![]() Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
Bennis, Phyllis
Publisher: Trans-Arab Research Institute, Orlando, USAYear Published: 2002 Pages: 63pp Resource Type: Pamphlet Cx Number: CX8532 Designed to inform those who are somewhat unfamiliar with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Written in question and answer format Abstract: This book was designed to inform those who are somewhat unfamiliar with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. It is written in question & answer format to explain some of the most common questions. It is meant to be straightforward and informative, but it does not simplify the issue. Instead, the book works its way backwards from a basic understanding of the current conflict to a more in-depth look at its roots. The questions are organized under five categories: The Crisis; The Other Players - The Role of the U.S., the U.N., Arab States, and Europe; Recent History - The Beginning of the Crisis; Looking Backwards (1900-1991); and The Future. These categories are meant to be read in the order they were published so that the reader may gain a solid basis and grasp what the problem is before delving into the full context. Bennis presents the issue objectively and thoroughly. Her answers are complete with facts and statistics, as well as speculation as to possible cultural factors. The book provides many maps to accompany explanations of geographical factors in the conflict. Descriptions of the area's population, history and politics provide insight to causes and possible solutions. This is an unbiased report that looks at the roles of all parties. "The violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories has come from both sides," writes Bennis. "Its human tragedies are equally devastating for all victims and all their families." [Abstract by Mia Manns] Subject Headings