
Connexions Calendar

Remixology 2: Harnessing the crowd

October 06, 2010

Come get media fresh!

From, Fresh Media ReMixology is a series bringing people together to sample and share ideas in discussions lead by some of Vancouver's best and brightest media remixologists! We sold out twice for our first event, and we're even more excited about October's ReMixology Awesomeness! We have innovators and experts from the journalism, creative, and open source communities primed to discuss crowd sourced media making.

And again we expect as much wisdom and expertise to come from audience as from the front of the room. At our first event our audience included award winning documentary producers, social media experts, and well known media makers from the NFB, Georgia Straight, Vancouver Sun, TheTyee, Beyond Robson, VancouverIsAwesome, and many more.

TOPIC: Harnessing The Crowd: The Evolving Crowdsourcing/Collaboration/OpenEverything Continuum

*how can media makers and artists harness the power of the crowd?

SPEAKERS: Alfred Hermida (online news pioneer, professor of integrated journalism at the UBC), Leigh Christie (co-founder of eatART), and David Ascher (CEO of Mozilla Messaging).

WHY: Because inquiring minds need to discuss! Because connecting and collaborating matters. Because Vancouver needs a launch pad for media innovation, and we want you to be a part of it.

TICKETS: $5 advanced tickets ($10 at the door). No one turned away for lack of funds.

Time: 6:30pm
Venue: W2 Storyeum Salon
Location: 151 West Cordova Vancouver, BC
Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language

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