12th Annual Lit Mag Marathon Weekend
June 09, 2011 to June 10, 2011
New York, NY The magazines may be little, but the weekend is big, big, big! It's time once again for CLMP's annual Lit Mag Marathon Weekend, a massive showcase of America's diverse literary magazines and journals. EDITORS UNLEASHED! The Magathon New York Public Library's Periodicals Room, 5th Ave. at 42nd St. Saturday, June 9th from 4-6:30 PM
The Magathon kicks off the weekend with a celebratory "marathon" reading. Editors representing journals of different sizes and styles will present favorite selections from their latest issues. Readers include editors from A Public Space, Alimentum, Antioch Review, Habitus: A Diaspora Journal, Lungfull! Magazine, Mid-American Review, New York Quarterly, Opium Magazine, One Story, The Reading Room, Redivider, Short Story, SLAB, Stone Canoe,Tantalum, Tuesday; An Art Project, Waterways, and zingmagazine.
BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! 8th Annual Lit Mag Fair at Housing Works Housing Works Used Book Caf�, 126 Crosby Street in Soho Sunday, June 10th from 12-5PM
Lit fiends can take home armfuls of lit mags discounted more than 50% at only $2 a copy! Choose from hundreds of magazines from all over the country and hobnob with many of the editors who'll be there in person to meet and greet. Proceeds go to Housing Works, a nonprofit organization serving homeless people living with AIDS, and to The Council of Literary Magazines and Presses, a nonprofit organization serving independent literary publishers.
Venue: See Description
Location: New York, NY
Website: http://www.clmp.org/news/060107.html, https://www.clmp.org/fairforms/nyc_2011.html
Categories: Arts & Culture
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