Workers' Councils

Pannekoek, Anton
Year First Published:  {12509 Workers' Councils WORKERS COUNCILS Pannekoek, Anton Now the goal becomes distinct; opposite to the stronger domination by state-directed planned economy of the new capitalism stands what Marx called the association of free and equal producers. So the call for unity must be supplemented by indication of the goal: take the factories and machines; assert your mastery over the productive apparatus; organize production by means of workers' councils. 1941 1947 109pp BC12509s-WorkersCouncil.jpg PMP Pamphlet - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Preface <br> <br>The Task: <br>Labor <br>Law and Property <br>Shop Organization <br>Social Organization <br>Objections <br>Difficulties <br>Council Organization <br>Growth <br> <br>The Fight: <br>Trade Unionism <br>Direct Action <br>Shop Occupation <br>Political Strikes <br>The Russian Revolution <br>The Workers' Revolution CX6649 1 true true false CX6649.htm [0xc002b851a0 0xc002bcd3b0] Cx}
Year Published:  1947
Pages:  109pp   Resource Type:  Pamphlet
Cx Number:  CX6649

Now the goal becomes distinct; opposite to the stronger domination by state-directed planned economy of the new capitalism stands what Marx called the association of free and equal producers. So the call for unity must be supplemented by indication of the goal: take the factories and machines; assert your mastery over the productive apparatus; organize production by means of workers' councils.


Table of Contents


The Task:
Law and Property
Shop Organization
Social Organization
Council Organization

The Fight:
Trade Unionism
Direct Action
Shop Occupation
Political Strikes
The Russian Revolution
The Workers' Revolution

Subject Headings

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