Film: Hyphen Islam-Christianity
September 12, 2010
The short documentary film is an integral part of a project which produced a 800-plus photographs collected in the book by the same name. It offers a more dynamic and fast-moving testimony of ordinary people, Christians and Muslims, living together in peace in what has been at various times a war-torn country.
The documentary presents interviews with people from many parts of Lebanon through the personal experience of the filmmaker in her country of origin. Individuals speak of their life with neighbors, friends, family members, who happen to be of the "other" religious persuasion.
Through interviews, viewers glimpse landscapes, personal and family stories that help to create a country's history and identity. The documentary presents an opportunity to have a closer relationship with the people interviewed and their reality which often conflicts with the images transmitted in the West of irreconcilable and deadly differences.
Video - 26 minutes followed by conversation with Filmmaker, Nada Raphael.
Nada Raphael is the photographer and producer of Hyphen Islam-Christianity. Nada studied in Beirut and Montreal and received a Bachelor's degrees in audiovisual studies, in communication and in journalism. She has variously worked as a photographer, a camera woman, a journalist, a theater director and a project manager.
Time: 2pm-4pm
Venue: Beit Zatoun
Location: 612 Markham Street (by Bathurst subway) Toronto, ON
Website: http://www.beitzatoun.org
Phone: 647.726.9500
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