"We Called a Strike and No One Came"
or Confessions of SDSers (An Allegorical Epic with Footnotes)

Publisher:  Black & Red, Detroit, USA
Year First Published:  {18575 "We Called a Strike and No One Came" WE CALLED A STRIKE AND NO ONE CAME or Confessions of SDSers (An Allegorical Epic with Footnotes) Black & Red Detroit USA 1968 1973 46pp BC18575w-WeCalledAStrike.jpg PMP Pamphlet - <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>1. Satan <br>2. Stan's Avatars <br>3. The Almighty <br>4. The Council of the 300 <br>5. The Pope Convenes the Ecumenical Council <br>6. Preparation in Hades <br>7. Doomsday CX7725 1 false true false CX7725.htm [0xc00123c4b0] Cx}
Year Published:  1973
Pages:  46pp   Resource Type:  Pamphlet
Cx Number:  CX7725


Table of Contents

1. Satan
2. Stan's Avatars
3. The Almighty
4. The Council of the 300
5. The Pope Convenes the Ecumenical Council
6. Preparation in Hades
7. Doomsday

Subject Headings

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