Bread and Wine
Silone, Ignazio
Publisher: Signet ClassicsYear First Published: {23109 Bread and Wine BREAD AND WINE Silone, Ignazio Signet Classics One of the 20th century's essential novels depicting Fascism's rise in Italy. Set and written in Fascist Italy, this book exposes that regime's use of brute force for the body and lies for the mind. Through the story of the once-exiled Pietro Spina, Italy comes alive with priests and peasants, students and revolutionaries, all on the brink of war. 1937 2005 304pp B Book 978-0451529787 CX8727 0 false true false CX8727.htm [0xc0002dbe60 0xc0003007b0 0xc000572120] Cx} Year Published: 2005 Pages: 304pp ISBN: 978-0451529787 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX8727 One of the 20th century's essential novels depicting Fascism's rise in Italy. Set and written in Fascist Italy, this book exposes that regime's use of brute force for the body and lies for the mind. Through the story of the once-exiled Pietro Spina, Italy comes alive with priests and peasants, students and revolutionaries, all on the brink of war. Subject Headings |