Film: Waltz with Bashir
September 17, 2010
Almost 30 years after the event, the massacre at Sabra and Shatila within the Lebanon War of 1982 remains a chilling memory to the inhumanity and abuse of military power over the lives and deaths of ordinary people.
The damage to both victim and victimizer is captured admirably by the animated documentary film, Waltz with Bashir. Released in 2008, it is written and directed by Ari Folman who took part as a soldier in the Lebanon War.
SYNOPSIS: In 1982, Ari Folman was a 19-year-old infantry soldier in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). In 2006, he meets with a friend from his army service period, who tells him of the nightmares connected to his experiences from the Lebanon War. Folman is surprised to find that he does not remember a thing from that period. Later that night he has a vision from the night of the Sabra and Shatila massacre, the reality of which he is unable to tell. In his memory (Scene on poster above), he and his soldier friends are bathing at night by the seaside in Beirut under the light of flares descending over the city. Folman rushes off to meet another friend from his army service, who advises him to discuss it with other people who were in Beirut at the same time in order to understand what happened there and to revive his own memories. Folman converses with friends, a psychologist and the reporter Ron Ben-Yishai who was in Beirut at the time. The film ends with animation dissolving into actual footage of the aftermath of the Sabra and Shatila massacre.
Time: 7:30pm-10:00pm
Venue: Beit Zatoun
Location: 612 Markham Street (by Bathurst subway) Toronto, ON
Website: http://www.beitzatoun.org
Phone: 647.726.9500
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