
Connexions Calendar

Apartment613’s Kitchen Talk, at Zen Kitchen

December 04, 2010

We at the local community blog Apartment613 are really into food. We think that the opportunity to talk a bit more about how and what we eat is a good way to spend a few hours (especially if it includes munching on the delicious fare at Zen Kitchen).

With the help of our friends at Just Food, Apartment613 is organizing a lunchtime “kitchen talk” on the topic of access to food in urban areas. This discussion is one way we can contribute to the People’s Food Policy Project at the national level, and the municipal food policy project Food For All. A representative from Just Food will guide us through the topic and we’ll post some of the outcomes of the discussion on the blog to continue the conversation.

If you are bothered by the fact that one in ten urban residents has limited or inadequate access to food due to financial constraints, or want to see more food grown and sold in the urban areas of Ottawa (and not just at farmer’s markets), then this is the perfect (and delicious) opportunity to express yourself. Thank you to Just Food and Zen Kitchen for helping to make this event happen.

Tickets are $20 to cover the cost of the meal and you can reserve your ticket by contacting editors (at)

Time: 12:0opm-2:00pm
Venue: Zen Kitchen
Location: 634 Somerset Street West Ottawa, ON
For information contact: Moe Garahan
Phone: 613-236-9300x311
Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives

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