Criticize Israel -- Go to Jail?
September 29, 2010
Dr. Michael Keefer, author of Antisemitism Real and Imagined, speaks on growing threat to free speech on Israel/Palestine. Increasingly, accusations are made that criticism of the state of Israel and its actions and policies constitute what they call a "new antisemitism." Instead of engaging in a free and open discussion of the issues, Israel's defenders are working to intimidate or censor Israel's critics. It's gone so far that a group of MPs from Conservatives, Liberals and NDP organized public hearings to investigate this new antisemitism. The CPCCA will release its report in November, and it's likely it will recommend that human rights legislation or hate speech laws be altered to outlaw criticism of Israel. Dr. Keefer is touring from Vancouver to Winnipeg to urge the public to act to protect the basic right to free expression and refuse to be silenced by this new form of McCarthyism.
Time: 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Venue: 204 University College
Location: University of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB
For information contact: Brian LaTour (latour999@hotmail.com)
Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal
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