Media Guide Addition

From Media for Social Change: A Resource Guide for Community Groups (Revised edition, 1986), published by the Community Forum on Shared Responsibility, Toronto.

The cable company needs to know that a completed production will result from a submitted proposal, so the group and organization must be organized and know exactly what it wants to do what it wants to get across, and be prepared to do the necessary work.

People at cable stations like to see a group make a good, tight, creative use of the video medium resulting in eye-catching presentation. It is their interest to have good productions made they are shown on their channels.

Because cable technicians are always busy, they prefer that volunteers from the c produce the program themselves. If people from the group do not know how to use video equipment, the station can provide technicians and assistance at no cost.

Sometimes training workshops can be given to specific groups.

All cable stations offer regular workshops which cover all aspects of production, including post-production (editing, effects, etc.) and allow you to use any piece of equipment in the studio once you are qualified. But if you take the series of workshops which the station offers, it expects some level of commitment that is, providing some volunteer time and assistance in programming.

The Toronto-area cable stations are listed in the Toronto Media Directory chapter.



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