R.D. Lawrence Literary Festival
August 13, 2010 to August 14, 2010
Join us in the beautiful Haliburton Highlands as we celebrate literary artists! Located right in the heart of Minden, the Minden Hills Cultural centre features the Agnes Jamieson Gallery, the Minden Hills Museum (which features many buildings you can discover firsthand from historic Minden) and the R.D. Lawrence Centre, a museum and literary centre dedicated to Ron Lawrence, an author and conservationist whose fascinating life is preserved within our environmentally friendly sustainable building! Ron Lawrence spent his life rescuing and rehabilitating animals and capturing their stories in 30 books, published in 32 countries, in 17 languages. His love of the written word made him a talented, briliant journalist and author of both fiction and non-fiction nature books. The centre strives to nourish the love of literature, and the Literary Festival is an opportunity for creative minds to meet and share!
The festival returns for the second year and will be under the big top tent at the Minden Hills Cultural Centre as part of a three-week cultural festial. The literary festival will run August 13 and 14. There will be activities all day and a gala event on the evening of the 13. On August 14 there will be a children's program in the morning, family activities in the afternoon and on the grounds a concert by Highlands Brass. Also for those interested in playwriting, on the evening of August 14, the Minden Fringe will be happening at Wintergreen. Details will be posted here as the festival schedule is confirmed.
If you are interested in volunteering for the festival, are a writer interested in participating, or would like any further information then please call Sheryl Loucks at 286-2298. For information about last year's festival authors please see the information below.
Venue: Minden Hills Cultural Centre
Location: 174-176 Bobcaygeon Road Minden, ON
Website: http://www.mindenculturalcentre.com
For information contact: Sheryl Loucks rdlawrenceplace@mindenhills.ca
Phone: 705-286-2298
Categories: Children & Youth
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