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BibliographyFrom Media for Social Change: A Resource Guide for Community Groups (Revised edition, 1986), published by the Community Forum on Shared Responsibility, Toronto.
Adam, G. Stuart, ed. Journalism, Communication and the Law. (Prentice Hall, Scarborough, 1976). A mainstream perspective on problems in Canadian Journalism. Barnouw, Eric. The Sponsor: Notes on a Modern Potentate (Oxford, 1978). A record of how the public is manipulated via the air waves for profit of a few corporations. Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. (Penguin, Harmondworth, 1973). Charnley, Mitchell V. Reporting. (Holt, Reinhart & Winston, 3rd ed., 1975). Textbook on reporting, writing and editing. Chomsky, Noam and Edward S. Herman. The Political Economy of Human Rights. (Black Rose Books, Montreal, 2 vols., 1980) Essential reading for an understanding of the biases of the 'free press.' The authors show that the U. S. press serves as a propaganda agency for the free world role of the state, and achieves this without explicit government censorship. Clery, Val. Canada from the Newsstands. (MacMillan, Toronto, 1978). A selection from the best Canadian magazine journalism of the past 30 years, Dorfman, Ariel and Armand Mattelart. How to Read Donald Duck.
Epstein, Edward Jay. News from Nowhere. (Random House, 1973) pb. One of the best analyses of television programming, reporting and production ever published. U. S. focus. Very tough criticism. Gans, Herbert J. Deciding What's News. (Vintage Books, 1980) pb. Gans brilliantly analyses why media personnel conform to official views of reality, neglecting the perspectives and concerns of the majority of the population. Must reading for anyone wishing to understand the news media. Hindley, Pat; Gail Martin and Jean McNulty. The Tangled Net: Basic Issues in Canadian Communications. (Douglas, 1977). A good overview of the Canadian mass media, from book publishing to satellites. Kesterton, Wilfred. A History of Journalism in Canada. (McClelland and Stewart, 1967) pb. The authoritative history of the craft as practised in Canada. Kasterton, Wilfred. The Law and the Press in Canada. (McClelland and Stewart, 1967) pb. A useful overview and handbook for reporters and others who deal with the media. MacEwan, Grant. Eye Opener Bob. (Western Book Producer Service, 1974). This is about the Calgary Eye Opener, circa 1911, a classic small town newspaper run by a maverick publisher Bob Edwards. MacLean, Eleanor. Between the Lines. (Black Rose, Montreal, 1982). A book about detecting propaganda in Canadian media. Mander, Jerry. Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television. (Morrow 1978). "The most thought provoking book about the media I've read." Max Allen. Popert, Ken. “Ian Adams: Portrait of a Journalist,” Content, March-April 1980. This interview with Adams, an investigative reporter, deals with the flaw of modern media world: the packaging of information as entertainment for a consumer society, and self-censorship by journalists who know the establishment biases of their bosses. Rather, Dan, with Mickey Herskowitz. The Camera Never Blinks. (Ballantine, 1978) pb. This book started out to be a textbook of TV journalism but became a full-blown description of the field. Royal Commission on Newspapers. The report of the 1981 Kent Commission on Newspapers. Available at federal government bookstores or Supply and Services Canada, Hull, K1A OS9. Good analysis of the ownership of Canadian media, but it's recommendations were despised by mainstream editors and ignored by the government. Rutherford, Paul. The Making of the Canadian Media. (McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Toronto, 1978) pb. Conventional history. Schwartz, Tony. The Responsive Chord. (Doubleday, 1973) pb. This man knows television inside-out, having been a very successful advertising man; he reveals its secrets here. Smith Anthony. The Newspaper: An International History. (Thames & Hudson, 1979). An illustrated overview of world-wide development of the newspaper from medieval presses to the electronic age. Stewart, Walter, ed. Canadian Newspapers: The Inside Story. (Hurtig, Edmonton, 1980). Trueman, Peter. Smoke and Mirrors: An Anchorman's View of Television News. (McClelland and Stewart. 1980). Trueman worked his way up the CBC news hierarchy before he became anchorman at Global. He tells about it here. Wheeler, Michael. Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics: The Manipulation of Public Opinion in America. (Dell, 1976) pb. A review of Public Opinion polls in America. (Dell, 1976 pb. A review of the use and abuse of public opinion polls and other persuaders. Whitaker, Brian. News Ltd. "A book almost nobody has heard of, is written out of first hand newspaper experience and mixes very smart analysis with vivid anecdotes." Max Allen. Zwicker, Barrie, and Dick MacDonald. The News: Inside the Canadian
News Media. See especially the chapter "A news consumer's
guide," which deals with reaching, dealing with, praising and
complaining to mainstream media. Media for social change Alinsky, Saul. Rules for Radicals: A practical for realistic radicals. (Vintage Books, 1972) pb. This may become a sort of classic text for organizers bent on greater social and political justice. Amer, Elizabeth. Yes we can! How to organize citizen action. (Synergistics Consulting Ltd., Ottawa, 1980). Distributed in Toronto by Firefly Books Ltd., 3520 Pharmacy Ave., Unit IC, Scarborough, MIW 2T8, 499-8142. A guide to citizen action in the Canadian context. Gordon, Robbie. We Interrupt this program: A Citizen’s
Guide to Using the Media for Social Change. Citizen Involvement
Training Project, University of Massachusetts, 138 Hasbrouck, Amherst,
Mass. 01003, 1978. Editing and Printing Canadian Press Stylebook. Canadian Press, 36 King St. E., Toronto, M5C 2L9. Revised regularly. Caps and Spelling. Canadian Press, 36 King St. E., Toronto, M5C 2L9. Revised regularly. Canadian University Press Editors' Manual. C. U. P., 126 York St., Ottawa, KIN 575. Canadian University Press Guide to Sexiest Advertising. C. U. P., 126 York St., Ottawa, KIN 575. Harriss, Julian, and Stanley Johnson. The Complete Reporter. (MacMillan Co., 1965) A textbook on journalistic writing, it includes chapters on writing complete newspaper stories, broadcast news stories and features. It also includes a chapter on copy editing and headline writing. Ideas for Newsletter Editors. Published by Canadian Association of Labour Media. Available through the Canadian Labour Congress, 2841 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, KIV 8X7 MacCullum, John. What's Libel. Published by Canadian Association of Labour Media. Available through the Canadian Labour Congress. 2841 Riverside, Ottawa, KIV 8X7. Meach, Mark. Editing Your Newsletter. Coast Books, Oregon. The Printed Word. Published by the Community Information Services Division, Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Culture, Toronto. The Printing House Guide to Perfect Printing. Produced by the Printing House Co., Toronto. You Wanted a Newsletter. Published by the Canadian Labour
Congress, 2841 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, KIV 8X7 Design and Layout Ballinger, Raymond. Art and Reproduction. Van Nostrand Reinhold, (1977), 450 West 33 St., New York, N. Y. 10001. Brigham, Nancy. How to do Leaflets, Newsletters and Newspapers. New England Free Press (1976), 60 Union Square, Somerville, Mass. Burke, Clifford. Printing It. Book People, 2940 Seventh St., Berkeley, Cal., 94710. Craig, James. Phototypesetting: A Design Manual. Watson-Guptill Publications (1978), 1515 Broadway, New York, N. Y., 10036 Craig, James. Production for the Graphic Designer. Watson-Guptill Publications (1974), 1515 Broadway, New York, N. Y., 10036. Graham, Walter. Complete Guide to Paste-Up. Dot Paste-up Supply Co. (1980), 1612 California St., Omaha, Neb., 68102. Helmken, Charles. Creative Newsletter Graphics. CASE Creative Communications (1981), Ste. 530, One Dupont Circle, Washington, D. C., 200036. Lem, Dean Phillip. Graphics Master 2. Dean Lem Associates
(1977), Box 46086, Los Angeles, Cal., 90046. Pocket Pal: A Graphic Arts Production Handbook, International Paper Co. (1979), 220 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y., 10017. Strunk, Bill. Do-It-Yourself Mechanicals for the Beginner. Sauls' Lithgraph Co., 2424 Evarts St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 20018 (free). Zipatone Sample Package Kit, Zipatone Inc., 150 Fend Lane,
Hillsdale, 111., 60162 (free). Photography, slide-tape shows and scripts A Group Writing Process. Published by A Movement for a New Society, and available for $. 50 from Kai Visionworks Box 5490, Stn. A, Toronto, M5W IN7. A paper on writing a script or report as a collective. Blaker, Alfred A. Photography, Art and Technique. W. H. Freecer and Co., (1980). Clifford, Martin. Microphones: How They Work and How to Use Them. Tab Books (1977), Blue Ridge Summit, Penn. Eargle John. Sound Recording. Van Nostrand Reinhold (1977), New York Gassan, Arnold. Handbook for Contemporary Photography. Light
Impressions (1977);, Rochester, N. Y. Owens, Bill. Documentary Photography: A Personal View. Addison House (1978);, Danbury, N. H. Reynolds, Clyde. The Photoguide to Cameras. Londaon Focal Press(1976), London. Sussman, Aaron. The Amateur Photographer's Handbook. Thomas Y. Crowell Co. (1973). Swedlund, Charles. Photography: A Handbook of History, Materials and Processes. Holt, Rinehart & Winston (1981), New York. Upton, Barbara and John. Photography. Little, Brown &
CO. (1981), Boston, Toronto. Film Brady, Ben. The Keys to Writing for Television and Film.
Kendall-Hunt (1978), Dubuque, Iowa. Clifford, Martin. Microphones: How They Work and How to Use them. Tab Books (1977), Blue Ridge Summit, Penn. Costo, Sylvia Allen. How to Prepare a Production Budget for
Film and Video Tape. Tab Books(1977), Blue Ridge Summit, Penn.
888 Brady Ben The Keys for writing for Television and Film. Kendall-Hunt (1978), Dubuque, Iowa. Churchill, B. Film Editing Handbook. Wadsworth (1972), Belmont, Cal. Clarke, Charles G., and Walter Strange (eds). American Cinematographer's Manual. American Society of Cinematographer's (1973), Hollywood, Cal. Clifford Martin. Microphones; How they and How to Use Them. Tab Books (1977), Blue Ridge Summit, Penn. Costo, Sylvia Allen. How to Prepare a Production Budget for Film and Video Tape. Tab Books (1977), Blue Ridge Summit, Penn. Eargle, John. Sound Recording. Van Nostrand Reinhold (1973), New York. Lipton Lenny. Independent Film Making. Simon & Schuster (1972), New York Lipton, Lenny. The Super 8 Book. Simon and Schuster (1975), New York Mascellu, Joseph. The Five C's of Cinematography. Cine/Graphics Publications (1965), Hollywood, Cal. Millerson, Gerald. The Technique of Lighting for Television and Motion Pictures. Hastings House (1972), New York. Reisz, Karl and Millar Gavin. The Technique of Film Editing. The Focal Press (1968), New York. Rosenthal, Alan. The Documentary Conscience: A Casebook in Film Making. University of California Press (1983), Berkeley. Souto, H. Mario. The Techniques of the Motion Picture Camera.
Hastings House (1977), New York. Video and television Blum Richard A., Television Writing from Concept to Contract.
Hastings House (1980), New York Clifford Martin. Microphones: How They Work and How To Use Them. Tab Books (1977), Blue Ridge Summit, Penn. Costo, Sylvia Allen. How To Prepare a Production Budgets for Film and Video Tape. Tab Books (1977), Blue Ridge Summit, Penn. Eargle, John. Sound Recording. Van Nostrand Reinhold (1973), New York. Harwook Don. Video as a Second Language. VTR Publishing Co. (1975), New York. Hurrell, Ron. Television Graphics. Van Nostrand Reinhold (1976), New York. Jones, Martin D. How Cable TV May Change Our Lives. The Futurist, October, 1973. Marsh, Ken. Independent Video. Straight Arrow (1974), San Francisco. Millerson, Gerald. The Technique of Lighting for Television and Motion Pictures. Hastings House (1972), New York. Newcomb, Horace, ed. Television: The Critical View. Oxford (1979), New York. Shanks, Bob. The Cool Fire. Norton (1976), New York. Other Resources Publicity and Media Relations Resources - A selection of online resources about publicity and media relations, compiled by Connexions. Sources Select Resources - A substantial collection of reviews of books about media, journalism, writing, publishing, and of reference books, all published in Sources, the directory for Canada's media. Media Names & Numbers - If you're going to contact the media, you need a good media list. This directory (in print, online, and also available as a database and mailing list) has listings and contact information for all print and online media in Canada. Also available as a database and mailing list. Sources - The directory which connects organizations with messages to get out to journalists looking for spokespeople and experts on the issues they are covering. Both the online and print versions of Sources are widely used by reporters, editors, producers and freelancers working on stories. - Web site featuring practical articles about media relations and public relations. Expose
Yourself - A booklet about effective media relations,
providing practical advice about getting media coverage and relating
to the media. (CX5013)
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