In Retrospect
November 28, 2010
A conversation about 10 years of Palestine solidarity activism in Toronto
Panelists: Naomi Binder Wall, Sue Goldstein, Nahed Mansour, Mohammed Mohsen, Khaled Mouammar
Organized and moderated by: Gita Hashemi
The 10th anniversary of the Second Intifada also marks the 10th anniversary of the Friday vigil in front of the Israeli Consulate held by Women in Solidarity with Palestine (formerly Jewish Women's Committee to End the Occupation, JWCEO). As we observe these anniversaries on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people, we ask:
How has our work related to the events on the ground in Palestine-Israel and how has it changed? Where are we now and where do we want to go with our activisms?
As the dynamics in Palestine-Israel have evolved and events unfolded over the past ten years we have witnessed both continuities and changes in the directions, the politics and the faces of solidarity activisms in Toronto. In this conversation we open a space for reflecting on the diversity and the intersections of our local solidarity activisms in the last decade.
Please join us and participate in a stimulating and productive conversation as our panel of activists share their perspectives on some of the key events, moments and formations that have shaped Palestine solidarity activisms in Toronto.
Time: 2-5pm
Venue: Beit Zatoun
Location: 612 Markham Street (by Bathurst subway) Toronto, ON
Website: http://www.beitzatoun.org
For information contact: info@beitzatoun.org
Phone: 647.726.9500
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