Soviets in Italy
Gramsci, Antonio
Date Written: 1920-09-24Publisher: Sojourner Truth Organization Year First Published: {12436 Soviets in Italy SOVIETS IN ITALY Gramsci, Antonio Sojourner Truth Organization Articles which Antonio Gramsci wrote for the weekly Turin journal Ordine Nuovo during 1919 and 1920. 1920-09-24 1920 1973 39pp 0.35 BC12436s-SovietsInItaly.jpg PMP Pamphlet - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Workers' Democracy - 21 June 1919 <br>The Factory Council - 5 June 1920 <br>Unions and Councils I - 11 October 1919 <br>Unions and Councils II - 12 June 1920 <br>The Party and Revolution - 27 December 1921 <br>Two Revolutions - 3 July 1920 <br>The Question of Force - 26 March 1920 <br>Toward a Renewal of the Socialist Party - 8 May 1920 <br>Political Capacity - 24 September 1920 CX6576 1 false true false CX6576.htm [0xc000572600 0xc002851d10] Cx} Year Published: 1973 Pages: 39pp Price: 0.35 Resource Type: Pamphlet Cx Number: CX6576 Articles which Antonio Gramsci wrote for the weekly Turin journal Ordine Nuovo during 1919 and 1920. Abstract: - Table of Contents Workers' Democracy - 21 June 1919 The Factory Council - 5 June 1920 Unions and Councils I - 11 October 1919 Unions and Councils II - 12 June 1920 The Party and Revolution - 27 December 1921 Two Revolutions - 3 July 1920 The Question of Force - 26 March 1920 Toward a Renewal of the Socialist Party - 8 May 1920 Political Capacity - 24 September 1920 Subject Headings |