Seeds of Fire: A People’s Chronology

Recalling events that happened on this day in history.
Memories of struggle, resistance and persistence.

Compiled by Ulli Diemer

January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December
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October 7, 1763  
The British issue a Royal Proclamation which recognizes native rights and territory, and restricts colonists to the area east of the Appalachians. The land west of the Appalachians from Florida to Quebec is recognized as an 'Indian Reserve.' The colonists' resentment of this restriction is one of the factors that leads to the American War of Independence thirteen years later.
Related Topics: Colonies/British
October 7, 1786  
Birth of Louis-Joseph Papineau (1786-1871), leader of the Patriotes, a movement advocating democratic political reform in Lower Canada. When the rebellion of 1837-38 is defeated, Papineau is forced to flee to the U.S. and then Europe, but is able to return in 1845 under the terms of an amnesty.
October 7, 1879
Birth of Joe Hill (Joel Emmanuel Hagglund) (1879-1915), Swedish-American labour activist, songwriter, and member of the Industrial Workers of the World. In 1915, after a rigged trial, Joe Hill is executed for murder.
October 7, 1897  
Founding of the General Jewish Labour Bund, whose goal is to unite Jewish workers in the Russian Empire into a single socialist organization. The Czarist Empire of the time includes Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine and Poland, the regions where most European Jews then lived. The Bund sees itself as an autonomous part of the wider Russian social democratic (socialist) movement.
Related Topics: Jewish HistoryLabour History
October 7, 1927
Birth of R.D. Laing (1927-1989), radical psychiatrist.
October 7, 1931
Birth of Desmond Tutu, South African cleric and anti-apartheid leader.
Related Topics: Apartheid
October 7, 1944  
Jewish Sonderkommandos in Auschwitz (inmates used as slave labourers in the gas chambers and crematoria, and kept separate from the main camp) stage an uprising. They manage to kill more than 70 SS officers before being defeated and killed.
Related Topics: AuschwitzConcentration CampsHolocaust
October 7, 1952  
In British East Africa (now Kenya), the first attack in the Mau Mau rebellion against British rule takes place. The rebellion continues until 1960. It sets the stage for eventual independence, and inspires movements against colonial rule in other African colonies.
October 7, 2006  
Assassination of Anna Politkovskaya (1958-2005) Russian journalist and human rights activist.
Related Topics: Political Murders

January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December
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