Haiti Beyond the Headlines
October 13, 2011
· Free public forum. Eyewitness reports on weak and inadequate post-earthquake reconstruction · Paralysis of the presidency of Michel Martelly · Wikileaks documents exposing role of U.S. government and its allies in subverting Haiti's sovereignty and development · Crimes of UN intervention and Haitian resistance to UN military occupation · Roger Annis, coordinator of the Canada Haiti Action Network in Vancouver and director of a ten-day fact-finding and solidarity mission to Haiti in June, 2011 · Rosena Joseph, learning coach in Toronto, member of CUPE Local 3393 and member of the fact-finding mission · Kim Ives, editor of Haiti Liberté, a news weekly based in Brooklyn and Port au Prince · Kevin Edmonds,THAC member and co-author of "Stabilizing Haiti: Mission Accomplished?" - Forthcoming report on the UN role in Haiti
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Venue: University of Toronto, Sidney Smith Hall, Room 2135
Location: 100 St. George Street Toronto, ON
Website: http://www.thac.ca/
For information contact: Niraj, torontohaitiaction@gmail.com
Categories: International
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