Ecodefence: Disrupting Illegal Activities

It is quite possible that while you are out monkeywrenching, you will chance upon others committing illegal acts --environmentally harmful acts, that is. You should do everything you can (without jeopardizing your own security, that is) to see that these offenders are brought to justice.

A common form of illegal activity you may observe in rural areas is the dumping of toxic wastes. Be especially alert for this if you live or are operating in an area which contains chemical plants and the like. Signs of illegal dumping include tank trucks or closed trucks (concealing large drums) leaving industrial plants after dark, or driving along deserted back roads (especially if creeks or rivers run nearby). In some parts of the country secluded sites in the desert are favored by dumpers.

If you see illegal dumping, carefully monitor the activity, using proper surveillance techniques. Information and evidence obtained should be passed anonymously to both state police and state environmental control officials. However, be careful. In many areas, the illegal disposal of industrial wastes has become a lucrative business for organized crime. These people will not hesitate to use violence to protect their interests. Do not discount the possibility that local police might be "on the take" and receiving bribes to look the other way. Always take whatever security measures are necessary to protect your own identity and involvement.

In the Southwest, monkeywrenchers might come across cactus poachers. Be on the watch for two or three individuals, usually in a jeep or pickup truck, driving slowly along back roads, jeep trails and even newly bulldozed subdivision roads. Look for signs of fresh digging in the area. If you witness the poachers digging cactus (cactus obtained legally under permit will be tagged), you might disable the vehicles (three or more flat tires should do it), then go and call the sheriff's office with an anonymous tip.

In certain National Forest areas, illegal timber poaching is a problem of considerable magnitude. Use similar tactics as with cactus poachers. Gather evidence surreptitiously, disable vehicle if it can be done safely, and make an anonymous tip to the authorities. While it might be argued that it is futile to report timber poaching, since the Freddies are hell-bent on cutting all the timber anyway remember that in some areas, the only timber cutting may be illegal. This is particularly true in some Southwestern areas in which illegal cutting for commercial firewood is a problem.



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