Word for Word

(The following is an excerpt from CUPE's Program for Promoting Waste Reduction)

One of the disturbing aspects of the current approach to waste diversion in the industrial and commercial sectors is that public policies - such as higher tipping fees - which are designed to make reduction/diversion more attractive, have resulted in a “creaming off” of the most valuable parts of the industrial and commercial waste stream by the large garbage conglomerates who dominate the collection of industrial and commercial waste. While municipal officials have refused to consider profiting from collection of materials from this part of the waste stream, the conglomerates have been gradually extending their involvement. If public sector programs are not implemented in this sector, what will eventually happen is that all the potentially profitable materials in the waste stream will be captured by the private waste companies, leaving everything which is uneconomic for the taxpayers to fund. This is not sound public policy and must not be allowed to happen.



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