Lenin, Trotsky and the Vanguard Party
A Contemporary View

James, C.L.R.
Publisher:  Facing Reality, Detroit MI USA, USA
Year First Published:  {13966 Lenin, Trotsky and the Vanguard Party LENIN TROTSKY AND THE VANGUARD PARTY A Contemporary View James, C.L.R. Facing Reality Detroit MI USA USA 1963 1964 3pp BL0929-CLRJames.jpg PMP Pamphlet CX7139 0 false true false CX7139.htm [0xc001488c00 0xc000e94420 0xc000e954d0 0xc000568390 0xc002475fb0 0xc000d805d0 0xc001ebca80 0xc00264dec0] Cx}
Year Published:  1964
Pages:  3pp   Resource Type:  Pamphlet
Cx Number:  CX7139

Subject Headings

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