Music to Float a Boat: Canadian Boat to Gaza Fundraiser
October 29, 2010
Soulful sound makers from East and West raise their voices to help launch the Canada Boat to Gaza. The Canada Boat to Gaza is the ambitious vision of Canadian advocates for justice, peace and rights for Palestinians. The goal is to raise $300,000 to send a Canadian-registered ship as part of the international Free Gaza flotilla, to join boats from the U.S., India and many European countries.
Since the killings on the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara in May, Israeli officials have been under growing international pressure to end the blockade of Gaza, which bans the flow of virtually all goods - medical, food, fuel, water, construction, etc. The Canada Boat will set sail loaded with vital supplies for civilians and return to Canada with exports from Gaza.
As artists who are committed to making the world a more humane place, the following performers offer up their art and all proceeds from the evening to support the Canada Boat to Gaza:
· Andrea Koziol, a brilliant singer songwriter, has just released her fifth CD "Half Way Sweet". www.andreakoziol.com
· Joanna de Souza & Chhandam Dance Company, Kathak (Indian dance) with Kiran Phull and Chad Walasek. www.mdo-tte.org
· Maryem Tollar, renown Egyptian-Canadian singer, www.maryemtollar.com · Roula Said, Palestinian-Canadian dancer and vocalist www.omlaila.com
· LAL – an electronic ensemble with bassist, Ian de Souza, singer, Rosina Kazi and lap topist, Nicholas Murray. http://radio3.cbc.ca/bands/Lal
*PWYC ($10 to $20 suggested)
Time: 7:30-10:30pm
Venue: Beit Zatoun
Location: 612 Markham Street (by Bathurst subway) Toronto, ON
For information contact: info@beitzatoun.org
Categories: International
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