The Meaning of Socialism

Cardan, Paul (Cornelius Castoriadis)
Publisher:  Solidarity (London), London, United Kingdom
Year First Published:  {11825 The Meaning of Socialism MEANING OF SOCIALISM Cardan, Paul (Cornelius Castoriadis) Solidarity (London) London, United Kingdom Paul Cardan's 1961 discussion of modern conceptions of socialism, and the future of socialist movements. 1961 1969 26pp BC11825w-MeaningOfSocialism.jpg PMP Pamphlet - <br> <br>Extract: <br>Modern socialists have been unduly sycophantic to its Marxist origins - "Carefully selected quotations from Marx [...] are frequently resorted to in order to avoid fundamental discussions about Socialism." The focus, in fact, should be on the very remarkable present: if any "year zero" is to be set, it should be 1917. With the Russian Revolutions of that year, whole new dialectics of control and resistance were created, requiring new solutions. With the Hungarian Uprising of 1956, "whether Socialism was simply 'nationalism plus planning' or whether it was 'workers councils plus workers management of production' was shown to be no academic question." Capitalism itself has undergone momentous changes, that need to be addressed before they can be critiqued. For socialist revolution to be achieved, all strata of hierarchical management within production need to be eliminated. CX5607 1 false true false CX5607.htm [0xc001ee3e30 0xc00024fef0 0xc000271860 0xc00027ae40 0xc0006fdbf0 0xc0003b4570 0xc001876810 0xc001d89b60 0xc002297440 0xc0022d56b0 0xc001efeed0 0xc0007b9a40 0xc00089baa0 0xc0029cb080 0xc002558a50 0xc002559b00 0xc002a3b200 0xc002a656b0 0xc002a90750] Cx}
Year Published:  1969
Pages:  26pp   Resource Type:  Pamphlet
Cx Number:  CX5607

Paul Cardan's 1961 discussion of modern conceptions of socialism, and the future of socialist movements.


Modern socialists have been unduly sycophantic to its Marxist origins - "Carefully selected quotations from Marx [...] are frequently resorted to in order to avoid fundamental discussions about Socialism." The focus, in fact, should be on the very remarkable present: if any "year zero" is to be set, it should be 1917. With the Russian Revolutions of that year, whole new dialectics of control and resistance were created, requiring new solutions. With the Hungarian Uprising of 1956, "whether Socialism was simply 'nationalism plus planning' or whether it was 'workers councils plus workers management of production' was shown to be no academic question." Capitalism itself has undergone momentous changes, that need to be addressed before they can be critiqued. For socialist revolution to be achieved, all strata of hierarchical management within production need to be eliminated.

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