The People's Song Book

Hille, Waldemar (ed.)
Publisher:  People's Artists, New York, USA
Year First Published:  {40402 The People's Song Book PEOPLES SONG BOOK Hille, Waldemar (ed.) People's Artists New York USA Songs of protest and affirmation. Foreword by Alan Lomax; preface by B.A. Botkin. 1948 1956 128pp BC40402s-PeoplesSongBook.jpg PMP Pamphlet - <br> <br> <br>Contents: <br> <br>Songs that helped build America. <br>Acres of clams <br>Ah, poor bird <br>A-roving <br>Beans, bacon and gravy <br>Blue tail fly <br>Careless love <br>Cindy <br>The dodger song <br>East Virginia <br>The farmer is the man <br>Go down, Moses <br>Goin' down the road <br>Haul away, Joe <br>Hey ho, nobody home <br>The holly and the ivy <br>I'm on my way <br>Jefferson and liberty <br>Joe Hill <br>John Brown's body <br>John Henry <br>Joshua fit the battle of Jericho <br>Midnight special <br>Oh, freedom <br>Oh Mary, don't you weep <br>On top of Old Smoky <br>Paddy works on the railway <br>The ploughboy <br>The rich man and the poor man <br>Slavery's chain <br>So long, it's been good to know you <br>Soup song <br>Take this hammer <br>Tarrier's song <br>Wanderin' <br>Worried man blues -- <br> <br>World freedom songs. <br>Abe Lincoln <br>Beloved comrade <br>Chee lail (Arise) <br>Come, fellow workers <br>Dinky die <br>Domovina <br>Freiheit <br>Hey! Zhankoye <br>Kevin Barry <br>La Marseillaise <br>Lift every voice and sing <br>Los cuatro generales <br>Meadowland <br>Peat bog soldiers <br>Reuben James <br>Song of the French partisan <br>Star spangled banner <br>United front <br>United Nations <br>Viva la Quince Brigada <br>Zum, gali, gali <br> <br>Union songs. <br>The farmer-labor train <br>Get thee behind me, Satan <br>He's a fool <br>Hold the fort <br>The horse with a union label <br>I don't want your millions, mister <br>It's my union <br>Picket line Priscilla <br>Roll the union on <br>'Round and 'round the picket line <br>The scabs crawl in <br>Solidarity <br>Talking union <br>Union maid <br>The union man <br>The union train <br>The union way <br>We got to all get together <br>We shall not be moved <br>Which side are you on? <br>The whole wide world around <br>You gotta go down -- <br> <br>Topical-political songs. <br>A dollar ain't a dollar anymore <br>Black, brown and white blues <br>Everything is higher <br>Hallelujah, I'm a-travelin' <br>Hard travelin' <br>Ballad of Harry Bridges <br>I'm a-looking for a home <br>The investigator's song <br>Jim Crow <br>Listen, Mister Bilbo <br>Mister congressman <br>Newspapermen <br>Oh, joy upon the earth <br>Pity the downtrodden landlord <br>Poor Mister Morgan <br>Put it on the ground <br>Schwab, Schwab <br>Song of the pennies <br>Strange fruit <br>Talking atomic blues <br>There are three brothers <br>Walk in peace. CX15677 1 false true false CX15677.htm [0xc000494db0 0xc001281da0 0xc001290bd0] Cx}
Year Published:  1956
Pages:  128pp   Resource Type:  Pamphlet
Cx Number:  CX15677

Songs of protest and affirmation. Foreword by Alan Lomax; preface by B.A. Botkin.



Songs that helped build America.
Acres of clams
Ah, poor bird
Beans, bacon and gravy
Blue tail fly
Careless love
The dodger song
East Virginia
The farmer is the man
Go down, Moses
Goin' down the road
Haul away, Joe
Hey ho, nobody home
The holly and the ivy
I'm on my way
Jefferson and liberty
Joe Hill
John Brown's body
John Henry
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
Midnight special
Oh, freedom
Oh Mary, don't you weep
On top of Old Smoky
Paddy works on the railway
The ploughboy
The rich man and the poor man
Slavery's chain
So long, it's been good to know you
Soup song
Take this hammer
Tarrier's song
Worried man blues --

World freedom songs.
Abe Lincoln
Beloved comrade
Chee lail (Arise)
Come, fellow workers
Dinky die
Hey! Zhankoye
Kevin Barry
La Marseillaise
Lift every voice and sing
Los cuatro generales
Peat bog soldiers
Reuben James
Song of the French partisan
Star spangled banner
United front
United Nations
Viva la Quince Brigada
Zum, gali, gali

Union songs.
The farmer-labor train
Get thee behind me, Satan
He's a fool
Hold the fort
The horse with a union label
I don't want your millions, mister
It's my union
Picket line Priscilla
Roll the union on
'Round and 'round the picket line
The scabs crawl in
Talking union
Union maid
The union man
The union train
The union way
We got to all get together
We shall not be moved
Which side are you on?
The whole wide world around
You gotta go down --

Topical-political songs.
A dollar ain't a dollar anymore
Black, brown and white blues
Everything is higher
Hallelujah, I'm a-travelin'
Hard travelin'
Ballad of Harry Bridges
I'm a-looking for a home
The investigator's song
Jim Crow
Listen, Mister Bilbo
Mister congressman
Oh, joy upon the earth
Pity the downtrodden landlord
Poor Mister Morgan
Put it on the ground
Schwab, Schwab
Song of the pennies
Strange fruit
Talking atomic blues
There are three brothers
Walk in peace.

Subject Headings

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