![]() Dossier on Palestine
Date Written: 2002-10-28Publisher: Shunpiking Year Published: 2002 Pages: 96pp Resource Type: Pamphlet Cx Number: CX24448 An illustrated compilation of articles, press reports, analyses of key issues, an in-depth timeline, and 23 detailed maps. Abstract: - From the introduction: This Dossier on Palestine strives to clarify: * Why and how Palestinians have been dispossessed as a people from their mother soil, and why Israel continues to occupy their land and attack their sovereign government in explicit oppostion to every norm of morality, justice and law: * Why Israel lives outside of and places itself above the rule of law, and the principles on which it is based, including opposition to the use of force to settle conflicts within nations and between nations; * Why the United States has proclaimed the Middle East a sphere for its own national interest and anextension of its own territory; and * Why so many conflicts have takenplace in this oil-rich region in such a relatively short period. Table of Contents Introduction to the conflict Palestine: Fifty years of ethnic cleansing and dispossession - Dr. Ismail Zayid Reports Operation Defensive Shield Palestine from near and far - Amnon Kapeliouk A crime against humanity?: A UN Report on Jenin "If I have any regret, it is because we didn't destroy the camp" - Independent Media Centre, Israel UN report denounced 'My team should have investigated Jenin' - Maj-Gen William Nash Letter from a Gaza Hospital - Ghassan Abu Sitta Sabra and Shatila - never again - Pierre Pean Humanitarian crisis in the West Bank, Gaza Strip - The Palestine Monitor Water: another weapon Weapons that scare the Israeli army. - Electronic Intifada Israel/Palestine Destruction & deepening crisis Expulsion or transfer: Israel's plan - Jeff Halper Tutu condemns Israeli apartheid Israeli soldiers who say 'No!' The solution - Imad Jadaa, Marelys Valencia When Ramallah dreamed about the United States - Raja Shehadeh Children under fire - Eyad Serra Reclaiming History - Andrew Killgore Academia: history uncovered, silenced Israeli academics protest ethnic cleansing Commentaries/Canada Israeli terrorism - Dr. Ismail Zayid Martyrs & heroes? Some reflections on suicide bombing - Dr. Mohamed Elmasry Cowards and heroes face to face - Sandra Smith Canada Park: Canadian complicity in a war crime - Dr. Ismail Zayid Profits from the Promised Land - Tony Seed Canada and Palestine - Editorial staff Media Telling the truth about Israel: When journalists knowingly shade the facts - Robert Fisk Solidarity 2nd International Conference of Solidarity with the Palestinian People The Palestinian people will not surrender - Badil Resource Center Features (History) Here to stay: a timeline - Editorial staff (Photo essay) Spirit of Palestine: a land, a people - Editorial staff (Document) Origins of the Palestine-Israel conflict - Jews for Justice in the Middle East (Photo journal) A day in the life of a checkpoint - The Palestine Chronicle (Essay) Zionism, racism and the Palestinian people: Fifty years of human rights violations in Israel and the Occupied Territories - Ardi Imseis Maps The Jenin refugee camp, 2002 Israeli blitzkrieg, 2002 Zionist colonies in the West Bank, 2000 The system of Israeli checkpoints The Cross-Israel highway Water: another weapon Palestine 1945: Land ownership by district Greater Jerusalem Area The conflict - in maps. The Arab world (1914); the Middle East (1914 to 1947); the Arab world (1939); the partition of Palestine (1947-49); the first Arab-Israeli war (1948-49); Occupation of Sinai (1956); Six Day War (1967); October War (1973); Three concepts of Greater Israel The Sykes-Picot Treaty, 1916 The Gulf War, 1990 Israeli occupation of south Lebanon, 2000 Barak's 'generous offer' (Oslo II, Camp David, 1995) The Palestinian diaspora Palestinian refugees in the Middle East Resources: Resources in Print & Online About shunpiking magazine Subject Headings |