The Real News: Reporting reality
November 11, 2010
Join Lia Tarachansky, The Real News Middle East correspondent, for a look at independent media in the region and on the net. Recently returned from Israel/Palestine, Lia will show some of the videos she's done in the region. Her stories dig deep to answer the central questions at the heart of the news events. To view trailer. No corporate dollars, no government funding, no advertising, no profit. Just viewer supported uncompromised journalism. The Real News -- an independent network that delivers hard-hitting investigative videos online.
Since 2007 The Real News has produced more than 4,500 videos with more than 50 million viewers. The Real News is building a permanent base on the ground to broadcast video news by independent local Palestinian and Israeli voices to a global audience. You are invited to join the discussion at this intimate fundraising evening to kickstart the building of a Real News bureau in the Middle East.
Need to know:
- No charge (suggested donation for Beit Zatoun at the door) - Sorry, not wheelchair accessible - Tasty snacks and refreshments (non-alcoholic) with oliveoil+za'atar dipping.
Time: 7:30-9:30pm
Venue: Beit Zatoun
Location: 612 Markham Street (by Bathurst subway) Toronto, ON
For information contact: info@beitzatoun.org
Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
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