The Labour Companion
A bibliography of Canadian labour history. Second edition.

Vaisey, G. Douglas
Year First Published:  {45307 The Labour Companion LABOUR COMPANION A bibliography of Canadian labour history. Second edition. Vaisey, G. Douglas he Canadian Labour Bibliography was an initiative of the Committee on Canadian Labour History in the 1970s. The initial efforts to create an annual reading list of publications dealing with Canadian labour topics led to the creation of The Labour Companion: a bibliography of Canadian labour history based on materials printed from 1950 to 1975. Beginning in 1985, references for the second edition were gathered from libraries and archives, from bibliographies and footnotes, and through a systematic indexing of major Canadian periodicals. The Labour Companion (1980) contained 92 pages of citations; the current manuscript has grown since that time to approximately 760 pages. 1980 2015 774pp PMP Pamphlet CX18409 0 false true false CX18409.htm [0xc00140ba40 0xc00140bb90 0xc00140bd70 0xc0005f7830 0xc000bc58f0 0xc001d0f080 0xc002b314d0] Cx}
Year Published:  2015
Pages:  774pp   Resource Type:  Pamphlet
Cx Number:  CX18409

he Canadian Labour Bibliography was an initiative of the Committee on Canadian Labour History in the 1970s. The initial efforts to create an annual reading list of publications dealing with Canadian labour topics led to the creation of The Labour Companion: a bibliography of Canadian labour history based on materials printed from 1950 to 1975. Beginning in 1985, references for the second edition were gathered from libraries and archives, from bibliographies and footnotes, and through a systematic indexing of major Canadian periodicals. The Labour Companion (1980) contained 92 pages of citations; the current manuscript has grown since that time to approximately 760 pages.

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