The Political Economy of Youth
Youth as Class
Rowntree, John; Rowntree, Margaret
Publisher: Our Generation
Year First Published: {54983 The Political Economy of Youth POLITICAL ECONOMY OF YOUTH Youth as Class Rowntree, John; Rowntree, Margaret Our Generation The tremdneous power of the youth movement today is that it is not a "generational conflict" but a social conflict. To the old generational consciousness there has been added a true class consciousness among young people. 1969 1971 42pp BC54983w-PolticalEconomyYouth.jpg PMP Pamphlet CX24275 1 false true false CX24275.htm [] Cx}
Year Published: 1971
Pages: 42pp Resource Type: Pamphlet
Cx Number: CX24275
The tremdneous power of the youth movement today is that it is not a "generational conflict" but a social conflict. To the old generational consciousness there has been added a true class consciousness among young people.