
Connexions Calendar

Real aid, true solidarity: An anti-war benefit evening for Afghanistan and Palestine featuring Malalai Joya

October 12, 2010 to October 17, 2010

Real aid, true solidarity: An anti-war benefit evening for Afghanistan and Palestine featuring Malalai Joya

-Plus other guest speakers on Palestine and Pakistan, musical performances and more... Additional event details coming soon!

Malalai Joya was the youngest woman elected to Afghanistan's parliament in 2005, but was expelled from her position and has faced five assassination attempts because of her opposition to the warlords in the Karzai regime and her fearless advocacy of women's rights. She has emerged as one of the most prominent voices against NATO's war, with TIME magazine recently naming her as one of the 100 most influential people in the world.

With the Canadian government threatening to extend Canada's support of the occupation of Afghanistan beyond 2011, this special evening is an important chance to hear directly from an Afghan women's leader about the war.

In addition, your contributions will go towards bringing genuine aid to the people directly affected by Canadian foreign policy in both Afghanistan and Palestine. Money raised will be go to support two very worth causes:

-The Canadian Boat to Gaza, a civil society initiative to challenge the siege of Gaza and bring urgently needed humanitarian aid. (See

-Malalai Joya's Defense Committee, which provides much needed financial support to a free medical clinic in Farah Province, and works to support other grassroots health and education projects throughout Afghanistan. (See

Time: 7:00 pm
Venue: W2
Location: 151 W. Cordova Vancouver, BC
For information contact:
Categories: Women

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