Killings by Police
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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Connexions LibraryAs Police Killings of Minorities Mount, Attacks on Police Like the One in Dallas, While Awful, Are Also Sadly Predictable Lindorff, Dave Article 2016 The tragedy that is America has deepened with the news of a sniper attack targeting police in Dallas during a protest march and rally against police brutality and killings of black people in that city... The Bizarre Compulsion of Black Men to "Reach for their Waistbands": Waistband-Reaching Syndrome Could Get You Killed Eskow, John Article 2014 If police accounts are to be believed, there is a bizarre urge among young, unarmed black men to provoke their own murder by "reaching for their waistbands" when cops are aiming service revolvers at t... Charged with murder, but they didn’t kill anyone -- police did Flowers, Alison; Macareg, Sarah Article 2016 A Reader investigation found ten cases since 2011 where police killed a civilian in Chicago and charged an accomplice with the murder. The City That Bleeds: Freddie Gray and the makings of an American uprising Jackson, Lawrence Article 2016 The killing of black teenager Freddie Gray by six police officers resulted in a civic uprising, and spotlights a history of brutality and bloodshed by police in the city of Baltimore. Columbine Mine massacre: Connexipedia Article Article A conflict in which police and mine guards attacked striking coal miners with machine guns. Connexions Library: Human Rights and Civil Liberties Focus ![]() Website Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on civil liberties and human rights. Cops Are Now Less Cautious Than Soldiers In Iraq: Shooting Mirian Carey Carp, Jonathan Article 2013 Police militarization is a hot topic lately, but American police are beyond anything contemplated by the American military. American police today appear unwilling to accept any risk whatsoever and see... Deaths in Custody and Detention: Volume 33, No. 4 (2006) of Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict, and World Order Serial Publication (Periodical) 2006 A special issue on the investigation of, and inquiry into, deaths in custody and detention (including state hospitals and mental health, police and prison custody, and young offenders' institutions). ... Estevan Coal Miners' Strike, 1931: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article A strike which led to the murder of three miners by the RCMP. First of Its Kind Study Shows 55,400 People Hospitalized or Killed by US Cops in a Single Year Gardner, Justin Article 2017 The authors of a study which examined police interactions with the public conclude that alarmingly high numbers reflect an "excess exposure" of people to police violence. For every 1,000 people killed by police, one officer is convicted of a crime Shaun, King Article 2015 Out of thousands of people killed by police in the United States since 2005, only 11 officers have been convicted of any crimes. An Immediate End to Police Brutality and Murder of Black People by Police Jacob, Ron Article 2016 The Black Panther Party remains unfulfilled fifty years after the Party's founding. This truth is a tragic acknowledgement of both the failure of US capitalism to resolve its greatest disgrace and an ... 'Israel is a terrorist state' Cook, Jonathan Article 2015 The violence rocking the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and now Gaza is on the verge of spilling into Israel, Palestinian leaders in Israel warned. A wave of unrest has swept Palestinian towns in ... Israeli Police Impunity Cook, Jonathan Article 2010 Israeli police expect, and usually receive, impunity for using violence against Palestinians. Jamaica's Culture of Fear Allows Police to Get Away With Murder Tillotson, Louise Article 2016 In the past decade, the Caribbean island nation's police have killed more than 2,000 people - until recently an average of four people every single week, mostly young men in inner-city, marginalized c... Journalists Killed since 1992 Article 2009 A database of more than 700 journalists who have been murdered or killed on dangerous assignments since 1992. Interactive maps, timelines, and statistical breakdowns providing analysis by country, yea... Kill a Black Kid and Get Rich: An American Disgrace Caccioppoli, Mike Article 2014 This is America folks. Where you can kill a black kid and justified or not (NOT!) you will then become a millionaire through interviews and book deals and film rights. This is your capitalist system a... Killer Instincts: When Police Become Judge, Jury and Executioner Whitehead, John W. Article 2016 Those responsible for this policing crisis are none other than the police unions that are helping police officers evade accountability for wrongdoing; the police academies that are teaching police off... Lattimer massacre: Connexipedia Article Article The killing of 19 unarmed striking immigrant anthracite coal miners at the Lattimer mine near Hazleton, Pennsylvania, on September 10, 1897, by a sheriff's posse. Leadville Colorado, Miners' Strike: Connexipedia Article Article Occurred as a result of rapid industrialization and consolidation of the mining industry. The Legacy of Forest Defender Chut Wutty Lambrick, Fran Article 2012 On the life, work, and death of the late Cambodian forest activist Chut Wutty, shot and killed at a logging site by military police. Lessons of the Civil Rights Movement (Part One): Police Terror and Black Oppression Coleman, Diana Unclassified 2015 Police reform is a hoax and a hustle. Federal investigations go nowhere and the Democrats are simply the soft cops of the capitalist system. There is no road to black liberation and the liberation of ... Let the Fire Burn Film/Video 2013 A history of the conflict of the City of Philadelphia and the Black Liberation organization, MOVE, that led to the disastrously violent final confrontation in 1985. Marikana, Gaza, Ferguson - 'You Should Think of Them Always As Armed' Pithouse, Richard Article 2014 In colonial wars the occupying power invariably reaches a point where it has to acknowledge that its true enemy is not a minority - devil worshipers, communists, fanatics or terrorists - subject to ex... The Murder of Walter Scott Miah, Malik Article 2015 A video capturing the murder of Walter Scott, an unarmed black man killed by a white police officer, has gone virtal. The Nature of Police, the Role of the Left: Learning From Ferguson Gelderloos, Peter Article 2014 Iit would be hard to deny that the police are a racist institution par excellence. They kill young Black, Latino, and Native people at a disproportionately higher rate than white youth, and the instit... New Orleans' Police Death Squads: Against The Current vol. 151 Suber, Malcolm Article 2011 An interview with Malcolm Suber, a New Orleans community activist and fighter for justice, and a former candidate for city council. Against the Current asked him to comment on the struggle around murd... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - August 21, 2014: Killings by Police Diemer, Ulli (editor); Khan, Tahmid (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2014 Topic of the week is Killings by Police. Articles on the way the Ebola crisis illuminates the moral bankruptcy of capitalism; Responding the capitalist crisis, in 1914 and 2014; Globaling Gaza: Israel... Police Violence, Resistance and The Crisis of Legitimacy Williams, Kristian Article 2011 What clearly sets a number of recent cases apart is not the fact of police violence, but the fact that that violence is being challenged. The controversy, in other words, is not only about violence, b... Race, class and police murder in America Article 2016 In the aftermath of the mass shooting of police officers in Dallas, Texas on July 7, 2016, the American media and political establishment has sought to portray the police killings of unarmed people an... Resisting State Violence: Justice Or Just Us Burton, Orisanmi Article 2014 None of the ambiguities that surrounded Mike Brown’s killing are present in the grotesque spectacle of Eric Garner’s murder. By now the whole world has watched the man die at the hands of police witho... The Return of the Albuquerque Death Squads: Police War on the Poor Correia, David Article 2011 APD is at war with the poor because it has come to equate any expression of poverty or drug addiction not as an effect of structural inequality, but rather as another opportunity to dispose of what it... Rising Up Against Police Violence, From the Black Panthers to #BlackLivesMatter Thompson, Juan Article 2015 I turned away more than once while watching Stanley Nelson's documentary The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution. I averted my eyes from the screen when FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover's nefarious... Robot Cops Are Racist, Too Sperber, Elliott Article 2016 As an institution, the police is racist through and through -- irrespective of whether or not particular cops harbor racist views. This is because, among other reasons, as an institution the police is... Rothbury Riot: Connexipedia Article Article An incident in which police shot into a crowd of locked-out miners in the New South Wales. Seeds of Fire: A People's Chronology ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 2012 Recalling events that happened on this day in history. Memories of struggle, resistance and persistence. The Shoot First Mentality of American Police: Ferguson, Reconsidered Roberts, Paul Craig Article 2014 The US justice system is no longer concerned with justice, but with the careers of prosecutors, punishing the powerless, and protecting the powerful. As justice has largely departed the justice syste... Stolen Lives - Killed by Law Enforcement National Lawyers Guild; Anthony Baez Foundation; Coalition to Stop Police Brutality Book 1999 Stolen Lives documents over 2000 cases of people killed by law enforcement agents throughout the U.S. since 1990. Information includes the victims' names, ages, race/nationality, date killed, location... 13 protesters against copper plant in India killed after police open fire Shinde, Mrinalini; Bokil, Ameya Article 2018 Public protests at the copper smelter plant of Sterlite Industries in the town of Thoothukudi in Tamil Nadu, India, were met with police fire during the last two days, with 13 protesters killed and an... US: The State Murder of an Activist Podur, Justin Article 2015 The murder of Sandra Bland, an activist with the Black Lives Matter movement, exposes the impunity of U.S. police. Video of Shooting Caught Police Propaganda Machine in Action Jones, Andrew Jerell Article 2015 A video supplied to The New York Times, showing the shooting death of 50-year-old Walter Scott at the hands of a South Carolina police officer, appears on first viewing to be the latest example of an ... The Whack 'Em and Stack 'Em Mentality of American Cops: Killers on the Road St. Clair, Jeffrey; Cockburn, Alexander Article 2013 Killings by police are not a negligible proportion of the United States' firearms death toll. The public apprehension that cops are often borderline psychotic, hair-trigger-ready to open fire on the s... Where's the Body Count from Shootings by the Police?: Protecting Killer Cops Bovard, James Article 2013 It estimated that in the United States in 2011 police shot more than 1,100 people, killing 607. However, the government refuses to keep track of the killings, so the exact number is unknown, and may w... Why Police Kill So Often Finamore, Carl Article 2015 The FBI reports 404 civilians were killed by police in 2011. All were listed as "justifiable homicides." Under more intense questioning, it was then revealed that figures are not actually kept for "un... Why We Should Not Forget Miriam Carey Grant, John Article 2013 The ignominious and unnecessary public killing of Miriam Carey should be a human marker that triggers our cultural meaning machine to honestly consider what’s wrong with the picture of a howling pack ... Sources LibraryGuidelines for police in dealing with mentally ill people Diemer, Ulli 2018 An investigative report report by the CBC shows that more than 460 people in Canada have "died in encounters with police" since the year 2000. IFJ Condemns Killing of Egyptian Journalist in Damanhur Sources News Release 2013 The International Federation of Journalists has condemned the killing on Monday night, 19 August, of Egyptian daily Al Ahram''s bureau regional chief, Tamer Abdel Raouf, shot by soldiers at an army ch... The mass graves of Kashmir India's dirty war unmasked Scott-Clark, Cathy 2012 For 22 years this contested region has endured a regime of torture and disappeared civilians. Now a local laywer is discovering their unmarked graves and challenging India's abuses. A memorial to killed journalists, a call to action 2009 More than 500 journalists have been targeted for murder, our research shows, and nearly nine in 10 of these slayings go unpunished. Another 200 journalists have been killed in combat or on dangerous a... Most Canadians killed in police encounters since 2000 had mental health or substance abuse issues More than 460 people have died in encounters with police in Canada since 2000 Nicholson, Katie; Marcoux, Jacques 2018 More than 460 people have died in encounters with police across Canada since the year 2000, and a substantial majority suffered from mental health problems or symptoms of drug abuse, a CBC News invest... Two justice systems? Letter to the editor Diemer, Ulli 2016 It seems that we have two justice systems: one for the police, and one for the rest of us. The uncounted: why the US can't keep track of people killed by police McCarthy, Tom 2015 After a year of high-profile police killings, calls for a national database have gained traction. But how would that work? Tom McCarthy investigates the challenges for law enforcement and government o... Waco Siege Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia The Waco Siege began on February 28, 1993, and ended violently 50 days later on April 19.The siege began when the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) attempted to ... |