poverty research in Canada.
  328. Preface to Martin Glaberman's Four Essays on the Working Class
    First Published: 1975
    Glaberman insists that the working class is not merely a victim of capitalism. Working people are active participants in creating their own consciousness, their methods of struggle and their own history.
  329. Preparing the Ground
    Left Strategy Beyond the Apocalypse

    First Published: 2012
    Richard Swift considers the fall -- and future rise -- of left politics.
  330. The Present Moment in Education
    First Published: 1969   Published: 1970
  331. Press for Conversion #67
    Fall 2012 - Profiting from Israeli Apartheid

    First Published: 2012
    In an effort to support the international boycott, divestment, sanctions movement, and the call for an arms embargo on Israel, COAT's two-part report exposes $1.5 billion-worth of CPP investments in 68 companies selling products and services for Israel's wars and the illegal occupation of Palestinian land. (Part 2).
  332. Privatization in the Canadian Health Care System
    Assertions, Evidence, Ideology and Options

    First Published: 1985
  333. The Pro-Family Movement:
    Are They For or Against Families?

    First Published: 1987
    In this fourth paper in the Feminist Perspective Series, Margrit Eichler examines the policies of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC) concerning wives, homemakers, and mothers.
  334. Proceedings of the First International Congress on Uranium Mining
    "Stop It At The Source"

    First Published: 1989
    Proceedings of a conference held in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan June 16 - 21, 1988.
  335. Proclaiming Migrants Rights
    First Published: 1992
    The New International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.
  336. Productivity
    The Employers' attack and How To Fight It

    First Published: 1973
  337. The Professor of Parody
    First Published: 2000
    It is difficult to come to grips with Judith Butler’s ideas because it is difficult to figure out what they are.
  338. A progressive dialogue on the future: Six questions for leftists 
    First Published: 2011
    Leftists don't spend enough time or energy working on important strategic questions. If we could resolve a handful of these, even tentatively, and try out some solutions, we would be far more successful. Here are six from my list of the most important questions, as well as my answers, which by their very incompleteness and inadequacy should suggest that more people should work on them.
  339. Progressive Frames for Taxes 
    First Published: 2005
    As progressives, we do not believe that taxes are necessarily an affliction. Instead, we think of taxes as investments that give us dividends.
  340. Propaganda and Consciousness: The Future of Big Flame Newspaper
    A political dicussion of the strategy and practice of Big Flame, written in the early 1970s.
  341. Proportional Representation: The Urgency of Real Reform
    First Published: 1996
    The introduction of an electoral system based on proportional representation would allow the left to be represented in government, because it allows for representation without requiring a majority vote.
  342. Provos and Kabouters
  343. Public Consultation: A Citizens Handbook
    First Published: 1989
    A publication created to help you consult effectively; decide what you expect and want from any public consultation process; decide when to say no.
  344. Publish It Not!
    First Published: 2011
    How Israel controls the way the international 'liberal' media portray its illegal and vicious occupation of Palestine and why the media allow them to get away with it.
  345. Punching Out
    First Published: 1952   Published: 1973
  346. Querying Young Chomsky 
    First Published: 2011
    Chomsky offers observations on what a desirable society might look like from the perspective of the heritage of libertarian socialist or anarcho-syndicalist or communist anarchist views.
  347. The Question of Stalin
    Colletti explores the contradictions of Bolshevism as the vanguard party which constructed a powerful state apparatus to manage the socialist relations of production while abandoning the development of socialist democracy.
  348. Race, pluralism and the meaning of difference
    First Published: 1998
    Far from establishing a critique of racial thinking, the politics of difference appropriates many of its themes and reproduces the very assumptions upon which racism has historically been based. Most critically, the embrace of difference has undermined the capacity to defend equality.
  349. Radical America - Volume 4, No. 6 - September - October 1970
    Special Lenin-Hegel Issue

    First Published: 1970
  350. Radical America - Volume 6 Number 5
    Special Issue: Quebec

    First Published: 1972
    An analysis of the Quebec general strike of 1972 and its roots in Quebec history.
  351. Radical America - Volume 7, Number 2 - March-April 1973
    Working Class Struggles in Italy

    First Published: 1973
  352. Radical America - Volume 9, Number 6 - November-December 1975
    Revolution in Portugal

    First Published: 1975
    Articles on the Portuguese revolution of 1975.
  353. Raising Hell
    A Citizen's Guide to the Fine Art of Investigation

    First Published: 1983
    Revised edition.
  354. The Real Story Behind CFI
    From Zurich to The Pas: The $100 Million Rape of Manitoba

    First Published: 1971
  355. The Realization and Suppression of Religion
    It is not enough to explain religion by its social role or historical development. The content that is expressed in religious forms must be discovered. Because revolutionaries haven't really come to terms with religion, it continually returns to haunt them.
  356. Recolonization or Liberation
    The Bonds of Structural Adjustment and Struggles for Emancipation

    First Published: 1990
    According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, structural adjustment is the goal of the economic and social programs which they impose upon indebted Third World governments. This booklet examines Structural Adjustment Programs from the perspective of those who are made to bear the burden of 'adjustment' in countries around the world. It shows how not only nations of the Third World, but also Canada and Eastern Europe, are being subjected to structural adjustment.
  357. Recovering the Libertarian Tradition 
    An interview with E.P. Thompson.
  358. The Red and the Black 
    Profit is the motor of capitalism. What would it be under socialism?

    First Published: 2012
    In this essay, I start from the common socialist assumption that capitalism’s central defects arise from the conflict between the pursuit of private profit and the satisfaction of human needs. Then I sketch some of the considerations that would have to be taken into account in any attempt to remedy those defects.
  359. Redefining Revolution
    First Published: 1963   Published: 1974
    Modern society certainly remains profoundly divided. It constantly functions against the immense majority of working people. In everyday life the exploited defend themselves against exploitation by part of every single one of their everyday gestures. The present crisis of humanity, it is true, will only be solved by a socialist revolution. But these ideas risk remaining empty abstractions, pretexts for sermons or for a blind, spasmodic activism if one doesn't try to understand the new ways in which the division of society assumes concrete form today, how modern capitalism functions, the new forms taken today by the working class struggle against the ruling classes and their system, and unless one seriously tries to understand what — under these conditions — a new revolutionary activity integrated to the real struggle of people in society might mean and how it could be linked to a coherent and lucid understanding of the world. To achieve this what is needed is nothing less than a radical theoretical and practical renewal.
  360. The Reform Party
    How to expose and oppose the bigots

    First Published: 1994
    The Reform Party claims to be a new alternaive. But this so-called party of reform is no alternative at all. And its policies are hardly new. The Reform Party agenda puts profit ahead of social need and will lead to a reversal of hard-won gains made by workers, people of colour, immigrants, Natives, francophones, women, lesbians and gays and other oppressed groups.
  361. Reform and Revolution 
    First Published: 1967   Published: 1968
    An essay taken from Andre Gorz's Le Socialisme Difficile in which he discusses how socialist strategy can aim to crate the objective and subjective conditions which will make mass revolutionary action and engagement in a successful trail of strength with the bourgeoise possible.
  362. The Regina Manifesto: Co-operative Commonwealth Federation Programme
    Adopted by the founding convention of the CCCF in Regina, Saskatchewan, July, 1933.
  363. Regroupment & Refoundation of a U.S. Left 
    First Published: 2009
    Perspectives for socialist renewal in the 21st century.
  364. The Relevance of Anarchism to Modern Society
    First Published: 1970
    An attempt to elucidate "classical anarchism," a la Proudhon, Kropotkin, etc., so as to repudiate "neo-anarchism," with its emphasis on "escapist individualism" and "action for the sake of action."
  365. Renewing Historical Materialism
    First Published: 1997
    Ellen Meiksins Wood's Democracy Against Capitalism offers a sophisticated interpretation and defense of the core concepts of Marxism. The vision of socialism as the most radical democracy was always a minority understanding, but it was Marx's vision and it has appeared again and again throughout history. Ellen Wood has made a most valuable contribution to the struggle to realize that vision.
  366. Rent Strikes in New York
    First Published: 1967
  367. The Reproduction of Daily Life
    First Published: 1969
    What sustains capitalism? Our acceptance of everyday activities. The text offers a clear introduction to basic Marxist concepts like commodity fetishism and surplus value; it also traces the transformation of human activity into capital.
  368. Review: International Socialist Review on "Contemporary Anarchism"
    The word "anarchism" is a rather vague word that covers such a wide variety of political views and approaches it is often hard to see how they have anything in common. This means it is also probably not very productive to produce "critiques" of anarchism that lump the many different viewpoints together.
  369. Revolutionary Organisation and Open Letter to IS
    First Published: 1972
    A 1972 pamphlet incorporating two previously published texts, 'Revolutionary Organisation' (1961) and 'An Open Letter to I.S.' (1968). They are presented as "a contribution to the serious discussing now taking place, within the ranks of revolutionaryies, as to what kind of organisation is necessary."
  370. Revolutionary Organization
    Versus Bureaucratic and "Democratic" Centralism

    First Published: 1969   Published: 1973
    An advocacy for democratic, "uncentred" socialism as an antidote to Stalinist repression, elitism by workers' leadership and blindness to the "understandings of today's reality." Also included is a short article by Anton Pennekoek, on "Party and Class".
  371. The River of Blood Flows On
    First Published: 1992
  372. The Roots of Class Struggle in the South
    First Published: 1973
  373. Rosa Luxemburg: Economics for a New Socialist Project
    First Published: 2014
    Reading Marx’ Capital today leaves the same impression as reading Luxemburg’s The Accumulation of Capital. One wonders whether Marx and Luxemburg really wrote their books more than one hundred years ago. If not for their historical references to English industrialization and nineteenth-century imperialism, one might think they were written as analyses of neoliberal globalization from the late twentieth century until today.
  374. Rosa Luxemburg's Reform or Revolution in the Twenty-first Century
    First Published: 2010
    Rosa Luxemburg’s Reform and Revolution, written at a high point of socialist struggle, contains invaluable lessons for today's new generation of activists as they confront the political and organizational challenges of the day.
  375. The Rules of the Game
    A handbook for tenants and homeowners

    First Published: 1972
    When citizen's groups fight redevelopment, they almost always focus their energies upon City Hall, making deputations to an endless of succession of committees and packing meetings to try to influence politicians to favour their cause. But it is developers who lobby and manipulate politicians into approving developments that will ensure profits. This Handbook argues that developers use City Hall to ensure that they can build where they want and build what they want.
  376. Russia 1917-1921
  377. S.M. Lipset
    Social Scientist of the Smooth Society

    A critique of S.M. Lipset's book Political Man, this article problematizes the assumptions made by social scientists.
  378. School Reform and the Attack on Public Education 
    First Published: 1997
    The education reform movement is part of a wider corporate and government plan to undermine democracy and strengthen corporate domination of our society.
  379. Seven Answers To Climate Contrarian Nonsense 
    First Published: 2009
    Within the community of scientists and others concerned about anthropogenic climate change, those deny climate change are commonly referred to as contrarians, naysayers and denialists. Not everyone who questions climate change science fits that description, of course - some people are genuinely unaware of the facts or honestly disagree about their interpretation. What distinguishes the true naysayers is an unwavering dedication to denying the need for action on the problem, often with weak and long-disproved arguments about supposed weaknesses in the science behind global warming.
  380. Seven Reasons Why I Advocate Parecon
    First Published: 2009
    As economies all around us gasp and constrict, more and more people are willing to seriously recognize what has always been evident - that even at its best and certainly at its worst capitalism is a decrepit monstrosity of a system. As a proposed replacement for capitalism, Parecon rejects: Private ownership, Authoritarian decision-making, Remuneration for property, power, or output, Corporate divisions of labor, and, Markets and central planning.
  381. Sexual Relations and the Class Struggle
    Love and New Morality

    First Published: 1919   Published: 1972
  382. She Named It Canada
    Because that's what it was called

    First Published: 1971
    An illustrated history of Canada.
  383. Shelley's Socialism
    First Published: 1888
    One of the few Marxist evaluations of poetry of Percy Byshhe Shelley.
  384. Shock and Au-sterity
    First Published: 2010
    Scared to death that all the lights were about to go out after pulling the plug on Lehman Brothers, the bourgeoisie rolled up its sleeves, girded its loins, crossed its fingers, and reached deeper than deep for that thing of all things, that relation of all relations that is the life of all lives for the bourgeoisie—OPM, other people’s money.
  385. Shock and Awe in Gaza
    How the Media and Human Rights Groups Cover for Israeli War Crimes

    First Published: 2014
    This assualt on Gaza, like the earlier ones, will leave hundres of Palestinians dead, a majority of them civilians. It will end neither the siege nor the resistance to it. It will outrage public opinion around the globe. But our elities will carry on giving Israel financial, military and diplomatic cover, as they have now done for more than six decades.
  386. Six Questions About Your Class Location that EverydayFeminism.com Isn't Asking You to Think About
    First Published: 2015
    Solidarity doesn’t exist, like a material object, the way tables and chairs do. Solidarity is the confidence we can sometimes have that others, sharing with us a common enemy and a core of overlapping aspirations, will have our back when we find ourselves under attack, or when we need their support to win a crucial struggle. We don't stumble upon solidarity when poring over statistics; we won't find it by comparing our pay stubs with that of the worker down the street. We forge it in common struggle
  387. Slavery and the origins of racism
    International Socialist Review

    First Published: 2002
    Racism is not part of some unchanging human nature. It was literally invented.
  388. 'Smooth Operator?'
    The Propaganda Model and Moments of Crisis

    First Published: 2009
    An article by Des Freedman on Herman and Chomsky's propaganda model for the mass media and moments of crisis (disagreements within the ruling class), focusing particularly on the Daily Mirror and its anti-war coverage in the build up to the Iraq war.
  389. Social Science and The Ideology of the Status Quo
    This essay is a critique of the institution of social sciences. The authors argue that status quo social sciences are reflective of monopoly capitalism and mass industrialized society.
  390. 'Socialism in One Country' Before Stalin, and the Origins of Reactionary 'Anti-Imperialism'
    The Case of Turkey, 1917-1925

    First Published: 2009
    Today's climate of "anti-imperialism" compels us to turn back to the history of such a profoundly reactionary ideology, deeply anti-working class both in the advanced and underdeveloped countries, by which any force, no matter how retrograde, that turns a gun against a Western power becomes progressive and worthy of critical or military support, or for the less subtle, simply support.
  391. Socialism or Barbarism
    First Published: 1961   Published: 1969
    The combined socialist objectives from members of "Socialisme ou Barbarie" of France, "Unita Proletaria" of Italy, "Socialism Reaffirmed" of Great Britain, and "Pouvoir Ouvrier Belge" of Belgium.
  392. A Socialist Alternative For Canada
    First Published: 1973
    A discussion on the future of the sociliast left in Canada and its relationship to the New Democratic Party.
  393. The Socialist League and the Struggle for a Socialist Canada
    First Published: 1974
    The Socialist League is a democratic centralist organization which views its main tasks as gathering cadres for the future mass revolutionary party.
  394. A socialist program for Canadian trade unionists
    For an Independent, Socialist Canada
  395. Solidarity As We See It 
    First Published: 1967
    Ten Points on Solidarity's Socialist position - the compromised nature of the "Bolsheviks" and trade unions, the need to "build from below," the desire to see themselves as "merely an instrument of working class action."
  396. 'Solidarity' and the Neo-Narodniks
    First Published: 1972
  397. Solidarity (US) Founding Statement 
    First Published: 1986
    Adopted at the founding national convention of SOLIDARITY in the Spring of 1986.
  398. Some Historical Perspectives on Canadian Agrarian Political Movements
    The Ontario Origins of Agrarian Criticism of Canadian Industrial Society

    First Published: 1971   Published: 1973
  399. Songs of the Workers
    To fan the flames of discontent

    First Published: 1917   Published: 1973
    The little red songbook.
  400. Soviets in Italy
    First Published: 1920   Published: 1973
    Articles which Antonio Gramsci wrote for the weekly Turin journal Ordine Nuovo during 1919 and 1920.
  401. The Spanish Revolution, Past and Future: Grandeur and Poverty of Anarchism 
    How the Working Class Takes Over (or Doesn't), Then and Now

    First Published: 2013
    Looking at the Spanish Revolution, arguably the richest and deepest social revolution of the twentieth century.
  402. The Spectacle
    A Skeleton Key

    First Published: 1981
    An anarchistic meditation on the bankruptcy of contemporary life. Specifically the role of "spectacle" in representing reality has led to a complete dearth of presence in everyday human interaction.
  403. Spontaneity and Organization: Some Comments
    First Published: 1973
    A contribution to a symposium on Jeremy Brecher's book Strike!
  404. The State as Protection Racket
    Chapters in the History of Daylight Robbery

    First Published: 2010
    The debate about the current global economic "crisis" is obscenely counterintuitive and illogical to the point of incoherence. Who is willing to 'follow the money"? This dictum appears utterly forgotten, despite recurring astronomic fraud perpetrated by US corporations.
  405. State-Capitalism and Marx's Humanism or Philosophy and Revolution
    First Published: 1967
  406. State Capitalism and World Revolution
    First Published: 1950   Published: 1986
    The great organisations of the masses of the people and of workers in the past were not worked out by any theoretical elite or vanguard. They arose from the experience of millions of people and their need to overcome the intolerable pressures which society had imposed upon them for generations.
  407. Steel Strike
    Hamilton 1946
  408. Stop the War
    Why bombing brings more horror

    First Published: 1999
    Opposing the US/NATO war against Yugoslavia.
  409. Strategies for Canadian Economic Self-Reliance
    Alternative Paths to Jobs, Development, Equality and Peace

    First Published: 1985
    Examines "the reality which lies behind the myth of increased international competitiveness and attempts to spell out the implication of a radically different model of development -- termed the self-reliant model --for different aspects of Canadian economy.
  410. Strategy and tactics: how the left can organise to transform society
    First Published: 2011
    John Rees draws on the experience of recent mass movements and past revolutions to suggest ways in which the left can maximize the effectiveness of all those who want to transform society.
  411. The Struggle for Quebec
    Spokesman Pamphlet No. 13

    First Published: 1971
    Essays analyzing class struggles in Quebec in, and leading up to, 1971.
  412. Student Revolts
    The New Left in West Germany

    First Published: 1968
    This article deals with Parliamentarianism, political parties, and the SDS in Germany from 1967 to 1968.
  413. Students, Austerity & Resistance
    First Published: 2013
    Students have been part of an international wave of occupations, from Tahrir Square in central Cairo, to the Wisconsin State Capitol building in Madison, to the encampments of the Occupy movement all around the world. But students movements can falter, or fail to connect to the broader public. Activists need to look at the relationship of students to the system, and figure out the best way to build resistance to it.
  414. The Supermarket Tour
    A Handbook for Education and Action

    First Published: 1978   Published: 1990
    A handbook for action on food issues in Canada which guides people through the store and gives summaries of many of the products on the shelves.
  415. A Tate Gallery for the New Left
    Portraits, Landscapes, and Abstracts in the Revolutionary Activism of the 1950s and 1960s

    First Published: 2015
    A review essay on Ernie Tate's two-volume memoir on Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s and 60s.
  416. Taxation and Inequality
    This essay considers how taxation has failed to counteract unequal distribution of incomes.
  417. Ten Days That Shook the University
    On the Poverty of Student Life

    First Published: 1966
    Published in 1966 at the University of Strasbourg by students of the university and members of the Internationale Situationniste.
  418. Ten Health Care Myths
    First Published: 1995
    Medicare's opponents have launched a sustained ideological attack on medicare. Their propaganda relies on myths and misrepresentations.
  419. A Theology of Connexions
    Short version

    First Published: 1985
  420. The Theory of Social Classes in Marx
    Armstrong attempts to synthesize various portions of Marx's writing to shed light on social class.
  421. Theses for Discussion
    First Published: 2011
    Programmatic points.
  422. Theses on Mass Worker and Social Capital
    First Published: 1972
    An attempt to bring together, in the form on a historical outline, some of the political hypotheses and methodological guidelines that circulated within the Italian working-class movement in the period 1967-1972.
  423. Theses on the Chinese Revolution
    First Published: 1967   Published: 1974
  424. They Are Burning Effigies They Are Burning Effigies Why, Why, Why, Effigies?
    Morton argues that the Women's Movement has attempted to organize women around their perceived weaknesses. Instead, she argues for an autonomous Women's Movement predicated on the inherent strength of women and on solidarity with other groups engaged in struggle.
  425. Thinkers and Treasurers
    First Published: 1955   Published: 1960
  426. A Third Way: Community Economic Development
    First Published: 1986
    Written to assist those individuals and groups interested in furthering community economic development (CED) in Ottawa. Features a directory of CED businesses in Ottawa and 3 case studies of CED businesses.
  427. Through Pluripolarity to Socialism
    A Manifesto

    First Published: 2021
    Our Manifesto appears in this moment of danger from deep and wide discussions
    among activists of all continents representing many socialist traditions. Its historical
    and theoretical assessment of the present conjuncture seeks to advance class and
    national struggles for socialism.
  428. Through the Glass Clearly
    Canadian Women's Education, Work, and Sexuality

    First Published: 1984
  429. A Time To Stand Together... A Time For Social Solidarity:
    A Declaration on Social and Economic Policy Directions for Canada by Members of Popular Sector Groups

    First Published: 1988
  430. Toolkit for a New Canada
    First Published: 2008
    A pamphlet providing a snapshot of what the contributors, brought together by Canadian Dimension magazine, believe are the big issues facing Canada in the first decade of the 21st century. The articles are all short and offer concrete suggestions for the way forward.
  431. Toward an Authentic Canadian Left
    First Published: 1971
    Recent developments have only further revealed what has been evident for a long time, namely, the impotence and irrelevance of the Canadian left; the fact that it is minute, factionalized and unable to mobilize people around critical issues, or day-to-day problems.
  432. Toward Class Consciousness Next Time: Marx and the Working Class
    Published in Politics & Society, Volume 3, Number 1, Fall 1972

    First Published: 1972
    Ollman asks what stands in the way of working people becoming class conscious.
  433. Towards a Decentralist Commonwealth
    First Published: 1979
    Could the basic structural concept of common ownership of society's resources for the benefit of all ever be achieved, institutionally, in ways which fostered and sustained, rather than eroded and destroyed, a cooperative democratic society?
  434. Towards an Extra-Parliamentary Opposition in Canada
    Published in Our Generation, Volume 6, Number 4

    First Published: 1969
  435. Trade Union Rights are Human Rights
    First Published: 1989
  436. Transcending Pessimism: Rekindling Socialist Imagination
    First Published: 2009
    Between Marx's broad historically-inspired vision of revolution/transformation and his detailed critique of political economy, there was an analytical and strategic gap - unbridgeable without addressing the problematic of working class capacities - which later Marxists sometimes addressed, but never overcame. Every progressive social movement must, sooner or later, confront the inescapable fact that capitalism cripples our capacities, stunts our dreams, and incorporates our politics.
  437. The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism
    A Symposium

    First Published: 1967   Published: 1979
  438. The Transition Initiative 
    Changing the scale of change

    First Published: 2009
    People never need communities more than when there are threats to security, food, and lives. The Transition Initiative recognizes how much we need this scale now, because of peak oil and climate change. But beyond this concrete need, the lack of a sense of community has negative psychological impacts on individuals across the 'developed' world, as people report persistent and widespread feelings of loneliness, isolation, dispossession, alienation, and depression.
  439. Trotskyism in the United States 1940-47 Balance Sheet
    The Workers Party and the Johnson-Forest Tendency

    First Published: 1947
    The Johnson-Forest tendency presented this balance sheet of Trotskyism in the United States for its co-thinkers at home and abroad who shared the program and principles of the Fourth International.
  440. Truth Against Truth
    First Published: 2003
    Challenges the myths, conventional lies, and historical falsehoods on which most of the arguments of both Israeli and Palestinian propaganda rest. The truths of both sides are intertwined into one historical narrative that does justice to both. Without this common basis, peace is impossible.
  441. The Two Main Trends in Anarchism
    Alternate Tendencies of Anarchism

    First Published: 2009
    The broad anarchist tradition of class struggle anarchism overlaps with libertarian interpretations of Marx.
  442. The Two Souls of Socialism 
    Socialism from Above vs. Socialism from Below

    First Published: 1960   Published: 1970
    It was Marx who finally brought the two ideas of socialism and democracy together, because he developed a theory which made the synthesis possible for the first time. The heart of the theory is this proposition: that there is a social majority which has the interest and motivation to change the system, and that the aim of socialism can be the education and mobilization of this mass-majority. This is the exploited class, the working class, from which comes the eventual motive-force of revolution. Hence, a socialism-from-below is possible, on the basis of a theory that sees the revolutionary potentialities in the broad masses, even if they seem backward at a given time and place. Marxism came into being in self-conscious struggle against the advocates of the Educational Dictatorship, the Savior-Dictators, the revolutionary elitists, the communist authoritarians, as well as the philanthropic dogooders and bourgeois liberals.
  443. The Tyranny of Structurelessness 
    First Published: 1970
    Contrary to what we would like to believe, there is no such thing as a "structureless" group. Any group of people of whatever nature that comes together for any length of time for any purpose will inevitably structure itself in some fashion. The structure may be flexible; it may vary over time; it may evenly or unevenly distribute tasks, power and resources over the members of the group. But it will be formed regardless of the abilities, personalities, or intentions of the people involved.
  444. Under New Management?
    The Fisher-Bendix Occupation

    First Published: 1972
    Solidarity's eyewitness account, with background information, of the ccupation of Fisher-Bendix factory and offices against closure in 1972. The workers also implemented certain new aspects of work policy.
  445. Underdevelopment in Canada
    First Published: 1977
    A collection of articles analyzing underdevelopment in Canada in historical and economic terms.
  446. Understanding the News Business
    A media kit for community groups

    First Published: 1983
  447. Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
    First Published: 2002
    Designed to inform those who are somewhat unfamiliar with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Written in question and answer format
  448. Unfair Shares
    Corporations and Taxation in Canada

    First Published: 1996   Published: 1998
    A popular tax directory that documents corporations and taxation in Canada. Includes a list of over 300 companies that paid little or no corporate income tax, as well as tables on corporate deferred taxes, CEO compensation, and corporate tax loopholes.
  449. Unions vs. Workers in the Seventies
    First Published: 1972
    The tightly knit structures of the big industrial unions leave no room for maneuvering. There is no reasonable way in which young workers can use the union constitution to overturn and overhaul the union structure. The constitution is against them; the money and jobs available to union bureaucrats are against them. And if these fail, the forces of law and order of city, state and federal governments are against them. If that were not enough, the young workers in the factories today are expressing the instinctive knowledge that even if they gained control of the unions and reformed them completely, they would still end up with unions - organizations which owe their existence to capitalist relations of productions.
  450. Unsafe Harbours
    First Published: 1986
  451. Untying the Knot
    First Published: 1984
  452. Up from the ashes
    Vol.1, No 1

    First Published: 1982
    A Journal for the Self-Education for the Revolutionary Activists
  453. The Use and Misuse of Antisemitism Statistics in Canada
    First Published: 2021
    Sheryl Nestel of IJV-Toronto has published a detailed analysis B’nai Brith’s audit, and found that their interpretation of the state of antisemitism in Canada is misleading at best, perhaps deliberately so.
  454. Vanguard, Vanguard, Who's Got the Vanguard?
    First Published: 1972
    A critique of Leninist vanguard-party theories and practice, especially as manifested in the new left groups of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Published in the May 1972 and August 1972 issues of Liberation magazine.
  455. A Veiled Debate
    First Published: 2006
    We certainly need to challenge the iniquities of Islam and refuse to bow to Muslim blackmail that certain debates are off-limits. But equally we need to keep the problem of Islam in perspective and not pretend that it is the root cause of every social ill.
  456. A Veteran Communist Speaks
    First Published: 1974
  457. Vietnam: Whose Victory?
    First Published: 1973
  458. A View of the Occupy Wall Street Movement from the Inside
    A Participant's Critique of the Occupation of Wall Street

    First Published: 2011
    The Occupy Wall Street movement was supposed to be a revolt against a hierarchal, dehumanizing oligopoly. In reality, all that was created was a microcosm of the same system, but with new leaders. Like our nation's leaders, Occupy Wall Street’s leaders listened to everyone’s grievances, then decided upon a pre-determined plan of action that cleverly borrowed the language of their constituency.
  459. Views from the Steel Plant
    Voices and Photographs from 100 Years of Making Steel in Cape Breton Island

    First Published: 2005
  460. A Vision from the Heartland
    Socialism for the 21st Century

    First Published: 2010
    La Botz argues that to solve the problems of our economy and the environment, and to end America‘s wars abroad, we must begin to create a socialist society. A socialist society is one where the working people collectively own and democratically plan and manage the major industries and enterprises. I call for the abolition of the corporations and of capitalism in order to create a society of plenty for all. I believe that such a society can only be created by building a powerful movement for democracy and for working class power.
  461. Visioning a World Without Capitalism
    First Published: 2010
    As leftists we have something infinitely more precious to win from our rich history than sentimentality and sectarianism, as we struggle to renovate the revolutionary tradition in the twenty-first century.
  462. The Waffle Manifesto: For an Independent Socialist Canada
    First Published: 1969
    The founding statement of the Waffle group within the New Democratic Party.
  463. The Wall Must Fall
    End the Occupation and Violence in Israel-Palestine

    First Published: 2005   Published: 2007
    A resource for interested union and community members featuring voices from the Israeli and Palestinian peace movements often shut out of the mainstream media. By highlighting the progressive peace movement, The Wall Must Fall demonstrates that this issue is not a Jewish vs. Palestinian one, but one of basic human rights.
  464. Wam! Comix
    First Published: 1992
  465. War, Peace and the Media
    First Published: 1983   Published: 1985
    Zwicker argues that press coverage of the USSR is "profoundly uninformative, a journalistic yawn that is helping us sleepwalk toward the biggest slumber of all time: nuclear war."
  466. "We Called a Strike and No One Came"
    or Confessions of SDSers (An Allegorical Epic with Footnotes)

    First Published: 1968   Published: 1973
  467. We Can Change the World 
    The Real Meaning Of Everyday Life

    First Published: 1991
    Stratman draws on his experiences as a parent in the Boston school busing battle and later as Washington director of the National PTA, interviews with British coal miners and striking American meatpackers, and wide ranging research and historical analysis, to show that fundamental social change is possible. The key to changing the world he argues, lies in a different view of ordinary people.
  468. We're Being Cheated!
    Corporate and Welfare Fraud: The Hidden Story

    First Published: 1997
    We've allowed our corporate dominated media and politicians to sell us a bill of goods that welfare fraud is a big problem. Meanwhile, corporations continue on their robber baron path, virtually untouched by enforcement of our social rights.
  469. What Do We Do Now? Building a Social Movement in the Aftermath of Free Trade 
    First Published: 1989
    We have the potential to create a social movement in this country that goes beyond single-issue organizing to work toward an integrated vision of a more just and caring society.
  470. What Happened to Better Read Graphics?
    First Published: 1976
    Four members of the Better Read Graphics collective (identified only by their initials) explain the political differences which led the collective to decide to dissolve in the summer of 1976.
  471. What Happened to the New Left?
    First Published: 1989
    An exploration of how the 1960s New Left in the United States developed in the subsequent two decades.
  472. What Indy Media Heroes Can Teach Us
    First Published: 2008
    Independent journalists should not go silent or soft because of an election result or a change of parties in power.
  473. What is Class Consciousness?
    PUblished as October 1971 issue of Liberation magazine

    First Published: 1934   Published: 1971
    Critical of what he saw as mainstream Marxism's overly materialistic explanations, Reich proposes the perspectives of psychology and psychotherapy could revitalise radical political thought and the socialist movement.
  474. What is Economics?
    First Published: 1916   Published: 1968
    An outline of economics from a Marxist perspective.
  475. What Is Important?
    First Published: 1979
    It is necessary to demolish the monstrously false idea that the problems that workers see are not important, that there are more important ones which only "theorists" and politicians can speak about.
  476. What We Mean By Social Determinants of Health
    International Journal of Health Services, Volume 39, Number 3, Pages 423-441

    First Published: 2008   Published: 2009
    Analyzes the changes in health conditions and quality of life in the populations of developed and developing countries over the past 30 years, resulting from neoliberal policies developed by many governments and promoted by international agencies. Critiquing a WHO report on social determinants of health, Navarro argues that it is not inequalities that kill people; it is those who are responsible for these inequalities that kill people.
  477. Who Advocates Spontaneity? 
    First Published: 1973
    The working class can come to understand its power to act only by acting.
  478. Who Killed Carlo Tresca?
    First Published: 1945   Published: 1983
    Carlo Tresca was assassianted on January 11, 1943. This is a reprint of the 1945 Edition Issue by The Carlo Tresca Memorial Committee.
  479. Why both sides are wrong in the race debate 
    First Published: 2008
    For all the talk about culture as fluid and changing, multiculturalism, no less than old-fashioned racism, invariably leads people to think of human groups in fixed terms.
  480. Why do we still believe in race?
    First Published: 2007
    Races are difficult to define and there are no objective rules for deciding what constitutes a race or to what race a person belongs. People can belong to many races at the same time.
  481. Why Do Women Do Nothing To End The War?
    Canadian Feminist-Pacificsts and The Great War

    First Published: 1987
  482. Why the French Hate Chomsky 
    First Published: 2010
    Chomsky's criticism is laden with facts, a substance that seems to elicit ennui among contemporary French thinkers. No doubt the importance of the essay in the French educational system has bred a world of 'philosophers' whose skill at manipulating fact-free ideas was the guarantee of a distinguished career. If the social object is to entertain, then the French school reaches its goal -- mystification is often far more entertaining than straightforward descriptions of reality. On the other hand, if the object is to help readers reach their own understanding of reality, especially political reality, then their first need is to be provided with the basic relevant facts, which most people do not have time to ascertain through their own research. Thus Chomsky is useful to citizens by providing them with the raw material to develop their own ideas in a way that the purveyors of ready-made but flimsily supported ideas are not.
  483. Why the Industrial Working Class Still Matters
    First Published: 1995
    It is evident today that the vast majority of the population (perhaps 80% of the workforce) live and reproduce themselves only through wage-labor that produces surplus value, regardless of the nature of the commodity (good or service) they produce. Whatever the changing weight of the industrial sector of this enormous, working majority, it is clear that the working class as a whole is proportionately far larger today than at the time of classical Marxist writers.
  484. Why We Loved the Zapatistas
    First Published: 2011
    It would be absurd to admonish the Zapatistas for failing to overcome generations of poverty in a single sweep, but is it too much to ask their privileged supporters abroad to pay more attention to the material conditions in Chiapas and less on the innovative ways they use their laptops to conjure “resistance”?
  485. Winstanley & The Diggers
    The Spirtual and Political Story of a Seventeenth Century Communist Movement

    Spritzler sets out to show that the resistance to the Hobbesian ideas that rule our lives today is as old as those ideas themselves. Hobbes' basic assumption is that men are necessarily locked into a struggle for power over one another This assumption is also the basis of the most powerful political forces at work in the world today. Winstanley, and many of his contempoaries, defy this dominant paradigm.
  486. The Winter of our Discontent
    Experiences Organizing Nursing Homes

    First Published: 1973
    An account by two nursing home workers describing their jobs and their successful efforts to organize unions at their workplaces.
    Published in Issue #2 (1973) on the New Tendency newsletter.
  487. Woman Sitting at the Machine, Thinking
    First Published: 1990
  488. Women at Work in Nova Scotia
    First Published: 1977
    A pamphlet that examines the struggles and realities of working women in Nova Scotia.
  489. Women: The Longest Revolution
    First Published: 1966
    Chapter transcribed from Women's Estate. A discussion of women in socalist theory in the 19th century, and the Women's liberation movement through to the 1960's.
  490. Women and New Technologies
    An Organizing Manual

    First Published: 1990
    March 1990 issue of The Tribune, Newsletter #44, March 1990. Periodical profile published 1990.
  491. Women On the Global Assembly Line
    First Published: 1987
    Describes how First World multinationals exploit Third World countries in the microtech industry.
  492. Women Organizing for Change
    Confronting the Crisis in Latin America

    First Published: 1988
    A series of articles which seek to examine the effects of recent profound economic, social and political crises of the part several years, particularly the effects of the crisis on the lives of women in the region.
  493. Women and Poverty Revisited
    First Published: 1990
  494. Women and the Sandinista Revolution
    First Published: 1987
    The Sandinista National Liberation Front must lead the struggle for thr education and conscientization of the entire society towards the eradication of discrminiation against women, which obstructs their full incorporation into the revoluntary process.
  495. Women's Liberation and Revolution
    A Bibliography

    First Published: 1972   Published: 1973
  496. Women's Liberation: Notes from the Third Year
  497. Women's Liberation: Notes from the Second Year
    Major Writings of the Radical Feminists

    First Published: 1970
  498. Worker Co-operatives
    Working Papers Vol. 2 No. 6

    First Published: 1984
    An introduction to the principles and practical considerations of forming worker co-operatives.
  499. Workers Battle Automation
    A News & Letters Pamphlet

    First Published: 1960   Published: 1971
    In the mine, mill or factory, Automation has not reduced the drudgery of labor. The very opposite is the truth. The factory clock is now geared to the pace of the monster machine. The auto worker, the steel worker, the miner -- all workers who battle against Automation know its life-and-death meaning -- its speedup, its inhuman way of work, its death by overwork, its unemployment, its permanently depressed areas, its ghost towns.
  500. Workers' Councils 
    First Published: 1941   Published: 1947
    Now the goal becomes distinct; opposite to the stronger domination by state-directed planned economy of the new capitalism stands what Marx called the association of free and equal producers. So the call for unity must be supplemented by indication of the goal: take the factories and machines; assert your mastery over the productive apparatus; organize production by means of workers' councils.
  501. Workers' Councils and the Economics of a Self-Managed Society
    First Published: 1957   Published: 1974
    A translation of an essay, "Sur le Contenu du Socialisme," written by Cornelius Castoriadis under the pseudonym "Peirre Chalieu," and originally published in the journal Socialisme out Barbarie in 1957. Castoriadis writes that "the experience of bureaucratic capitalism allows us clearly to perceive what socialims is not and cannot be. A close look both a past proletarian uprising and at the everyday life and struggles of the working class - both East and West -- enables us to posit what socialism could be and should be."
  502. The Workers Opposition
    Solidarity London Pamphlet

    First Published: 1921   Published: 1968
    Published in Soviet Russia in January 1921 and banned in March 1921.
  503. Workers, Wages, and Controls
    The Anti-Inflation Programme and Its Implications for Canadian Workers

    First Published: 1976
  504. Working -- and Not-Working -- at the Post Office
    First Published: 1974
    An essay written by a young postal worker in Toronto, Canada.
  505. The Working Class and Social Change
    Four Essays on the Working Class

    First Published: 1975
    A study of "The Working Class," and the complexities of its definition as economic categories diffused from profound bases of social demarcation during the 1960's.
  506. Working Class Communism
    A Review of the Literature

    First Published: 1971
  507. Working Class Toronto at the Turn of the Century
    First Published: 1973
  508. Working Collectively
    First Published: 1984   Published: 1985
    A handbook for people wishing to form collectives, or established collectives seeking solutions to problems such as power imbalances, conflict meditation, and setting priorities.
  509. Working Hours
    In this article written around 1972, Guido Viale, a member of the Italian socialist group Lotta Continua, discusses the struggle for less work and shorter hours.
  510. Working Together for Change
    Volume 2: Modules

    First Published: 1984
  511. Working Together For Change: Women's Self-Help Education Kit
    First Published: 1984   Published: 1987
  512. You Can't Blow Up a Social Relationship 
    The Anarchist Case Against Terrorism

    First Published: 1979   Published: 1981
    An Australian socialist-libertarian response to terrorism in the aftermath of the 1978 Sidney Hilton bombing, and a meditation on the inferior logic of terrorist-based politics.