State Capitalism and World Revolution

James, C.L.R.
Publisher:  Johnson-Forest Tendency, USA
Year First Published:  {12440 State Capitalism and World Revolution STATE CAPITALISM WORLD REVOLUTION James, C.L.R. Johnson-Forest Tendency USA The great organisations of the masses of the people and of workers in the past were not worked out by any theoretical elite or vanguard. They arose from the experience of millions of people and their need to overcome the intolerable pressures which society had imposed upon them for generations. 1950 1986 107pp BC12440-StateCapitalismRev.jpg PMP Pamphlet 320.5322 - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Preface <br> <br>I.) What is Stalinism? <br>II.) The Stalinists and the Theory of State-Capitalism <br>III.) Lenin and State Capitalism <br>IV.) Rearming the Party of World Revolution <br>V.) The Class Struggle <br>VI.) The Theory of the Party <br>VII.) Methodology <br>VIII.) Lenin and the Transitional Regime <br>IX.) Yugoslavia <br>X.) Some Political Conclusions <br>XI.) Philosophy and State-Capitalism CX6580 1 false true false CX6580.htm [0xc0001f1680 0xc0016ac4e0 0xc002656570 0xc0000d12f0] Cx}
Year Published:  1986
Pages:  107pp     Dewey:  320.5322
Resource Type:  Pamphlet
Cx Number:  CX6580

The great organisations of the masses of the people and of workers in the past were not worked out by any theoretical elite or vanguard. They arose from the experience of millions of people and their need to overcome the intolerable pressures which society had imposed upon them for generations.


Table of Contents


I.) What is Stalinism?
II.) The Stalinists and the Theory of State-Capitalism
III.) Lenin and State Capitalism
IV.) Rearming the Party of World Revolution
V.) The Class Struggle
VI.) The Theory of the Party
VII.) Methodology
VIII.) Lenin and the Transitional Regime
IX.) Yugoslavia
X.) Some Political Conclusions
XI.) Philosophy and State-Capitalism

Subject Headings

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