CEC annual public meeting & webcast of the North American Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) Project (Nov 3 & 4)
November 03, 2010 to November 04, 2010
The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) invites you to participate in the annual public meeting of the North American Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) Project, to be held in Washington, DC, USA, on 3-4 November 2010.
You may follow this event from anywhere in the world via webcast as well.
The meeting offers a forum for citizens and representatives of industry, academia, and governmental and nongovernmental organizations concerned with North American environmental pollution to share knowledge and ideas relating to PRTRs and access to public information.
This meeting will highlight developments in the CEC’s North American PRTR Project, including new web-based tools that facilitate access to PRTR data from each country and their analysis. In addition, officials from Canada, Mexico and the United States will also present updates on their respective PRTR programs.
In the course of putting its strategic plan for 2010-2015 into action, the CEC in this meeting will also analyze the relevance of PRTR data in supporting two regional environmental priorities: Healthy Communities and Ecosystems and Greening the North American Economy.
Venue: Washington Marriott Wardman Park
Location: 2660 Woodley Road NW Washington DC
Website: http://www.cec.org
For information contact: Marilou Nichols, mnichols (at) cec.org
Phone: (+1 514) 350-4341
Categories: Environment
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