Revolutionary Organization
Versus Bureaucratic and "Democratic" Centralism
Publisher: Philadelphia Solidarity, USA
Year First Published: {11813 Revolutionary Organization REVOLUTIONARY ORGANIZATION Versus Bureaucratic and "Democratic" Centralism Philadelphia Solidarity USA An advocacy for democratic, "uncentred" socialism as an antidote to Stalinist repression, elitism by workers' leadership and blindness to the "understandings of today's reality." Also included is a short article by Anton Pennekoek, on "Party and Class". 1969 1973 16pp BC11813w-RevolutionaryOrganization.jpg PMP Pamphlet CX5596 1 false true false CX5596.htm [0xc0022daf90] Cx}
Year Published: 1973
Pages: 16pp Resource Type: Pamphlet
Cx Number: CX5596
An advocacy for democratic, "uncentred" socialism as an antidote to Stalinist repression, elitism by workers' leadership and blindness to the "understandings of today's reality." Also included is a short article by Anton Pennekoek, on "Party and Class".
Subject Headings