The Wall Must Fall
End the Occupation and Violence in Israel-Palestine

Publisher:  CUPE BC, Burnaby, Canada
Year First Published:  {18800 The Wall Must Fall WALL MUST FALL End the Occupation and Violence in Israel-Palestine CUPE BC Burnaby Canada A resource for interested union and community members featuring voices from the Israeli and Palestinian peace movements often shut out of the mainstream media. By highlighting the progressive peace movement, The Wall Must Fall demonstrates that this issue is not a Jewish vs. Palestinian one, but one of basic human rights. 2005 2007 36pp BC18800w-WallMustfall.jpg PMP Pamphlet CX7775 1 false true false CX7775.htm [0xc0017fe4b0 0xc00089e270 0xc000369c50 0xc0004291a0 0xc001a02450 0xc001d7ff20 0xc001e1fe00 0xc001ed95c0 0xc002035260 0xc001a90ea0] Cx}
Year Published:  2007
Pages:  36pp   Resource Type:  Pamphlet
Cx Number:  CX7775

A resource for interested union and community members featuring voices from the Israeli and Palestinian peace movements often shut out of the mainstream media. By highlighting the progressive peace movement, The Wall Must Fall demonstrates that this issue is not a Jewish vs. Palestinian one, but one of basic human rights.

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