Reform and Revolution

Gorz, Andre
Publisher:  Socialist Register 1968
Year First Published:  {13960 Reform and Revolution REFORM REVOLUTION Gorz, Andre Socialist Register 1968 An essay taken from Andre Gorz's Le Socialisme Difficile in which he discusses how socialist strategy can aim to crate the objective and subjective conditions which will make mass revolutionary action and engagement in a successful trail of strength with the bourgeoise possible. 1967 1968 31pp PMP Pamphlet CX7134 1 true true false CX7134.htm [0xc0022b5110 0xc0001aa210 0xc0001c6cf0 0xc001003230 0xc001e65380 0xc000a73410 0xc000c2b170 0xc001e4a810 0xc00232c810 0xc0009ee960 0xc0010d1ef0 0xc00110f830] Cx}
Year Published:  1968
Pages:  31pp   Resource Type:  Pamphlet
Cx Number:  CX7134

An essay taken from Andre Gorz's Le Socialisme Difficile in which he discusses how socialist strategy can aim to crate the objective and subjective conditions which will make mass revolutionary action and engagement in a successful trail of strength with the bourgeoise possible.

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