What is Class Consciousness?
PUblished as October 1971 issue of Liberation magazine
Reich, Wilhelm
Publisher: Liberation, New York, USA
Year First Published: {11809 What is Class Consciousness? WHAT IS CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS PUblished as October 1971 issue of Liberation magazine Reich, Wilhelm http://www.connexions.org/CxLibrary/Docs/CX5592-WhatisClassConsciousness.pdf http://cyberquebec.ca/libresarchiveswilhelmreich/What%20is%20Class%20Consciousness.pdf Liberation New York USA Critical of what he saw as mainstream Marxism's overly materialistic explanations, Reich proposes the perspectives of psychology and psychotherapy could revitalise radical political thought and the socialist movement. 1934 1971 51pp BC11809-WhatIsClassCons.jpg PMP Pamphlet With socialism under sustained attack by 1934, Wilhelm Reich sets about to explain the way forward for the socialist movement. Critical of what he saw as Marxism's overly materialistic explanations, Reich proposes that new vocabularies of psychology could revitalise the movement: "While we present the masses with superb historical analyses and economic treatises on the contradictions of imperialism, Hitler stirred the deepest roots of their emotional being."
<br>He distinguishes between two types of socialists: "that of the leadership and that of the masses." The former is based in technical and theorectical knowledge about revolution and economics. The latter is based in "the trivial problems of everyday life." Only through the forging of a new emotion-based socialist vocabulary can socialism hope to attract the kind ofwide-spread class consciousness it so desires for revolution.
<br>Table of Contents
<br>Chapter One: Dual Consciousness
<br>Chapter Two: Some Concrete Elements In Class Consciousness And Some Inhibitions Found In The Mass Individual
<br>Chapter Three: Bourgeois and Revolutionary Politics
<br>Chapter Four: The Development of Class Consciousness Out of the Life of the Masses
<br>Appendix: Principles for the Discussion of the Reorganisation of the Workers' Movement CX5592 1 false true false CX5592.htm [0xc0001d4510 0xc000568db0 0xc001c80ba0 0xc0008e6420 0xc002b88fc0] Cx}
Year Published: 1971
Pages: 51pp Resource Type: Pamphlet
Cx Number: CX5592
Critical of what he saw as mainstream Marxism's overly materialistic explanations, Reich proposes the perspectives of psychology and psychotherapy could revitalise radical political thought and the socialist movement.
With socialism under sustained attack by 1934, Wilhelm Reich sets about to explain the way forward for the socialist movement. Critical of what he saw as Marxism's overly materialistic explanations, Reich proposes that new vocabularies of psychology could revitalise the movement: "While we present the masses with superb historical analyses and economic treatises on the contradictions of imperialism, Hitler stirred the deepest roots of their emotional being."
He distinguishes between two types of socialists: "that of the leadership and that of the masses." The former is based in technical and theorectical knowledge about revolution and economics. The latter is based in "the trivial problems of everyday life." Only through the forging of a new emotion-based socialist vocabulary can socialism hope to attract the kind ofwide-spread class consciousness it so desires for revolution.
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Dual Consciousness
Chapter Two: Some Concrete Elements In Class Consciousness And Some Inhibitions Found In The Mass Individual
Chapter Three: Bourgeois and Revolutionary Politics
Chapter Four: The Development of Class Consciousness Out of the Life of the Masses
Appendix: Principles for the Discussion of the Reorganisation of the Workers' Movement
Subject Headings